2018 Forecasts for ICO, and will it become a problem child?

2018 Forecasts for ICO, and will it become a problem child?

How we make ICO

Let's start, in a presidential manner. 2017 - was saturated and productive for the crypto industry.The hour of triumph  for the ICO 2017 was justified by the fact that the projects had to constantly adjust to the promising market expectations. The market of primary placement of coins is still so young that it hardly can speak for itself, and in 2018 the situation is unlikely to change. Nevertheless, it has already become an integral part of the modern world, almost like french fries and cheese sauce. The question is if  will it be so unique and economically changeable as it was in 2017, or are all the days of venture capitalists and shooting startups numbered?

The last three months of 2017 showed an unprecedented growth of ICO-fields: + 50% to the already existing number of projects. 2018 is not going to slow down, experts of the crypto industry and blockchain guru say: "take courage and prepare for a new influx." On the part of the Celestial Empire, the information is reported on the increase in the volatility of BTC and Litecoin, but if it’s true  - only Buddha is aware. The first quarter shows only a confident free fall. America is preparing a fundamental regulator of cryptocurrency relations on its territory. The under development document will immerse us in the relations with SEC and the current market situation, while not touching the shock wave of ICOs and all its processes. Advanced crypto holders have already outraged the position with respect to the auxiliary tokens, but even more - the indifferent attitude of the ICO to the published document. The media is predicting a scandal and demanding meat and spectacles.

Although Bitcoin has decreased in value, its price still remains high enough. Approximately the same price as for Honda Civic 2010. This can both help and hinder the activity of the ICO market. For example, the Bitcoin Cash token is now far behind its older cobrother, and its investors are already working out a plan for diversification and decide to buy tokens during the ICO, all at once. The high cost of the BTC can also force start-ups to tear their hair and nominate tokens in dollars during pre-placement and at the ICO stages. Moreover, it will encourage companies to adhere to established standards of conduct when presenting ICO  and ginger the activity of regulators. That is why a relatively new type of tokens - securities - will be an ideal solution to the existing problem of high cost of BTC and close attention from regulators. It is securities that can soothe the rebellious soul of investors and quite legally offer them a high income and diversification. They prophesied that this type of tokens is the future of the modern market of the crypto industry.

Finally, we came up to the question that is too similar to a gypsy guessing on the palm of your hand, so to draw a single conclusion with absolute certainty. At the moment, legislation that approves aspects of regulating the digital economy is only originating. We can only hope that by the end of the year any legal and regulatory documents that will allow a full circulation of the cryptocurrency to  come into force.

Therefore, all that needs to be done now is to support the domestic ICO, to switch on Khatiko and wait a little.

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