iv vitamin c london

iv vitamin c london

iv vitamin c liver cancer

Iv Vitamin C London


In 2016, a time when drinking algae for breakfast and injecting vitamins for a quick energy boost can be the norm, those dusty back-of-the-shelf multi-vitamins seem so retro and effervescents start looking like dated hangover cures in a tube. As someone who takes around seven vitamins per-day and drinks green powder like it’s Sunny D in 2002, I’d always been curious about injectable vitamins. Why swallow seven tablets a day when I can get an ultra-high concentration of vitamins injected straight into my veins in ten minutes and feel the effects immediately? I initially booked in for a vitamin B12 shot with intravenous vitamin specialist Bianca Estelle of bea Skin Clinic. Vitamin B12 plays a vital role in the formation of healthy blood cells and the functioning of the brain and nervous system. When the body is low in B12, symptoms can include tiredness, weakness, depression and poor memory. “Vitamin B12 shots are particularly popular with DJs, artists and performers as they give the patient an immediate boost of energy,” explains Bianca.

“Some of my patients, if they’re about to go on tour or know they’re going to be travelling a lot, will ask for a double dose to make sure they’re on top form.” My low-maintenance laptop-based lifestyle as a writer definitely didn’t warrant a double dose so I opted for a single shot. Laid on my front with my trousers off, Bianca loaded up the injection and with a quick thrust, the needle was stabbed straight into my left ass cheek. It was almost totally painless and over within minutes. Although I didn’t feel any immediate bursts of energy, I definitely felt lighter. The very same night, I went to a party with friends, got home at 5am having drank too much whisky and woke up at 9am, having had only four hours sleep. No hangover, no exhaustion, nothing! Was it the B12? But I felt good. The following week, I booked in for intravenous Vitamin C therapy. Vitamin C is an extremely powerful antioxidant and has by far the most sweeping and endearing claims of all the IV treatments.

With benefits range from skin brightening and slowing down the ageing process to preventing and treating life-threatening illnesses. It sounded like crack for health-conscious people like me. I had to give it a go. Bianca loaded up 1000mg of Vitamin C into a large injection and tied a small purple belt around the top of my right arm to find a “good vein”, before smoothly injecting the needle. It felt a bit health-junkie-fied but fun and risk-free “This is my favourite of all the treatments,” said Bianca, as she pushed the Vitamin C through my veins. “Your arm might go a bit numb for a bit but don’t worry.” Of course I started worrying. As the solution coursed through my veins, a bizarre cold sensation ran through me and I couldn’t feel my arm. I tried to move my fingers (be it to take a Snapchat) but I couldn’t move a single cell. It was debilitating but euphoric. Bianca then pushed through a slightly quicker second injection of saline solution, to wash through the vitamins.

Once I was plastered up, I stood up and the feeling quickly returned to my arms and hands. At the time of getting the injection, I was in the midst of a bitchy case of the flu, and the following day, almost all symptoms were gone. Whether it was because of the IV or not, I still don’t know. Would I get injectable vitamins again? As someone who has a predominantly vegan diet, I lack B12 (the easiest way to consume it is via cow’s liver, red meat or shellfish). Would I recommend it to everyone? In the words of Roberta Anding, MS, RD, a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association, “They can plug nutritional gaps in your diet, but it is short-sighted to think your vitamin or mineral is the ticket to good health – the big power is on the plate, not in a pill.” Injectable vitamins, like most nutritional supplements are fantastic as an addition to an already-healthy diet. If you’re eating junk food and not exercising on the regular, no amount of jacking-up vitamins is going to prevent your body from free radicals, eradicate fatigue or make you look younger.

But if you’re already taking care of yourself, they can be a nice booster shot. Vitamin C IV starts from £100 an IV and B12 starts from £50 an injection at bea Skin Clinic London.What is  Intravenous Vitamin C Therapy? High Dose Vitamin C intravenously kills the cancer cells (acts as a cytotoxic agent) and protects the healthy cells (antioxidant effect).  This therapy can be used in conjunction with chemotherapy and radiation.  Several studies have been performed that show enhanced benefits of chemotherapy/radiation when performing High Dose Vitamin C Intravenously at the same time. Medicine needs to start taking an integrative approach.  Natural medicine and conventional medicine need to work together to offer patients the best health care possible.  Without merging the two worlds the patient is the one who suffers.  Fortunately, this integrative model is starting to become more recognized throughout North America.  The Cancer Centers of America employ such a model. 

Medical doctors work alongside Naturopathic Doctors and Nutritionists.  Therefore these centres are able to offer their patients optimal health care.  We at Lococo Wellness Clinic want to offer patients these same opportunities for health. IV Vitamin C Therapy can be implemented for the following cases: a) You are currently receiving Chemotherapy.  IV vitamin C has been shown to increase the efficacy of chemotherapy and reduce the negative side effects. b)  You are currently receiving Radiation Therapy.  IV Vitamin C has been shown to increase the efficacy of radiation and reduce the negative side effects. Treatment varies depending on if you are a cancer survivor, at risk for cancer, or are currently diagnosed with active cancer. Active Cancer: Studies have shown that IV Vitamin C Therapy is required 3x per week. For patients at risk, or in remission our Naturopathic Doctors will assess the risk to determine the appropriate treatment protocol. Dosage level is determined by the naturopathic doctor. 

Typically dosage ranges from 25,000mg of Vitamin C to 100,000mg of vitamin C. The higher the dose the longer the treatment will take.  Treatment can take anywhere from 1 hour to 4 hours. Side effects that may occur with an Intravenous Treatment are as follows: Side effects that occur that are specific to Intravenous Vitamin C Therapy are: Our Naturopathic Doctors are licensed in IV Therapy. To become licensed they must take an accredited IV Therapy course and write a practical and written exam to pass.  Once this is completed IV emergency and Procedure courses must be taken along with annual CPR training. What other steps would you take to enhance the efficacy of IV Vitamin C Therapy for cancer treatment? When treating cancer our Naturopathic Doctors typically recommend the IV Vitamin C Therapy alongside Mistletoe Injections, as well as botanical and nutritional supplementation and dietary changes.  Acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine are also used in treatment.

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