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KidsHealth /
for Parents
/ Triple X Syndrome
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Triple X syndrome is a genetic condition found in females only. About 1 in 1,000 girls have it.
Girls with triple X syndrome — also known as XXX syndrome, trisomy X, and 47,XXX, — might be taller than other girls. Other symptoms can include problems with spoken language and processing spoken words, coordination problems, and weaker muscles.
Most girls with triple X syndrome can grow up healthy, have normal sexual development and fertility, and lead productive lives.
Depending on which symptoms a girl has and how severe they are, doctors may recommend various treatments.
Girls who have triple X syndrome are born with it. It's called triple X because they have an extra X chromosome in most or all of their cells.
Usually, a person has 46 chromosomes in each cell, divided into 23 pairs, which includes two sex chromosomes. Half of the chromosomes are inherited from the father and the other half from the mother. The chromosomes contain genes, which determine an individual's characteristics, such as eye color and height. Girls typically have two X chromosomes (or XX), but girls with triple X syndrome have an extra X chromosome (XXX).
Triple X is not caused by anything the parents did or did not do. The disorder is a random error in cell division. This error can happen before conception in the reproductive cells of the mother or the father, or early in the embryo's development.
When the extra chromosome is due to incorrect cell division in the embryo, a girl may have a mosaic form of triple X syndrome. This means some of the cells have an extra X chromosome, but not all do. Girls with this type of triple X syndrome usually have fewer symptoms.
Noticeable signs and symptoms of triple X syndrome can vary greatly. Some girls have no obvious signs, while others have mild symptoms. Occasionally, the disorder causes significant problems.
Girls with triple X syndrome can have some or all of these physical symptoms to some degree:
Girls with triple X syndrome also may have delayed development of their social, language, and learning skills. They also can have problems with reading and understanding math, and may have mild delays with coordination.
Girls with triple X syndrome may develop anxiety, depression, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). These problems might ease as they get older and reach adulthood. Otherwise, treatment can help manage them.
Less often, girls might have abnormal development of the ovaries and/or uterus, a delayed or early onset of puberty, and problems with fertility. Rarely, a girl may develop kidney and heart problems, frequent urinary tract infections (UTIs), stomach pain, constipation, flat feet, and an abnormally shaped chest wall and ribcage (called pectus excavatum).
Many girls with triple X syndrome are healthy and have no obvious symptoms. So sometimes the condition isn't diagnosed or is only found while a doctor checks for a different issue.
Triple X syndrome often is found because parents talked with a doctor about concerns with their daughter's development. This can help girls receive a diagnosis early. Research has shown that early interventions and treatments are more effective.
To diagnose triple X syndrome, a blood sample is checked for the presence of the extra X chromosome. Before birth, the condition can be found through a chromosomal analysis. Testing is done on the fluid surrounding the fetus, tissue from the placenta, or the blood from the mother.
There is no cure for triple X syndrome, but treatments can help with specific symptoms.
Finding services early is important and can greatly increase their ability to help your daughter live a healthier, more productive life. Options vary greatly depending on how old a girl was when she was diagnosed, whether she has noticeable symptoms, and the severity of those symptoms.
Regular doctor visits. At periodic visits, a doctor can monitor a girl's development for delays, social and language disabilities, or health problems and treat these promptly.
Educational support services. Educational support can teach girls ways to keep pace in school. Some girls might be eligible for an individualized educational program (IEP) or 504 education plan, which are designed to help children with specialized needs.
Early intervention services. It can be very helpful and often more effective for a girl to have speech, occupational, physical, or developmental therapy in the early months of life or as soon as concerns are identified.
Speech therapy and physical therapy can improve your daughter's speaking, reading, and writing skills and can help increase strength and coordination. Occupational therapy and behavioral therapy can help your daughter develop more confidence and interact better with other children.
Counseling. The whole family can benefit from counseling to better understand triple X syndrome and help a girl who has it to live a productive life.
Early inventions should be considered at infancy for physical therapy, at 15 months for speech delay, at 1st grade for reading and learning issues, and at 3rd grade for anxiety or depression.
Girls with triple X syndrome can develop speech, learning, or social challenges at a young age. This can make them more likely to have low self-esteem and lead to school or social problems.
If your daughter has trouble making friends or struggles at school, talk to your doctor or the principal or school counselor. Counseling and therapy can teach your daughter practical skills to help her make friends and feel more confident in school, and educational services can help your daughter succeed academically.
It's important to speak to your doctor if you have any concerns about your daughter's physical and emotional development.
Note: All information on KidsHealth® is for educational purposes only. For specific medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment, consult your doctor.
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Jocelyn, 31, and Hearty, 5 years old. Hearty’s father, a 55-year-old Australian, had a three month paid “girlfriend experience” with Jocelyn. Most men coming to Angeles city are looking for a “girlfriend experience”, a long term paid relationship. (Picture: Stephanie Borcard/Nicolas Metraux/INSTITUTE)Source:Supplied
IN ANGELES CITY, 80 kilometres north of Manila, a generation of children are growing up with no idea who their father is.
These children are the focus of a heart-breaking new photo series titled Dad is Gone.
Photographers Stephanie Borcard and Nicolas Metraux spent time in Angeles City in 2014, taking pictures of the children born from sex tourism. This particular area of the Philippines is known for its red-light district. Until 1991, the city was the home of Clark Air base, the largest US Air Base outside the United States of America. This saw an influx of brothels and “girlie bars” in the area, turning the city into one of the most popular sex tourism destinations.
Today, about 12,000 women are working in the bars that flank Fields Avenue.
Unlike in Thailand, international customers in the Philippines tend to seek a “girlfriend experience” that can last for several weeks or months.
Each year, thousands of children are born from these paid relationships. The fathers, whether American, Australian, British, German, Swiss, Korean or Japanese often abandon their offspring. In this very Catholic country, abortion is considered as a crime and punished by law.
Left behind, these children grow up in search of their own identity, where the father figure is still a question mark ...
Jayvee, 5 years old. His mother still has e-mail exchanges with his father, 45, from Wisconsin, USA. However, they get no financial support from him. (Picture: Stephanie Borcard/Nicolas Metraux/INSTITUTE)Source:Supplied
4-year-old Angela Paula at her school in Mabalacat. Her father is a 47-year-old Korean architect. It seems he wanted to meet his daughter, but her mother refused, scared that he will take Angela to Seoul. (Picture: Stephanie Borcard/Nicolas Metraux/INSTITUTE)Source:Supplied
Samantha Elise, 6, and her half-sister Briana Louise, 3 years old. Samantha’s father is from India and Briana’s father from Canada. Their aunt raises the siblings. (Picture: Stephanie Borcard/Nicolas Metraux/INSTITUTE)Source:Supplied
Benny, 3 years old. His father is from Australia and supports his son financially with 10,000 pesos per month (approx. $289/month). Benny’s mother continues to work in Fields Avenue. (Picture: Stephanie Borcard/Nicolas Metraux/INSTITUTE)Source:Supplied
The 'Las Vegas' one of the many nightclubs in Balibago, the red light district of Angeles City. There are about 12,000 women working in Fields Avenue. Foreigners hold most of the bars: Americans, Australians, Germans and more recently Koreans and Japanese. (Picture: Stephanie Borcard/Nicolas Metraux/INSTITUTE)Source:Supplied
John Peter, 12 years old. His father was British and sponsored him until he passed away in Bangkok in 2013. (Picture: Stephanie Borcard/Nicolas Metraux/INSTITUTE)Source:Supplied
Mary Ann, 36 and Michael, 4 years old. Michael’s father, a German citizen, signed the birth certificate but does not support his son financially. He still lives in the Philippines and works in the region. (Picture: Stephanie Borcard/Nicolas Metraux/INSTITUTE)Source:Supplied
Kayla Jolie, 6 years old. Her father, an Irishman, supported her and her mum financially for 10 months, before vanishing. They remain without any news from him. (Picture: Stephanie Borcard/Nicolas Metraux/INSTITUTE)Source:Supplied
Princess Ann, one year old. Her father, around 60, comes from Spain and spent one week in Angeles City as a tourist. He does not know about his daughter. (Picture: Stephanie Borcard/Nicolas Metraux/INSTITUTE)Source:Supplied
Sara Jane, 20 years old. Her father is American. She has no information about him and her mother doesn’t want to talk about it. A relative living in Las Vegas has sponsored her for her education. After graduation from college, she studied computer programming at the University of Angeles. Today she is looking for a job. (Picture: Stephanie Borcard/Nicolas Metraux/INSTITUTE)Source:Supplied
Mary Grace, 16 years old. She never met her father, a Swiss citizen, but knows his name. Mary used to have a picture of him, but the humid climate destroyed the print. She grew up with her aunt. (Picture: Stephanie Borcard/Nicolas Metraux/INSTITUTE)Source:Supplied
Mechelle, 19, works in a bar in Fields Avenue. While walking with her mother on Fields Avenue when she was 9 years old, her mum pointed at a man: “That’s your dad”. Today, she can’t remember his face. She only knows his first name and that he is an American doctor from Santa Maria, California. (Picture: Stephanie Borcard/Nicolas Metraux/INSTITUTE)Source:Supplied
Angelica, 24, and her daughter Azumi Rain, 1 year old, at the Renew Foundation shelter. Her father, a German is managing a hotel in Balibago. He does not recognise Azumi as his daughter and refuses to make a DNA test. He cut all contact with Angelica. (Picture: Stephanie Borcard/Nicolas Metraux/INSTITUTE)Source:Supplied
A large number of girls who come to Angeles tend to be provincial, especially from Samar, Leyte and Visayas, having seen their friends live a “better life” because of their job in the prostitution industry. Other young females turn to prostitution after they become single unwed mothers — condoms are rarely used in the Philippines because of a strong Catholic Church opposing it.
The dance floor at the Tao Bar in Fields Avenue. The manager is German. There are about 12,000 women working in the bars in Fields Avenue. Foreigners, such as: Americans, Australians, Germans and more recently Koreans and Japanese hold most of the bars. (Picture: Stephanie Borcard/Nicolas Metraux/INSTITUTE)Source:Supplied
Prostitution in the Philippines is illegal — penalties range up to life imprisonment for those involved in trafficking. Despite this, in 2013 it was estimated that there were up to 500,000 (majority female) prostitutes in the Philippines.
In her “Anti-Prostitution Act”, Senator Pia S. Cayetano claimed that the total number of people involved in prostitution in the Philippines could actually be as high as 800,000.
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