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Lego Batman 3 Smotret Online


LEGO THE LORD OF THE RINGS software © 2012 TT Games Publishing Ltd. Produced by TT Games under license from the LEGO Group. © 2012 The LEGO group. © 2012 New Line Productions Inc. All The Lord of the Rings content other than content from the New Line films © 2012 The Saul Zaentz Company d/b/a Middle-earth Enterprises (“SZC”). Mithril, Morgul, The Lord of the Rings and the names of the characters, items, events and places therein are trademarks of SZC under license to Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. “PlayStation" and the "PS" Family logo are registered trademarks and the PlayStation Network Logo is a trademark Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Nintendo properties are trademarks of Nintendo. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. KINECT, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox LIVE, and the Xbox logos are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies and are used under license from Microsoft. WB GAMES LOGO, WBIE LOGO, WB SHIELD: ™ & © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.(s12)

Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League vs. Bizarro League It's up to the Justice League to team up with their bizarre counterparts to stop Darkseid and save the galaxy! Lego DC Comics: Batman Be-Leaguered Superman wants Batman to join his new superhero team, but Batman prides himself on being a self-sufficient loner. Lego Batman: The Movie - DC Super Heroes Unite When the Joker and Lex Luthor form an alliance, Batman must team up with the Justice League in order to stop them. Lego Marvel Super Heroes: Maximum Overload Spider-Man and Marvel's Super Heroes take on a mischievous Loki and a team of super villains in an all-new LEGO adventure Lego Scooby-Doo!: Haunted Hollywood The Scooby gang try to rescue an old movie studio, which is not only threatened by developers, but a series of movie monsters too. Lego Star Wars: The Padawan Menace Ian,a young boy,Commander Cody and Yoda must go to rescue the secret battle plans.However,when substitute teacher C-3PO and a class of padawans go too,things become more complicated....

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Бесспорным символом справедливости и силы среди персонажей комиксов является Бэтмен – герой, одетый в костюм летучей мыши. Он всегда был стражем порядка в своем городе, но предпочитал делать это в одиночестве. Даже Супермен уверен, что Бэтмен один из самых умных и отважных борцов с преступностью в Готэме. В очередной раз по сюжету мультфильма «Лего Бэтмен: В осаде» фантастический герой был занят схваткой со злодеями. Тут к нему прилетел Супермен и предложил стать членом Лиги Справедливости. Бэтмен, не раздумывая, наотрез отказался, поскольку не хотел работать в команде, пусть даже состоящей из борцов с силами зла.

Прошло немного времени и произошло необъяснимое событие: все состоящие в Лиге Справедливости члены команды по неизвестным причинам бесследно исчезли буквально всего за несколько часов. Было непонятно, кто же мог одолеть супергероев, каждый из которых обладал недюжинной силой. Вскоре Бэтмен получил от злодея Бэт-майта сообщение, что он хитростью заманил членов Лиги в смертельную ловушку, и если одинокому герою, сражающемуся в одиночестве, не удастся спасти пленников, тогда преступник уничтожит их при помощи лазерной пушки. Школа монстров / Monster High

Маша и Медведь все серии Гора Священного меча: Пир Звездной пыли / Банкет Звездной пыли 2 сезон Военная хроника маленькой девочки: Сага о Злой Тане Ben 10: Up to Speed Teen Titans Go - Be Mine Riding the Storm out (Mandarin) Lego Legends of Chima (more commonly referred to as Lego Chima) is a theme of Lego toys released in 2013. The toys are set in a fantasy-style land called "Chima", in which various tribes resembling different animals are at war with one another; they all battle to collect a substance called CHI, which comes in crystal orbs and has magical powers.[1] CHI Orbs can be worn or used within weapons. The theme also contains a playable game called Speedorz. This lego theme spawned the television series Legends of Chima, as well as several video games. A magazine, Lego Legends of Chima was also produced in the UK, with a free collectible Lego included with each copy.

Lego Chima resembles an earlier theme, Lego Ninjago, which began in 2011, which similarly led to a TV series and other adaptations and also contains a playable game-within-the-game. Chima is a land where anthropomorphic animals lived in peace with one another until a conflict caused a civil war with the 19 animal tribes: There are also several creatures not affiliated with any tribes: The members of the factions fiercely battle over a powerful natural resource called Chi, which could allow its possessor to create or destroy. Once a pristine, natural paradise, CHIMA has become a battle ground for eight animal tribes. Best friends are now enemies. The animals fight for control of a natural resource called CHI, a powerful element that is both a source of life and potential destruction. Only a few brave heroes in CHIMA understand the true nature of CHI, and the possible downfall of CHIMA that will result from its misuse. Their stories, and the stories of those who seek to destroy them, are known as the legends of CHIMA.

For a thousand years, animal tribes have ruled the land of CHIMA and lived in peace. They played and worked together, cooperated and prospered until the outbreak of the CHIMA conflicts. Laval, Cragger, Eris, Razar, Worriz, Gorzan, Skinnet, Rogon and Bladvic' are friends at first. One day, Cragger wants to visit the Sacred Pool of Chi in the Lion Chi Temple. Laval brings Cragger into the temple. Cragger does not listen to Laval's advice and slips a Chi into his chest. Cragger says to Laval: "I have 'Unleashed The Power'!" Then, Cragger goes crazy and runs all over the place. King Crominus, Cragger's father, and Crunket, Cragger's mother, go to the Lion Chi temple to recover their son, but it turns to a heated debate. The next day, Cragger brings Worriz to the temple to feel the Chi power. But when they enter the temple, Lagravis, Leonidas, Longtooth and Laval stop them. Worriz runs away quickly. Cragger retreats, but accidentally starts a war with the lions, where his parents disappear down the Gorge of Eternal Depth.

Lagravis then tells Laval about the great story... As the first species to drink from the Ancient Pool of CHI flowing from Mount Cavora, the Lions had become its sworn protectors. No one had ever challenged the Lions' custodianship of the Pool because the Lions had always been reliable and fair with the CHI, and although the Crocodiles butt heads with them, they were wise enough to avoid open conflict. Animals throughout the land relied on the magical CHI orbs to energize their vehicles, gear, and themselves. The orbs were a power source that the Lions had always shared equally with everyone. As the Crocodile Prince Cragger ascended the throne in the absence of his parents after a war with the lions, he knew the Lions were innocent, but his sister Crooler was able to hypnotize him and declare war. Full-scale conflict broke out between the Crocodiles and the Lions. The Ravens and the Wolves side with the crocodiles. The Eagles and Gorillas stay with the lions. As conflict spreads, the fate of CHIMA hangs in the balance.

After much fighting, with ups and downs for Cragger, a mysterious black cloud comes in and runs Mount Cavora dry. There is one big final battle, where Laval fakes his death and the villains gain the upper hand due to their strategy, and outnumbering them, since they bribed the rhinos while the bears slept through it all. The fight ended in Laval, who faked his death, bringing the legendary Crocodile Legend Beast with Cragger's mother, Crunket, in tow. An estatic Cragger ends the war, but Crunket informs them of dark tribes that want to steal all of their CHI. It has only begun. Main article: Legends of Chima In 2013, three Chima based games were released. The first is a game titled Legends of Chima: Speedorz was made available on the Lego website and for iOS on January 3, 2013. It is a racing game centered around collecting Lego studs and to battling animals.[3] The second game, Lego Legends of Chima: Laval's Journey, released on June 25, 2013 for PlayStation Vita and Nintendo 3DS and released on August 31, 2013 for Nintendo DS.

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