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Lego Marvel Ps4 Last Gold Brick


This game showed up earlier than expected and is very addicting. As addicting as cocaine I would have to say. Man, I wish I had some cocaine right now...Over the years we've had Lego games aplenty, from the worlds of The Hobbit and Harry Potter realised in coloured bricks we know and love, to the likes of Batman and Indiana Jones. It's tough to think of a movie series that doesn't have a Lego game attached to it. While Star Wars: The Force Awakens debuted in cinemas late last year, its brick-filled, digital equivalent is only available right now, on every platform, including the PS Vita. Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens follows the events of the film quite closely, although it starts off with the end of Return of the Jedi. One might assume that this was done to give some context to the Force Awakens, but considering that there was an entire game devoted to the original trilogy, there's no reason for this. Well, aside from padding the game's content.And pad it does. Much like Lego Marvel's Avengers, scenes of the movie are liberally replaced with filler sections.

These include trying to open the Resistance base door or gathering supplies for the Millenium Falcon. Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens manages to eke out around six to eight hours from a two hour and 15 minute movie. For most part it follows the long-running formula of many a Lego game. You'll solve a few puzzles, shoot some enemies, and jump across a couple of platforms. All of this is par for the course, as it has been since the inception of these Lego games in 2005. The boss battles with their quick-time events force you to press the displayed button within a rather generous duration. The result would be a game that's highly monotonous, if it were not for two additions to gameplay. In Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens, there are segments that allow you to hide behind cover and gun down foes akin to Gears of War, and you can also fly the franchise's ships in combat. Both sport intuitive, responsive controls, and add a sense of variation to a series that's largely worn out its welcome.

When the game was leaked a few months ago, it was touted that the game will "feature exclusive playable content" to fill in the gap between Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi and Star Wars: The Force Awakens. These would expand on incidents mentioned or left out of the movie. Some of these missions are memorable, such as Admiral Ackbar being rescued by Poe Dameron, or the origins of how Han Solo and Chewbacca got tentacled beasts onto their cargo ship. Others such as playing Lor San Tekka (the old man from the beginning of the movie) are sleep inducing. Although we weren't convinced that having blocky characters show off unseen plot points is a good idea, the execution is effective enough to get the message across.With six post-game levels to unlock, experiencing all of them becomes an effort in itself. To access them, you'll need a lot of Gold Bricks that you have to take on side missions or replay main missions to find and collect. We can't help but feel that instead of locking the additional content to pad game length, this would be a better game if it was all available right after completion of the main story.

So if you're looking for your fix of Star Wars, Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens might keep you occupied. Unless you've played any game in the Lego series prior to this. Recommended for die-hard Star Wars fans and newcomers to Lego games only.Rating (out of 10): 6We played a review copy of Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens on the PS4. The game is available on the PC, PS3, PS4,PS Vita, Xbox 360, and Xbox One. It costs Rs. 499 on PC, Rs. 1,799 on PS Vita, Rs. 1999 on PS3 and Xbox 360, and Rs. 2,499 on PS4 and Xbox One.Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Wii U, Xbox One Generally favorable reviews- based on 130 Ratings Please sign in or create an account before writing a review. Check box if your review contains spoilers users found this helpful All this user's reviews All this user's reviewsHere's how to earn lots of studs in the LEGO Dimensions Adventure Time level pack and Adventure World. LEGO Dimensions Adventure Time: How to Earn Lots of Studs

Here's how to earn lots of studs in the LEGO Dimensions Adventure Time level pack and Adventure World. Studs are the universal currency in the LEGO series of video games. You use them to make in-game purchases and upgrades, including (but not limited to) vehicle upgrades, Adventure World renovations, and Rent-a-Hero options for level blockades that can only be handled by certain characters. The LEGO Dimensions Adventure Time level pack is no exception. When you collect enough studs to fill up your Stud Bar (shown at the top of the screen whenever you gather studs), you earn the Rulebreaker status, a Gold brick, and possibly an achievement / trophy. Studs come in five different denominations. Silver studs are the most common, and each one is worth ten points. Gold studs are also fairly common, and worth 100 points. Blue studs aren't very common, and are worth 1,000 points. Purple studs are quite rare, and worth 10,000 points. Shiny purple studs are exceptionally rare, and worth 100,000 points.

There are two ways to earn studs in Adventure Time: Via the level pack's adventure (wherein Finn and Jake complete trials to find the Enchiridion, then track and fight the Lich), and in the open Adventure World, which has lots of studs to find and quests you can complete. The Adventure Time Adventure World also grants you the opportunity to buy the "Mathematical!" Red Block, which gives you extra studs when you rack up combat combo multipliers. Find it, equip it, and use it. Here are some general tips on earning lots of studs in LEGO Dimensions' Adventure Time levels. Need some help finding the Adventure Time minikit pieces / Royal Tarts? We can help you with that. Take a vehicle -- Vehicles (like the Jakemobile) reduce enemies to pieces in record time, which means you waste less time punching, kicking, and slicing. Just run over your quarry and collect their studs. If possible, you might want to upgrade your vehicle so that it pulls studs towards you like a magnet. Some skills, like Harry Potter's "Accio Studs," serve the same purpose.

Break everything (use Finn's crossbow to help) -- Bashing things apart is the #1 way to earn studs in LEGO games, and that goes for LEGO Dimensions Adventure Time, too. But it can admittedly be kind of hard to tell what objects you can interact with, and which are just background setpieces. A good way to tell the difference (and take apart breakable objects at the same time) is to aim the reticle of Finn's crossbow all around an area. Breakable objects will be marked, which you can then fire on for studs. Take as many characters with you as possible -- Oftentimes, the only way to find those elusive blue and purple studs is to break down walls and objects that only characters from outside properties can access. For instance, the Land of Ooo has a few walls that can only be torn down with Harry Potter's magic. If you have a Harry figure you can bring into the game, breaking down those walls often reveal large bricks stuffed with rare, valuable studs. Cross-pollenate whenever you can!

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