Keep calm and decode a picture: the artist hid in the picture $ 10,000 in equivalent to BTC

Keep calm and decode a picture: the artist hid in the picture $ 10,000 in equivalent to BTC

How we make ICO

Good news arrived from western Los Angeles. The artist, Andy Bauch, in his installations made of the Lego constructor encoded the key, having guessed which you can get Bitcoins or Litecoin. In total, the installation hides $ 10,000. Someone sees QR codes on it, other see the fragment of Mona Lisa  smile in LEGO , we consider it a brilliant idea in the style of the "Da Vinci Code".

The entire picture can be visually divided into parts,in  each of which is covered a special key to the crypto wallet . If you are a worthy programmer or just in the know, decode sooner, what are you waiting for?

Bauh's acquaintance with the cryptocurrency began in the distant 2013, when Satoshi has already begun to give birth to Bitcoin, and the Kardashian family completely killed the format of a modern TV show. By 2016, he had acquired enough altcoins to launch a massive PR campaign. He acquired an unlimited number of Bitcoins, Litecoins and other worker-peasant coins, spread  them to his works, closed them with a key from a set of numbers and letters, and collected it into a whole series. The exhibition is called "New Money" and it will be presented in the art gallery la's Castelli Art Space already this Friday. That's exactly when the most popular crypto quest in the style of Dan Brown begins.

The keys were initially laid out in the template creation algorithm. Then Bauch changed the algorithm to make it form an image that he liked. After completing the work, he thoroughly tested the resulting work of art to make sure that it does indeed produce the correct private key when processing through its formula.

"The biggest part of my work is create a bridge that often exists between new technologies and humanity," says Bauch.

The artist distinguishes Lego as an artistic means of expression, because the constructor allows the viewer to feel the pixel aesthetics tactilely.

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