Putting Spinal Tap and Monty Python into a Blender

Putting Spinal Tap and Monty Python into a Blender

Movie Fans

What do you get when you throw This Is Spinal Tap and Monty Python in a blender? Probably The Rutles: All You Need Is Cash. Oops, wrong review!

...And God Spoke is an exceptional mockumentary following a Hollywood "B Movie" team that has finally got their big break and have received major studio backing to make a film about The Bible.

Putting Spinal Tap and Monty Python into a Blender

Without giving away too much of the plot, let's just say that nothing goes as planned, from casting to filming to the meetings with The Bigs. The project is rapidly going down the toilet, the studio's pulled out, financial troubles are fierce, and bankruptcy is narrowly averted... but, in the face of all these challenges, can the show maintain its calling to be true to The Script?

A masterfully done low budget movie about low budget moviemaking with cameos from Charlie Rose, Soupy Sales, Eve Plumb (Jan Brady), and Lou Ferrigno as Cain.

When I bought my VHS copy from a failing rental shop, this movie was out of print. This one has gone straight onto my wish list and, if it doesn't appear in my holiday stocking, I'm ordering it before the new year!

Great Movie, But Why Is The DVD in Full Screen?

This is a great movie. I could only give it 4 stars when comparing it to This Is Spinal Tap. But it is as good as Fear Of A Black Hat and better than Best In Show.


Under Special Features it lists "Full Screen Version." I read that as an "extra" feature...but no! This DVD only contains the Full Screen Version.

Then on the bottom of the DVD it says "Formatted From Its Original Version To Fit Your Screen" and then it says "Presented in 1.33:1 format in which the film was shot." How could it be shot in 1.33:1 when it was shot on 35mm and 16mm? And why would it need to be "formatted to fit your screen" if it was shot in 1.33:1?

Anyway. It's a good movie.

The "Spinal Tap" of the film industry

This sadly underrated film, while not quite the standard of perfection that is "This is Spinal Tap", boldly goes into the mockumentary arena with a jab at the film industry. A film-making team--comprised of a director and producer whose resumes consist primarily of ultra-forgettable, less-than-B movies--basically are stricken with oversized egos and attempt to make the ultimate Bible epic. Of course, during the process everything goes wrong (think of the "stonehenge" debacle in Spinal Tap). For those not familiar with this film, I think an example or two may be in order just as a teaser:

--"Does anybody know how many disciples there were?"

--As the budget starts getting tight on the production, they start cutting out major portions of the story, and nearly decide to cut Jesus out of the picture entirely!!!

--The actor who plays Abel (none other than scrawny Andy Dick) thinks that his character actually wins the fight with Cain (played by Lou "The Hulk" Ferrigno), and is excited to finally be playing a "tough guy" after consistently playing nerdy characters in his film career. Then, of course, he learns the truth....

The main problem, as evidenced by the examples, is that nobody involved in the film production actually has any real knowledge of what it is they are filming. I think that should give you some idea of the utter chaos which that creates.

This is an absolutely HILARIOUS film, and deserves much more recognition from the entertainment world.

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