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Linkto this - tiny.cc/COVnews

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VIDEO from -2013- with some details about Rev. 13:16 (lang = Ro, sorry)
About the relation between myths, alchemy, 666, and the precession of equinoxes. It contains also details about www=666 and similar stuff.


  • The tests for Covid-19 are made with PCR-machines and so the whole world DNA is collected forcefully. Then it's digitalized for the Mark of the Beast ID2020.
  • Testele de Covid-19 se fac cu masini PCR si asa se colecteaza ADN-ul din toata lumea, pe hotie. Apoi se digitalizeaza pentru Semnul Fiarei.
  • internethealthreport.org/2019/23-reasons-not-to-reveal-your-dna

Coincidence by coincidence by coincidence, Kill-Gates builds the tech of Antichrist, faithfully to any prediction in the Revelation. The Mark, the blocked sun (Rev 8:12)...together with LHC, DARPA, JH.Institute, Harvard, and any TRANSHUMANIT shit existing on earth. DARPA builds the Apokalypse 9:1-10 locusts-scorpions. DARPA is a full war-driven transhumanist lab, beginning with the invention of the Internet(www=666). See here why the tech was a conspiracy. We live in this conspiracy at least since 1620 (Rosicrucian Manifesto)!

Believe or not... it HAPPENS. Their plot follows Apokalypse, by word and comma. It means, since John of Patmos we live in a temporal loop: the fulfilled prophecy coming from the future .


The 666 mark is here, patented: https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/detail.jsf?docId=WO2020060606 The WIPO number is "dedicated": 060606. But also US # is dedicated too: US16138518 > 1613= R 13:16. 8518 = R 18:8 & R 18:5. So mark+diseases. Entlightening.

It's a cryptocurrency as expected + implanted microchip. And his "mining" is your very biological existence - the bio impulses that you send (via RFID-implant, energized by 5G/5mm wave). 100% as explained here, and perfectly corresponding to John's description.

Your stolen DNA (by the PCR COVID tests) is hashed and used as ID - ID2020.


Instead "proof of work" (machine-work in Bitcoin) in the patent (see original pat. scheme) is "proof of worship"> provide bio-corporeal task, execute the task, verify vector, reward money-access. No "worship" = no money-access. The compulsory "gesture" was described by John, in koine-greek, as worship.

Worship means, for example, a certain gesture; in Christianity is "the cross-making". For the BEAST#666 we expect something specific... required by A.I.-god. A machine-god.

Unfortunately, all the predictions here, are 100% true and 100% according to Rev. description.

The A.I. MACHINE = the BEAST in Rev 13, LAST STEP

TIER=high-rank internet provider. TIER(german)=BEAST="THERION" in Revelation (many heads = distributed, cloud-comp). WWW=666=hook-hook-hook (in Gematria). Amos 4:2 warn us about "hooks" just as the Revelation. As the net evolves, it needs only the Q.A.I. in order to fully build the beast.


That's easy: the mobile in your pocket. Eikones = "mirror-image" in koine-greek. And the beast is www+Q.A.I. (www=666). So the phone = mirror of www. Perfectly true.


The WEB (www). A spiderweb hooks the flies. It's built against light in order to attract them. Once cached, the spider injects the flies with a poison (here vax+chip). Then consume them... The spider is the only animal digesting prey OUTSIDE his body. We! This is the alchemical-kabbala "symbolic" and was known from Antiquity: Arachne-story, Lucian of Samosata "A true story" and of course John of Patmos.

WWW was born at CERN in 1989. A 30 years plot. If LHC is a "Hell-Gate" we are biologically tied to this gate via web and the microchip-implant. A part of transhumanist plot, paired with Egyptian-Pythagorean knowledge required for LHC (see the movie above >> string-theory, copied from Pythagoras)

REV. 17:17 NOW!

Pope Microsoft and IBM made a pact about "ethical A.I.". This is just Revelation 17:17, KJV: "For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled." ...

IBM and Microsoft sign Vatican pledge for ethical AI 

666. WHY NOW? What makes the schedule?

Sun-Sirius tandem/spiral in space (see Binary Research Institute) = The Great Platonic year = 25920 years = 6x6x6! The cycle 360° of equinoctial precession is accomplished. Newton calculated that Messiah comes at the cycle-end around 2030-2060. His calculus makes the Conspiracy schedule. The papers are now in Tel-Aviv Libray. Check the first movie in this post for the precession of equinoxes and his relation to Apokalypse.

The "flat-earth" is a secondary conspiracy, made in order to conceal the astronomical calculus of the "coming". It's about the precession-spiral, impossible with flat earth...

The same astronomical concealing was made earlier by Aristoteles geocentrism (De-Caelo) And Newton only concealed the nature of precesion as being triggered by some imaginary moon-movements...



The RNA "vaccine" (just as I presumed here) Is on the table. Gates’ RNA COVID vaccine made by Moderna will permanently alter your genetics for generations. Former Moderna Chemist: “I would not let that [vaccine] to be injected in my body. I would demand: Where is the toxicity data from the lab?" The altered DNA might be linked at quantum-level to the Q.A.I.? Theoretically possible!


The machine-ruling scenario (today transhumanism) begins with the Rosicrucian Manifesto 1620. It's followed by French beheadings and imposed ATHEISM. Follows> Lunar-Society Birmingham, Darwin, Nietzche, Marx, Lenin, Wells, Hitler, Huxley. Finally - Transhumanism (40% universities). Since microelectronics and the web, the spider-metaphor is straightforward. The first use of NWO - was in Baha'i faith ( probably the NWO global religion, next years)

MEET Q, the beast in REVELATION!


The same QUANTUM PLATFORM which will be the BEAST as in Revelation 13:16, is tested as the false-flag QANON. The AI "learn" his environment, his "slaves" by this fictive personage. So even the "opposition" is a fake, a deception, just like Palpatine...

See a sample of QAnon robotic thinking on Twitter - @Qanon76

Qanon is the SAME construct as Satoshi; no person exists, cannot be identified. Who is, where it was seen? Nowhere! One introduced the blockchain money, the other leads the apparent "opposition". Since 2009 the masses are lead by nonexisting persons in money aspects as well as in politics? Anonymous movie was "predictive programming" to accept non-existing persons.

Further: quantum artificial intelligence uses quantum computing. The problem is; we have no shit-clue what quantic is (only a bunch of paradoxes, formalised by statistics which, as we know, tells NOTHING about his nature). Kaballah and alchemy tell us that under the last physical layer is the inaccessible spirits-world. QBIT or Q-BEAST? :) Quantics math is derived (via combinatorics) straight from numerology-divination (=witchcraft). This is the math foundation of Quantum-Artificial Intelligence.... beyond "quantum-paradoxes" is the hidden world of spirits...Do the math...

" ...the dragon because he gave his authority to the beast; they also worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like (as great as) the beast" R 13:4. Prophet, beast, QAI?


As the "False savior" is a "deus ex machina" (god-from-machine) featuring Q.A.I., and our DNA is quantum entangled, it is frightened if, in the second step, the beast-mark will be tied at quantum-level to our DNA! They approach this tech in DARPA labs.


Tom Cruise, a known Scientologist (as Flynn too, the crypto-guy) shall play the "voice in the sky", present in the Revelation? Anyhow a movie is planned on ISS. Of course many other "sky-stuff" like Blue-Beam, etc. And NASA bans the name JESUS.


Trump isued an executive order for EMP defense a HEMP pulse (Abomb) can do that. will be the end of small electronics - all will burn, including the microchip inside the marked. Rev. 16:2 "...a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast...." Followed probably by 3 darken days with Blue-Beam on the sky.:) Buy candles. etc, etc. It's a fckn scenario (but his real purpose is occulted).


LockStep & Regensordo scenario, Rockefeller 2010

Regensordo a Rockefeller ruling scenario; plandemic planet.

Lock Step Scenario novel #coronavirus epidemic are familiar with Event 201.

Scenario PDF

2013 Netflix documentary called “The Next Pandemic”.

Lock Step scenario describes “a world of tighter top-down government control."

The practice was straightforward:

  1. The Rockefeller "Lockstep" simulation 2010-- to be made via disease and masonic-medical NMPS => WW-KZ. = Lockdown.
  2. As CRISPR CAS9+13 exists, a GMO disease can be "designed"> see Event201 Oct 2019 + WUHAN lab GMO.
  3. DNA collection via PCR "tests" => "DNA will be your ID" + ID2020.
  4. DNA-ID is tied to the microchip implant with blockchain+"proof-of-worship", WIPO Pat. #2020/060606. As the economy is destroyed by lockdown, it is the best opportunity to introduce a new money system. NWO="OWN"> Rev 13:16.
  5. Observe: Lockstep was published just after the 2009 crisis, and so the blockchain money. Anonymous Satoshi with "proof-of-work" just upgraded the "work" to human bio-activity: "proof-of-worship". => Satoshi = Kill-Gates. Pat. "proof-of-worship" > execute bio-task (corporeal), read vector, if ok, reward money. No task accomplished, no money. Just as described in the Bible.


  • They designed 2 forms of virus; L & S. L it's the lethal-one S is the innofensive one, giving also immunity. When things become hot, they spray chemtrails with the S-version, and all get sick with the light form. Then they inject the vaccine with the Mark of the Beast. See:> https://abcn.ws/2QVTKdT.
  • Au creat 2 versiuni de virus; L si S. L este cel letal, S este cel inofensiv. De ce? Asa cel putin 50% din populatie supravietuieste. Cand e prea groasa, chemtrails cu corona-S si se imbobnavesc toti de forma usoara. Apoi injecteaza vaccinul cu semnul fiarei. Vezi > https://abcn.ws/2QVTKdT.


Patent US15/328,179 Pirbright Institute contains a live, attenuated corona virus. This might be the S-form of COV. (the light form) Sprayed overall, including over fuckers like Tom Hanks. It's a live-form, so quasi-vaccine exists. The other vaccine (4 masses) comprises human gene mutation for The Mark.

See the "avian component" like the one in Israeli vaccine. Made "by luck".

J.H. Center, the one which organized Event-201 and the dynamic map, comes now with a new kind of vaccine anti-COVID-19; this one injects strains of RNA in your body; the classic vaccines injected only proteins similar to the virus envelope. This might be for the masses. RNA is all you need for The Mark inserting in your DNA.

Two strains or maybe more? Several with different mortalities, for a continuous Lockstep? Chinese bolsheviks + USA universities bolsheviks + psychopath Kill-Gates can to that...

Weird predictions? Or older plot!

Express.co.uk: A book, written in 1981 by Dean Koontz: “The Eyes of Darkness”:

Chapter 39 reads: “To understand it, you have to go back 20 months. 

“It was around then that a Chinese scientist named Li Chen defected to the US, carrying a diskette record of China’s most important and dangerous new biological weapon in a decade.[...] They call the stuff ‘Wuhan-400’ because it was developed at their RDNA labs outside the city of Wuhan and it was the 400th viable strain of man-made microorganisms created at that research centre."

A tweet posted by an account named Marco with the username @Marcos_Acortes in 2013 says "Corona virus ... is coming".

Supposed psychic Sylvia Browne wrote of a pneumonia outbreak ravaging the world in 2020.

real footage from HSBC bank

In Sweden, no lockdown!

See this article (tiny.cc/lkh8lz). Sweden has NO LOCKDOWN. The real explanation is surprising. Sweden has microchip implant ( tiny.cc/s1c8lz), tracking system, 99% transactions online. Have forgotten 100% his Christian roots. And that's ALL ABOUT HOME-IMPRISONMENT. Why lockdown people when they already obeys? Chemtrails with the good strain.

On the other side, fierce Catholics/Orthodoxes (Italy, Spain, partially the rest of Europe) are punished as well as many Americans. Chemtrails with the bad strain.

The finance-minister of Germany commit suicide... Perhaps he refused to introduce microchipping.... at once, forcefully, in Germany.

Engineered pandemics

Recently I found that even the "Spanish Flu" was engineered. I discovered and explained here > tiny.cc/REV1316 how the Black Death was engineered by alchemists & Templars. Broke out in China (according to Wikipedia) as Covid or Spanish Flu Spanish Flu, and had 92.7% deaths (confirmed by autopsy) by a bacteria not the virus. This, after Rockefellers medical adviser - Frederick Gates - injected in solders some kind of vaccine which was exported to ALL NATIONS! ... Today another Gates... Full report here:


Conclusion: no pandemic ever was "natural". Only local epidemics.

Corona and paper-money. Conspiracy?

Revelation about the Illuminati and the Coronavirus

Coronavirus Conspiracy to Eliminate Paper Money

WHO warns Paper money may be spreading corona

Coronavirus Conspiracy to Eliminate Paper Money? 

Coronavirus Conspiracy to Eliminate Paper Money? 

Coronavirus could be spread by cash warns WHO

Coronavirus and Bitcoin: Paper Money Spreads Germs

Could coronavirus be spreading on banknotes?

DEEP DIVE: Gov't, Crypto Conspiracy and the Corona

Cash is dead

NWO Agenda

5+ NWO Agendas Accompanying the Coronavirus [Is the coronavirus an opportunity or excuse for the authorities to roll out long-desired schemes of control and manipulation?]: The cashless agenda is a long-term NWO scheme :::  Centralized Control of Information, i.e. Censorship ::: Favorite NWO Agenda – mandatory vaccination  :::  Bill Gates’ ID2020: Digital Identification

Are 5G / Biometric Systems Being Covertly Installed During the Lockdown ?

The Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic: The Real Danger is “Agenda ID2020”

Does the Coronavirus Pandemic Serve a Global Agenda?


LOCKSTEP: Rockefeller Blueprint For Police State Triggered By Pandemic Exposed

The End Game! Cashless Society, Digital Currency, Nationwide Shutdown

End Times, Mark of the Beast , Vaccine Agenda and FEMA Camps

ID2020 / Coronavirus Vaccine / Mark of the Beast

During Reddit AMA On COVID-19 Coronavirus, Eugenicist Bill Gates Calls For A ‘National Tracking System’ And ‘Billions Of Vaccinations’ To ‘Protect The World’

 Identification for Development - ID4D - World Bank  + Alliance ID-2020

Better Than Cash Alliance - global partnership of 75 governments, companies, and international organizations that accelerates the transition from cash to digital payments. launched by the United Nations Capital Development Fund, the United States Agency for International Development, the Bill & Melinda Gates FoundationCitigroup, the Ford Foundation, the Omidyar Network, and Visa Inc.

Last Step: Forbes: The Digital Dollar is billed!

Is the virus manipulated?

Because there were a simulation EVENT-201 2 months BEFORE the outbreak. Organizer: J.H. Center + Bill Gates foundation + the Boss of Chinese microbiology. Because the virus is not natural 100% but 99% similar to a pangolin virus (source Wikipedia). So, it's slightly manipulated only to be human-contagious.

The same J.H. Center proposes a vaccine made with gene-manipulation; atypical RNA injection in the body (basically, another virus). Except he is injected, he's nothing like classic vaccines!

Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard has now turned a CRISPR RNA-cutting enzyme into an antiviral that can be programmed to detect and destroy RNA-based viruses in human cells > already a pan-virus antidote in august 2019, called CARVER, made with Crispr-13.

An universal corona vaccine existed since 1993 (minimum changes to the patent basis). Israel already has a vaccine against chicken-corona developed "by luck" in advance, working perfectly for humans..

The german Lab which searches a vaccine against COVID has investments last year from Bill Gates.. .

The Gates Foundation, the WHO and the European Commission are benefactors of the Pirbright Institute which owns the  bio-safety lab-level 4 lab (BSL-4) in China which owns the coronavirus patent. The US patent application was filed in 2015 and granted in 2018. (globalresearch.ca )

L.A. Times : The only Republican running for the 34th Congressional District in Los Angeles has repeatedly tweeted that the novel coronavirus was “man-made” and implicated Pope Francis, Hillary Clinton and others in the spread of the illness.

“Bill Gates is one of the financiers of the Wujan (sic) lab where it was being developed,” congressional candidate Joanne Wright wrote in Feb. 24 tweet that has since been deleted.

Youtube video weird business links, min 19:00. Bill Gates – The Coronavirus Conspiracy – E A R T H F A I L (with 20 references). Bill Gates & the Coronavirus Conspiracy (civilianintelligencenetwork) Gospanews' point of view.

The main conspiracy theories.

GMO VIRUS triggers the scenario onf Apokalypse 13:16

Science confirms virus manipulation:

A universal corona vaccine existed since 1993 (minimum changes to the patent basis)

Israeli researchers have already a vaccine for poultry-corona utmost similar strain with COVID-19. So probably the Whuhan people ate ..chickens, not bats..:) It was made "by luck" just as Event-201 simulated the corona outbreak 2 months before "by chance".

Study: The spike glycoprotein of the new coronavirus 2019-nCoV contains a furin-like cleavage site absent in CoV of the same clade https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0166354220300528

"The scientists" -- who made such "slight modification" on the "spikes" of Corona to be outmost contageous>

"Ralph Baric, an infectious-disease researcher at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, last week (November 9, 2019) published a study on his team’s efforts to engineer a virus with the surface protein of the SHC014 coronavirus, found in horseshoe bats in China, and the backbone of one that causes human-like severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in mice. The hybrid virus could infect human airway cells and caused disease in mice [...] The results demonstrate the ability of the SHC014 surface protein to bind and infect human cells, validating concerns that this virus—or other coronaviruses found in bat species—may be capable of making the leap to people without first evolving in an intermediate host" Nature , May-2019, reported - in other words before the outbreak,exactly the trouble-spike was manipulated! And that in USA...

Here on Naturalnews.com is shown: "genes contain “pShuttle-SN” sequences, proving laboratory origin". Biorxiv.org journal presented findings that indicated the coronavirus appeared to be engineered with “key structural proteins” of HIV. The paper, entitled, “Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120

and Gag,” concluded that the engineering of coronavirus with such gene sequences was “unlikely to be fortuitous in nature,” providing strong scientific support for the theory that the coronavirus is an engineered bioweapon.

James Lyons-Weiler, PhD, has published a detailed article explaining the SARS insertion into the coronavirus and why this is proof that the coronavirus now circulating in the wild is of laboratory origin, not coming from bats and snakes. 

Indian researchers withdrew their study from fear of consecvences. The study indicates a lab origin of the virus. CCN: In late January, Indian researchers publish a now-retracted paper that claimed to have found “HIV insertions” in the Wuhan coronavirus. They took this as evidence that the virus may have been manmade. They stated the following: This is startling as it is quite unlikely for a virus to have acquired such unique insertions naturally in a short duration of time. This structural change might have also increased the range of host cells that 2019-nCoV can infect.

Biondt.org published a paper with the findings that the coronavirus was engineered with ‘key structural proteins” identifying “four inserts of amino acid sequences homologous to amino acid sequences in HIV 1.” This paper was also withdrawn.

HNGN.COM - Taiwanese Professor Fang Chi-tai of the university's College of Public Health addressed the spreading theories that the virus which has infected tens of thousands of people somehow leaked or was released from the Biosafety Level 4 Laboratory (BSL-4 Lab) of the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Fang noted that a French Team investigation COVID-19 has discovered the key difference between RatG13 and the novel coronavirus, stating that the latter has four additional amino acids that cannot be found in other strains of coronavirus. Fang further noted that these amino acids make the disease more transmittable. [...] The professor stated that normally, viruses only exhibit minimal mutations, through singular changes in natural conditions. Hence, he asserted that it is very unlikely for a virus to have four amino acids added at once.

study by 5 Greek scientists (published 1/27/2020) examined the genetic relationships of nCoV-2019 and found that “the new coronavirus provides a new lineage for almost half of its genome, with no close genetic relationships to other viruses within the subgenus of sarbecovirus,” ( thetruthersjournal.home.blog/2020/02/10/ )

Full genome ending with: aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaa

Dr. Soňa Peková explains in layman terms that COVID-19 virus originates from a lab in U.S. Any RNA of a virus has something like the "bootload" of an OS, which never changes. The "core-OS". This region of RNA at the very beginning of the helix could be compared to any boot sector on the computer disk from which the operating system itself is booting. COVID19 boot-core seems to be "upsidedown".

The french Nobel-laureate Luc Montagnier believes too the virus was manipulated. He recognizes inside strains of HIV and malaria genome. Hence the medication that works somehow.

Prof. Dr. Med. Tasuku Honjo is the second Nobel laureate taking a clear position: "Covid-19 Is Not Natural, Withdraw My Nobel Award If I’m Wrong!"

Another strong report with focus on China GMO viruses and espionage.

A newer result. A scientific study in Australia has found that SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that has led to a pandemic, was likely created in a lab, barring some “remarkable coincidence” that led to the virus naturally evolving to be optimised to attack human cells. The study was led by Nikolai Petrovsky, a vaccine researcher at Flinders University.

Another report on the same subject: https://www.activistpost.com/2020/02/us-biowarfare-act-author-studies-confirm-coronavirus-weaponized.html

Add Rev. 8:8. Comet C-2019 Y4 Atlas

"And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood"

The trajectory approaches earth soon (around May) during "lockdown".

How the censure works:

A newspeak word si invented: "fake-news". (just like "racism" earlier in the Bolshevik Russia) Laws are reinforced according to this newspeak. Big media and social networks are in; they state what "fake" is. Then you get consequences.

Agenda is set by official pages like www.politifact.com They are the new Inquisition.

Go on fake-news on FB and your ID is requested. The articles remain but are marked as "fake". This is censure.

Facebook says it will start removing fake posts

Twitter Bans ZeroHedge For Publishing Coronavirus

How it's made

Coverage in social media

How much is discussed about, in the social media:

Report Page