lego set 8821

lego set 8821

lego set 8781

Lego Set 8821


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New to the Playseum! Drop your kids off and enjoy a night out! View our calendar page for more info!See what others are saying. What is a PLAYSEUM? The PLAYSEUM is a place to build good family memories that engage all five senses.  We are a Children's Used Book Store in the design of a kid-size city, with hands-on fun throughout 12 different rooms! Want to know more click on the link. In brief: Parent & child can explore the labyrinth of themed playrooms and activity centers that range from soft blocks and Legos to mini manicures, pretend grocery shopping, petting an animal in a live pet shop or creating something in the art shop or baking something in the bakery!  We have activities galore for everyone—babies –to-tweens to –parents—making the PLAYSEUM a must-do for the whole family. Admission: Simple- $9 per person adult or child, unless the child is under 11 months then they are free. This gives you an all day access to all of the play areas as well as the live pet shop and story times which are twice a day.

Customize your visit: Buy PLAYSEUM dollars upon entry 1 for 1 and get the full experience.  Playseum currency is fun to have if your kids are over 5 years of age. The average "Playseum activity that is done with staff is $4.  We want your kids to learn how to spend wisely and budget their money. If you buy at the door upon entry get 25 for $20. They never expire and even snacks, drinks and books can be purchased with Playseum bucks. THere is a comprehensive list of items to be boughts with bucks; just click on Buzz Books. All PLAYSEUM dollars activities are led by our friendly staff at the soap bar, the art shop or in the bakery.  The purpose of these activites are to engage all five senses and stimulate parent-child interaction. They are always done on demand, no reservations are needed. PLEASE BE SURE TO VISIT OUR CALENDAR page to check for special events, times and closures. It is firmly believed by Ms. Gina that when creativity collides with laughter and wisdom is applied good memories are born.

CityShops are so much fun and set up to expand your child's imagination. Your child can make a pretend pizza, shop for groceries, or pet an animal at the pet shop...there is so much to see. We've just named a few. Each CityShop has several books that are related to that room. For example, you might find a children's cookbook in our bakery or a "Fancy Nancy" book in our beauty salon. Every book you see is available for purchase or you can just enjoy reading them to your child during your visit. Our ONE scheduled event each day is our story time. Story times run for about 15 minutes each Monday - Friday at 11am on Saturdays 11am, 2pm and 5pm and on Sundays at 2pm and 5pm. There is more fun!!! You may want to purchase playseum money to do some of our "above and beyond" activities to enjoy more interactive fun with your child! You can: create something new in the art room, paint a ceramic, make your own chapstick, have your nails painted, make homemade pasta (DC location only), toothpaste, whip up a strawberry smoothie or decorate a cupcake with yummy toppings, and so much more!

Admission is $9 per person. The playseum can be enjoyed by all, but targeted to kids 1yrs old to 11yrs old.You do not need to call ahead, no resevations needed nor memberships. Come in on your own time and spend as long as you would like. Your admission covers the whole day and with a wristband you can go out for lunch and come back in on the same day. Need the Basic Info? Info on Parking, Policies, Hours, Directions, Special Events... We also do Birthday Parties and Fieldtrips! Yearly memberships are now available.No abstract is available for this article.From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This page is based on a Wikipedia article written by Text is available under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license; additional terms may apply. Images, videos and audio are available under their respective licenses. Cover photo is available under {{ || Add your first bookmark by selecting some text or hovering over a link. Look for the bookmark icon.

Already have this bookmark Date: {{( | date:'mediumDate') || Uploaded by: {{}} on {{ | date:'mediumDate'}} License: {{ || || || View file on Wikipedia Thanks for reporting this video!Media analyst Rich Greenfield of Pali Research today writes (registration required) that his prediction for Monsters vs. Aliens’ worldwide box office estimate of $483M is “conservative ($186 domestic, $297 international), given the recent strength in domestic movie attendance trends (consumers escaping from the gloomy economy) and the benefit the movie should see from premium 3-D” pricing. He also calculates exactly the upcharge for the DreamWorks Animation’s toon. On DWA’s year end conference call back in February, Jeffrey Katzenberg thought it would be in the “meaningful” $5 range for the domestic market. Greenfield says it’s around $3.18.

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