iv vitamin c manufacturer

iv vitamin c manufacturer

iv vitamin c london

Iv Vitamin C Manufacturer


INTRAVENOUS VITAMIN C — A CANCER TREATMENT ? Approximately 20 years ago I received a telephone call from a physician in California. He was interested in speaking with me about my treatment of cancer with high doses of ascorbic acid (Vitamin C). He had heard from the manufacturer who produces the intravenous form of Vitamin C that I was utilizing this treatment in animals with cancer. It was a very interesting conversation since he had been doing it in humans for almost 30 years! I was totally surprised. I had done much research on the topic and was confused as to why this was not a treatment that was being utilized and researched in both humans and animals. Why was this information not utilized? In my opinion, one of the reasons for this is that vitamins cannot be patented; therefore, it cannot be a source of income.  The big pharmaceutical companies won’t make money. It is that simple. These drug companies are in business to make profits for their share holders, not to “cure disease.”

Just listen to the number of side effects on a drug commercial, all the while watching a family play in the park while having a picnic ! Sure, your cholesterol may go down, but you also could have a stroke, heart attack and even die as an “adverse event.”Vitamin C happens to be one of the most potent biological antioxidants on the planet.    It has been shown to be antiviral, antihypertensive, airway protective, ophthalmoprotective, and has heavy- metal detoxifying properties. Interest in Vitamin C peaked in the 1970’s when Dr. Linus Pauling noted that intravenous Vitamin C was beneficial to cancer patients.  After that, the Mayo Clinic conducted a study themselves. Their conclusion was that Vitamin C was not helpful. The truth is that the Mayo Clinic studied Vitamin C taken orally by mouth, not intravenously into a vein.  This is a major difference. The same method was not even studied.   Consequently, the Mayo Clinic did NOT study intravenous Vitamin C. As a matter of fact, during 2005-2006 studies showed that maximum blood concentrations of Vitamin C were achieved by the intravenous route.

Early clinical studies also found that intravenous Vitamin C could improve symptoms and prolong life in terminal cancer patients. High dose intravenous ascorbic acid (the scientific name for vitamin C), has been used as a therapy for bacterial infection, viral infection and as adjuvant therapy for cancer patients. It helps the immune system neutralize bacterial and fungal infections. The National Institute of Health (NIH) has published evidence demonstrating its anti-cancer properties. Vitamin C also boosts the immune system and it inhibits an enzyme that tumors use to spread and metastasize to other organs. It induces apoptosis (programmed cell death) of cancer cells. It also helps patients undergoing chemotherapy by improving appetite, heal faster, improve resistance to infection, reduce pain, and have a better sense of well being. Needless to say, I was compelled to add this therapy in my approach to cancer in my own patients. Vitamin C at higher doses and when given in sufficient amounts intravenously will cause remarkable changes.

At sufficient amounts, unlike typical cancer treatments, Vitamin C, given intravenously, will raise the level of hydrogen peroxide in the bloodstream and kills cancer cells leaving normal cells alone.  What a tremendous finding!Vitamin C is extremely safe and non-toxic. The National Institute of Health  knew this information from prior to 2005. The media, however, neglected to publish this information.  Unfortunately, the public, those that need this information and help, were left in the trash. For those of you interested, research papers and references are available very readily.For 17 years now, I have treated numerous cancer patients with intravenous Vitamin C. The protocol is mine and I have developed and modified it over the past 17 years. I have found it to be extremely beneficial. Not only do these pets handle the treatment without issue, but they have a good quality of life during and after treatment. I have observed no negative side effects and the patient maintains a good quality of life.   

It appears to me that the cancer is managed. These dogs and cats “live” with their cancer. I have had cases in which dogs or cats with tumors in the abdomen have lived a good quality of life and lived months to years beyond what was anticipated. I had an 8 year old, feline patient, which had a tumor in its abdomen the size of a baseball. “Smokes” life was extended by five years, at which point his owner moved out of the country and I lost contact with them. The tumor did not grow or spread to any other organ in his body. In other words, we managed his cancer. It is my opinion that if you provide the body with what it needs, it will fight to heal itself.My goal is to keep my cancer patients happy, healthy, and maintaining a good quality of life, in spite of their cancer. This can be done without the harsh side effects of some other common cancer treatments. There is no reason why our family pets that are suffering from cancer, feel worse as a result of the medications they are taking, or treatments they are receiving.

I have utilized intravenous vitamin C infusions as a major part of my integrative treatment for cancer. I have been very pleased with the results. Dr. Rose DiLeva is a 1987 graduate of the University of Pennsylvania’s school of Veterinary Medicine. She practices alternative and conventional veterinary medicine. Dr. DiLeva is a certified veterinary acupuncturist and a certified veterinary chiropractitioner. She can be reached at her Animal Wellness Center in Chadds Ford, Pa. at 610-558-1616 for appointments and telephone consultations. Do it yourself, Great new products and how to'sTownsend Letter in June of 2014 describes a critical shortage of IV bags.  “One of the great ironies is that while health authorities have called for curtailment of manufacturing by the compounding pharmacies, pharmaceutical companies have not been able to meet the drug and medical supply requirements of hospitals and clinics.What the letter does not mention is that this situation may have begun to occur after the FDA banning the mass production of IV vitamin C (the pre-prepared bags) Firms Blocked from Mass Producing Vitamin C for IV.

There was a 60 minute story in New Zealand shortly before in which IV vitamin C “miraculously” cured swine flu in a man the hospital there was pushing to take off of life supportsaying there was no way he could survive.Not only that, even as IV vitamin C was obviously curing the man, two hospitals he was in each tried to reduce or deny access to it – Legally the government apparently wasn’t in a position to ban vitamin C outright, so, instead, the FDA just threw a ringer into access to the bags of IV-C – see:  FDA Position on Intravenous Vitamin C Limits Access, But Does Not Render Vitamin C-IV Unlawful Legal Opinion by Emord and Associates. After that, clinics and doctors had to go to compounding pharmacies for IV-C to put together the bags for them.  (And the FDA ).What’s more, as the Townsend Letter also reports, since 2010 (after swine flu was proved easily curable by IV vitamin C in New Zealand and the FDA banned the mass production of the treatment), the  pharmaceutical industry stopped producing injectable vitamins and minerals.

It was compounding pharmacies which took over producing them.  Then, a few stories appeared in the media about contamination in compounding pharmacies, and the FDA began to take control of them.   It then began coming down on them. “FDA is focusing on companies “that pose the greatest risk”—those that compound sterile injectable products …. ”  [Vitamin C and minerals, not mentioned by name, are such items.]/fda- targets-sterile-compounding-ph armacies-finds-numerous- safety-problems This sort of seizing of authority under the aegis of public safety is very similar to the FDA’s Monsanto-driven food safety law which came into existence in a similar way as well – a publicized contamination issue, with draconian laws then put into place following media attention, when the previous law was more than adequate to deal with problems.  But the previous laws were not broad and vague so would not have allowed for coming down on innocents. “Thus, it appears that the FDA bears some culpability for the meningitis outbreak.”

And word has STILL not gotten out safe and cheap vitamin C is an absolute viricide and was reliably curing polio in 1948. This was 7 years before the hugely-profit-making and cancer-causing polio vaccines came onto the “medical market” as a media touted preventative (not a cure). But the vaccine wasn’t at all what it was claimed to be nor was polio itself. And while the CDC keeps reporting antibiotics are failing and the extreme medical crisis that represents, it does not report that vitamin C is a powerful antibiotic, just as it continues to this day to not report vitamin C as a total cure for polio. “Klenner described this seminal experience in a 1953 paper “The Use of Vitamin C as an Antibiotic”: Again this paper is quoted at length to allow readers to judge for themselves whether or not the author made this up or deluded himself in some way. From 1943 through 1947 Dr. Klenner reported successful treatment of 41 more cases of viral pneumonia using massive doses of vitamin C.

From these cases he learned what dosage and route of administration — intravenously, intramuscularly, or orally — was best for each patient. Dr. Klenner gave these details in a February 1948 paper published in the Journal of Southern Medicine and Surgery entitled “Virus Pneumonia and Its Treatment with Vitamin C”. This article was the first of Dr. Klenner’s twenty-eight (through 1974) scientific publications.” Without hospitals able to rehydrate, it’s hard to imagine how many people could die from curable conditions, including even common but severe bouts of diarrhea or vomiting.  Panic could be easily created by portraying the deaths as coming from some terrible virus rather than from the reality – the absence of a simple but necessary product – IV bags that deliver adequate fluids.Something similar happened in 1918, when millions of deaths were blamed on a flu but were not from flu.Currently, too, “flu” numbers are not based on flu and but are padded with pneumonia numbers and colds even, as the CDC puts out figures that create the image of a dangerous medical situation that is non-existent, but the fear is used to sell vaccines.

The Bush administration with the help of the CDC wrote pandemic emergency laws that are linked to martial law.  The CDC already created the impression of an emergency in 2009 with swine flu, when, for example, the 99% of the numbers it cited for swine flu in California were no swine flu or flu at all. But day in and day out, dehydration causes death.  The emphases are in the original. “Dehydration can result in serious symptoms in an otherwise healthy person, causing profound fatigue, postural hypotension, renal failure, delirium, and ultimately death. (“To Hydrate or Not to Hydrate: How Should It Be?“, Journal of Clinical Oncology, Vol 18, Issue 5, March, 2000: 1156-1158.)“For a more diverse view from another country, Robin L. Fainsinger, M.D., Director, Palliative Care Program, Division of Palliative Medicine, Department of Oncology, University of Alberta, writes in “When to Treat Dehydration in the Terminally Ill Patient?“: Our palliative care group has argued that the viewpoint that dehydration in dying patients is never a cause of symptom distress, overlooks the fact that: – 1) dehydration is well recognized in nonterminal patients to cause confusion and restlessness, problems often reported in terminally ill patients;

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