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Bee in the City – The New Bugaboo Bee 5 3rd of February 2017 The Bugaboo Bee is a truly iconic stroller that we have known and loved since 2007, and as the smallest member of the Bugaboo family;… The post Bee in... Out n About Nipper Newborn Baby Support Cushion Insert (Black)3 product ratings See more like thisA Buzzing event for the Bugaboo Bee5 We were so excited to be invited to an exclusive pre-launch party for the Bugaboo Bee5 this weekend where we got up close to the coming soon Bee5! Have you seen the new Joie Crosster? Rebecca Richardson 'Living With' the Britax Römer BABY-SAFE i-SIZE Pascale Le Grice 'Living With' the UPPAbaby Cruz Get ready for Green pushchairs! 5 pushchair accessories to lust over An Exciting New Collection To The Oyster Family! A guide to buying your first pushchair Diono release new range of High Back Boosters Do car seats have expiry dates? Absolutely Futureproof - A futuristic launch for the iCandy Orange

From stately strollers fit for a prince to tough three-wheelers for the great outdoors, these carriers promise style, comfort and durability for the modern baby on the move. It's easy to see why the Duchess of Cambridge chose a Silver Cross Sleepover pram for Prince George: it's a modern and practical take on the 139-year-old company's traditional Kensington coach pram. The Sleepover is certainly fit for a king, high off the ground, with-all round sprung suspension, padded sides, and a luxurious deep-filled mattress and when the time comes the bassinet can be swapped for a front or rear-facing seat. The Sleepover's polished chrome chassis folds to fit in larger car boots, and the bassinet is an ideal travel cot for a weekend away. It also comes with matching changing bag to complete the super stylish look. Bugaboo's Bee3 is the perfect urban buggy: small and gloriously light, it also comes with a large shopping basket beneath the seat. Newborns can travel in an easy-to-carry and lightweight carrycot (purchased separately for £200), which is higher off the ground than the previous Bee model, which means less stooping for parents.

Once the child can sit upright unaided, the buggy transforms into a comfortable reclining chair that can be placed both forward and rear facing, and also fold up in a few clicks and in one piece - unlike many other travel systems. You can choose to have your Bee3 in almost any colour or fabric and it has an extendable sun canopy for protection on warmer days. Britax BOB Revolution Pro, £480 This powerful all-terrain stroller from Britax performs just as well on narrow pavements as it would on Dartmoor. With its aluminium chassis and three large, puncture resistant tyres, it can turn on a sixpence and folds easily into most car boots. While the seat is suitable only from six months, stroller can be used for a newborn in conjunction with an infant carrier or carrycot (both available separately). It offers all the usual accessories, such as drink holders and rain covers, and has a large shopping basket beneath the seat. It's also an approved running buggy with a tracking adjustment on the front wheel and a drum handbrake for stopping assistance on steeper terrain.

Phil and Teds Navigator Stroller, £449 Phil & Teds is the go-to brand for compact and manoeuvrable buggies that can take two toddlers. This Navigator stroller is a three-wheeler offering 26 different formations from newborn bassinet to two toddler seats. The stroller delivers a smooth drive on and off road, and is slim enough to fit through doorways. Although not the lightest (weighing 12.5kg), it can be folded with one hand, fits inside most car boots and has an autostop brake, just in case you accidentally let go. Maclaren Quest, from £273.72 Anyone who has struggled to heave a two-piece travel system stroller into the back of a car will appreciate the one-hand, umbrella-fold mechanism of a Maclaren buggy. The Quest weighs just 6kg, is smooth to steer, and has a UV hood. Not the prettiest, but it can be used from birth as it features four reclining positions up to 150 degrees. RELATED: Five of the best running buggies RELATED: Five of the best double buggies

Founded more than 60 years ago in Philadelphia, Graco is one of the world's best-known and most trusted baby care brands. Offering an extensive range of premium quality prams, pushchairs, highchairs and swings; Graco believes in manufacturing and designing products that inspire parents and babies alike. Browse our selection of Graco products below. Graco Room Full of Fun Playset Graco Milestone Group 0-1-2-3 Car Seat in Aluminium Graco Activity Walker in Tweet Graco Junior Baby Car Seat Base in Black Graco Activity Walker in Chip Graco Loving Hug Baby Swing in Nutmeg Graco Classic Electra Bassinet Travel Cot in Posie Graco Glider Swing in Dotties Graco Junior Booster Car Seat in Pink Princess Graco Milestone Group 0-1-2-3 Car Seat in Blush Graco Modes 3 Lite Click Connect Travel System in Trenton and Sand Graco Sky Junior Baby Car Seat in Sea Pine Graco Quattro Tour Deluxe Travel System in Diamonds Graco Modes 3 Lite Carrycot in Trenton and Sand

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