⏳ ተ𐍂𐌉ଓ𐌵𑀉ꤕ ⚖️ Ⴝ𐌳𐍅Ⴝ 🎙

⏳ ተ𐍂𐌉ଓ𐌵𑀉ꤕ ⚖️ Ⴝ𐌳𐍅Ⴝ 🎙

           ϮɍϊƀυƖє Ӽ

"Born in the USSR"

Poetry, philosophy, documents about the crime of the century. All in order.

Let's go 🛫 

Why do I understand everything? 

What do you understand about the dude? 

- Everything that has been happening the last 14 months in the world and the US in particular (2020 / 2021 coronabing) is very clear to me !

Are you a 👨 ⚕️ doctor? 

- No 👎🏿 

Are you a politician?

- Be afraid of God to call me abusive words the sweetest reader! 

I'm made in the USSR with a quality sign. 

The USSR positioned itself as a society of social justice, declared the state "highest value" and for the sake of "state interests" crushed fellow citizens by millions and millions... Breaking all the Commandments, in which there is no word that for the sake of the state good it is possible to kill masses of innocent people en masse.

Looking at the horrors of the past, russians often say the phrase "this should not happen again." But more and more people are heard from their mouths - 'we can repeat'. And repeat, because history and science 🧫 rests in the territory occupying one-six parts of the planet. Oh my God 🙈 why the world or science 🧫 so unfair to the large areas and masses of the population living in these territories? See the names below Friends and the order of following these names in the correspondence of the territory with the place of the world by area t , note I use the terminology - 

Territory! The territory is not a state, it is important and you have to understand at the end why the territory. See what a beauty awaits you today:

Place Country Square, km 2

1 Russia 17,075,400

2 Canada 9,984,670

3 China 9,596,960

4 United States 9,372,610

5 Brazil 8,547,000

6 Australia 7,686,850

7 India 3,287,590

8 Argentina 2,760,990

9 Kazakhstan 2,717,300

10 Sudan 2 505 810

11 Algeria 2,381,740

12 Congo, Democratic Republic 2 345 410

13 Saudi Arabia 2,218,000

14 Mexico 1,972,550

15 Indonesia 1 919 440

16 Libya 1,759,540

17 Iran 1,648,000

18 Mongolia 1,564,116

19 Peru 1,285,220

20 Chad 1,284,000

21 Niger 1,267,000

22 Angola 1,246,700

23 Mali 1,240,000

24 South Africa 1,219,912

25 Colombia 1,138,910

26 Ethiopia 1,104,300

27 Bolivia 1,098,580

28 Mauritania 1,030,700

29 Egypt 1 001 450

30 Tanzania 945 090

31 Nigeria 923,768

32 Venezuela 916 445

33 Namibia 825 418

34 Pakistan 803 940

35 Mozambique 801 590

36 Turkey 780 580

37 Chile 756 950

38 zambia 752 614

39 Myanmar 678,500

40 Afghanistan 647,500

41 Somalia 637,657

42 Central African Republic 622,984

43 Ukraine 603 700

44 Botswana 600 370


If there were several territories in this list that I thought were advanced in all the positions, they basically go first, with one first big exception. Today is February 25, 2021 at night receiving serious documents and comments on words I no longer believe. 

By the way, the material has been more than 15 hours 🕒 is where it should be for a long time.

 Why wasn't he there before? 

"I don't know 🤷 ♂️ 

"Maybe that's why 👇

Vladimir Vysotsky

One scientific mystery, or why the Aborigines ate Cook

Don't grab someone else's waist,

Breaking out of the hands of his girlfriends!

Remember how to the shores of Australia

The late Cook, now deceased, swam up,

Like, in a circle sitting under the azaleas,

By the way, from sunrise to dawn,

Spruce up in this sunny Australia

Friend's friend evil savages.

But why did the Aborigines eat Cook?

For what - it is unclear, the science is silent.

I think it's a very simple thing:

We wanted to eat - and ate Cook!

There is an option that their chief is a big beech.

He said he had a delicious cook on Cook's ship...

The mistake came out - that's what science is silent about:

They wanted Coca, but they ate Cook!

And there was no trick or trick at all.

Entered without a knock, almost without sound,

Let in the action of a baton of bamboo:

Bale! right into the theme - and there's no Cook!

But there is, however, still a pre-assumer,

That Cook was eaten out of great respect,

That all was snuoted by a sorcerer - cunning and evil:

"Atu, guys, grab Cook!

Who will bathe it without salt and without onions,

He's strong, brave, kind- like Cook!"

Someone under the arm came across a stone,

He threw, viper, and there is no Cook!

And the savages are now wringing their hands,

They break a copy, break their bows,

Burned and threw batons out of bamboo

They're worried they've eaten Cook!

Now I thought 💭 Volodya needs to popularize among musicians and world stars, apparently that's what I'll do tonight.

‘’Will pretend to continue that they know nothing and continue this zombification and blackmail of the population, I will send another 399 addresses with an account prone. I'm going to make a lot of fun for everybody. I was promised more material on this topic.’’ 

This song 🎶 written by Volodya in the form of some scientific riddle 'Why the Aborigines ate Cook'. Do not forget friends, Vladimir Vysotsky was born and lived in the USSR. It is made ✅ in the USSR in a very high quality. I never come close to this pinnacle of creativity. But in some areas of knowledge I am not inferior to Volodya and proud of this quality. Usually Vladimir Vysotsky sang songs with meaning. And suddenly you, stupid senseless song, wanted Coca, and ate Cook, here Vysotsky did not write nonsense? This will seem normal only to those who did not know Volodya and his creativity, as well as not far people, thanks to the defamatory film "Thank You That Alive", starring Sergei Bezrukov, Putin's confidant portrays Vysotsky only sick alcoholic and drug addict. Was it worth spending money 💰? Putin has a lot of them, but come on, not about money talk will be, not about money with Volodya Vysotsky !!!!!!

Volodya put a double meaning into all his songs and I try to invest too . . . So in this song, playing Russian homonymism and ambiguity, he built a second parallel plot, in this ambiguity . In comparison and parallels there is a basic meaning of Vladimir Semenovich's texts. And to write poems like "The Greek rode on a horse, drove a dog on a belt, and the old woman at this time washed the cactus on the window ..." - can any schoolboy graphomaniac and no talents do not need. At the end I will give my poems. 

Volodya was in Polynesia and then wrote this song.

The incident took place in a very different part of the world, in Hawaii. Vysotsky could not have imagined that a modern man would not notice such an obvious substitution in the song. The food was taken from the Hawaiians, so they banged it. And the song was born after a visit to New Zealand, there too late were passed laws against cannibalism. Delayed with the adoption of a universal law, so to speak, and Volodya caught them on this? As a poet, I can tell you we will never understand how poetry is written. That's what I'm telling you personally. So don't guess, there are a lot of versions, it's not a document that's below. 

We will choose the words, we follow the trail so to speak: 

'Gone without knocking.' It could have been just a selection of rhymes. But survivors of the repression of the 30's ... : to take came at night, and the arrival of trouble in the house heralded a knock at the door. Such stories were known and heard by Volodya from childhood. The savages entered without knocking... ? ...

It is in this place that the game comes into play - direct and metaphorical meanings. And, of course, in the lyrics of the song about Cook, the gamble of Vysotsky rhymes. A whole bunch of 💐-end rhymes ("Cook-science-piece-bug-trick-sound-bamboo-zlyuk-onion-stone," "cook-girlfriends"), internal rhymes. 

And as they laugh, there are intersonantes: "The Pope's COOK," "wanted to eat - and ate Cook," "the KUC on the ship KUK," "Tuk straight to the Temya - and not the Cook," "ATU, kids, hwataite Cook"...

Where's the drama? 

It does not manifest itself in the very fact of the death of the hero's captain? Volodya shuffles a character-narrator with possible variants of the captain's death. 

Isn't the Russian poet a savage? 

Or are the savages those who do not understand complex meanings? Or is the song a mockery of pseudo-scientific research?

The USSR positioned itself as a society of social justice, declared the state "highest value" and for the sake of "state interests" crushed fellow citizens by millions and millions... Breaking all the Commandments, in which there is no word that for the sake of the state good it is possible to kill masses of innocent people en masse.

Looking at the horrors of the past, russians often say the phrase "this should not happen again." But more and more is heard especially in April - May 'can repeat'. This refers to another kind of hate speech - war, they are already repeating the path of Joseph Dzhugashvili - Stalin - war with strangers and "enemy environment" ... In the legal field it is the seizure of the living space of developed countries of Europe and the United States, not through a large-scale war of type - (1939-1945) , but through destructive multi-vector hybrid operations within countries and territories.

Political repressions have a very long history, because until the formation of democratic states and perfect legal systems, they were part of the practice of despotism, monarchies and authoritarian states. Suffice it to recall the St. Bartholomew's Night and the political violence of the French Revolution.

 There have been periods in the history of different countries when the authorities began to perceive part of their population either as direct enemies or as unnecessary, "unnecessary" people. The principles of cannibalistic selection could be different - by ethnic origin, by religious views, by material condition, by political views, by the level of education - but the result was always the same: these "unnecessary" people were physically destroyed without trial or investigation, were subjected to criminal prosecution, or became victims of administrative restrictions (expelled from the country, sent into exile within the country, deprived of civil rights, and so on). That is, people suffered not for any personal guilt, but simply because they were unlucky that they became innocent victims of the state machine of destruction.

 By its nature, political repression is a product of imperfection of political systems, a non-legal state and serves non-legal purposes. In fact, they are an indispensable phenomenon of a “closed society”, of all totalitarian political regimes without exception, and are wholly determined by their interests. Such regimes significantly restrict the rights and freedoms of citizens, use a powerful repressive system and physical coercion to implement the will of power or to seize power. State terrorism is a special form of political violence. In Western political science (the Welsh School), any act of mass violence aimed at bringing about political change must be considered terrorist. In this regard, jurists share the political violence of the state and its agents and the violence of the masses and classes themselves.

 The very fact of large-scale or mass political repressions is evidence of the political backwardness or underdevelopment of the state, or the domination of misanthropic ideologies such as Nazism or Bolshevism. It was Nazism and Bolshevism that gave mankind the most terrible examples of political repression, growing into genocide, mass famine and mass extermination of people on racial or class grounds. Not without reason, such repressions in the USSR were called the "Great Terror", when hundreds of thousands of citizens were shot and millions were sent to the Gulag camps on sweeping charges of political crimes.

 Various strata of the population became victims of political repression in the USSR - "dispossessed" peasants, technical intelligentsia qualified as "pests", "enemies of the people" (dissidents, Social Democrats, Socialist-Revolutionaries, anarchists, Bundists, and so on), repressed for their faith (and not only Orthodox; according to estimates of church historians, more than 130 thousand clergy were arrested in 1937-38), the military (about 80% of the colonels and generals of the Red Army were repressed before the war), and in the course of the "fight against excesses" - some of the workers themselves punitive bodies (GPU-NKVD-NKGB). And among the repressed there were many ordinary people who had a seemingly completely safe social origin, but who were arrested either because of denunciation, or simply because of an order (there were also plans or "orders" sent from above to identify "enemies of the people"). If a major party functionary was arrested, then quite often his subordinates were also taken, down to the lowest positions such as a personal chauffeur or housekeeper.

 Repressions were subjected not only to individuals or individual classes, but also to individual peoples - for example, the Crimean Tatars, Kalmyks, Chechens and Ingush, Germans, and many others.

 Russian historians N.G. Okhotin and A. B. Roginsky calculated: if the concept of “victims of the regime” is defined narrowly - as persons arrested by the security organs and convicted on political charges by various judicial and quasi-judicial instances, “then, with minor errors, the number of repressed in the period from 1921 to 1953 will be about 5.5 million people. " If the number of "victims of Bolshevism" includes "not only different types of deportees who died from artificial starvation and killed during provoked conflicts, but also soldiers who died on the fronts of many wars that were waged in the name of communism, and those children who were not born due to the fact that their possible parents were repressed or died of hunger ", the number of victims of the regime will approach 100 million people (N. G. Okhotin, A. B. Roginsky. On the scale of political repression in the USSR under Stalin: 1921 -1953.). In the second case, the scale of mortality from hunger and repression can be judged by demographic losses, which only in the period 1926-1940. amounted to 9 million people. ("The demography of the Stalin era").

 The historian V. N. Zemskov, in his article "GULAG (Historical and Sociological Aspect)", provides the following data: "... in fact, the number of those convicted for political reasons (for" counter-revolutionary crimes ") in the USSR for the period from 1921 to 1953 year, that is, in 33 years, amounted to about 3.8 million people "(V. N. Zemskov GULAG (historical and sociological aspect) // Sociological research. 1991, N.6 pp. 10-27; 1991, N. 7, pp. 3-16).

 According to the chairman of the board of the international society "Memorial" Arseny Roginsky, from 1918 to 1987, according to the preserved documents, there were 7 million 100 thousand people arrested by the security organs of the USSR (Arseniy Roginsky about the historian's silence).

 According to Anatoly Vishnevsky, "the total number of citizens of the USSR who were subjected to repressions in the form of deprivation or significant restriction of freedom for more or less lengthy periods" from the late 1920s to 1953 "amounted to at least 25-30 million people") (Estimation of the total the number of repressed on demoscope.ru (electronic version of the bulletin "Population and Society").

 During perestroika, Memorial managed to collect factual data on 2.6 million repressed. Human history has not yet known such a scale of destruction of its own citizens, I would add - the colors of the nation - as under Hitlerism and Stalinism.

In order not to torment the reader with complex parallels and literary appeals, I will explain: History is not science 🧫. Istria is a fixation of facts and documents, professional analysis of the investigator's 🧐 using the method of deduction, causality, investigative experiments 🧫, collection of evidence and evidence. 

So here are my dear celestials. The crown 👑 virus 🦠 is a special operation of the Kremlin of Putin to destabilize Western countries and the world as a whole. Why don't you understand that? Why don't the FBI and CIA understand 🇺🇸? 

Because it's not Putin alone. 

This is a group of high-ranking officials crazy , part of the U.S. military is also involved in this monstrous plan. Most likely, often the participants of the special operation do not know about Putin's final plan. 

Otherwise, how do you explain the material below? 

The cases of the new U.S. administration were not transferred. Everybody knows that. There is a strong view that the new administration is in an information vacuum. 

Let's go about the old-fashioned title of the 20th century. Russia is to blame. Blame the U.S. . Europe and other delusions of journalists of the USA and the world are to blame.

The names of countries and their territories with forests, fields, mountains, rivers and lakes have nothing to do with our business. Also, the population of the countries has nothing to do with our case. These are hundreds of millions of beautiful people living with their own problems, sorrows and joys. We think about them and work for them.

Let's go 🛫 

... January 26, 2010 Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 

announced its intention to allocate $10 million 

to help China and Africa fight the spread of 2019-nCov. 

Soros has invested in a biotechnology laboratory in Wuhan, and it is located at 666. WuXi PharmaTech Inc., 666 Gaoxin Road, East Lake, Wuhan High-Tech Development Area 430075, China. 1. Proof that Soros has a financial involvement in WuXi ... WuXi's location in Wuhan is also interesting. The site address contains 666: WuXi AppTec (Wuhan) Low-Molecular Drug Search and Research Service 666 Gaoxin Road East Lake, Wuhan High-Tech Development Area 430075, China (86) 6539-0001. WuXi's Advanced Therapies website, which tells you what they offer, including gene therapy, virus production and various viral products...

The development of such a virus was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, writes publicist Ernst Fleischman for Anonymous News. In October 2019, Johns Hopkins University predicted the deaths of 65 million people from coronavirus. On 19 June, the British government-funded Pirbrait Institute filed a patent for coronavirus, which was approved on 20 November 2018 by the European Patent Office under the number EP3172319A1. One of the sponsors of this institute is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

The lab in Wuhan, exists on the money of banker George Soros. It is not only Soros, but also Chinese. Chinese or Russian responsibility after the war games in October 2019 in Wuhan ? But much more interesting is the existence of this laboratory looks against the background of the activities of Bill Gates. In October 2019, exactly at the same time as the war games were held in China, New York held very unusual "exercises" with the U.S. military 

Microsoft billionaire founder Bill Gates is now the main target 

theories about the occurrence of coronavirus 

This conclusion is contained in a joint study 

The New York Times (NYT) and zignal Labs.

Does Soros have anything to do with the crown 👑 


Soros is involved in ALL anti-national WORLD projects, he is one of the few who is a member of Deep State ? Is it linked to the outbreak of the corona epidemic 👑 🦠 virus?

Yes, it may be connected. No one's surprised? 

The notorious Bill Gates Foundation, among other things, is also a source of funding for all kinds of biological laboratories involved in the development of vaccines. But not only...

Asked what changes to expect in the near future, Gates said: "Ultimately, we will have certain DIGITAL CERTIFICATEs; showing who has recovered, or who has recently been tested, or who has received the vaccine when we have it." That is, people who are little familiar with the content of the ID2020 project, perfectly understand the meaning of the term "digital certificate" used by Bill Gates.

George Soros invested in a laboratory in Wuhan...?! 

This laboratory also deals with custom-made viruses, that is, for money they can bring out any person who wants any infection. This virus can serve as a benefit - for example, in the farm to destroy rodents, and to the detriment - to destroy the cattle of a competitor or even people ...? 

His colleagues and ideological comrades David Rockefeller and William Henry Gates may have shared his ideas with Soros and also contributed to the special operations. We have no right to talk 🗣 about the virus. In conclusion, I submit documents that show that there was and there is no new virus. There is an information special operation of a complex multi-level character, it is designed for years. 

Now it is safe to say one thing - the Kremlin is the main author of the project. Gates is a communicator manager.

Microsoft founder Bill Gates planned to invest 

$12 million to develop universal flu vaccine? He himself reported on April 27, at the Symposium of the Medical 

Society of Massachusetts and the New England Journal of Medicine. 

But even more symbolically, it exists on the money of the 💰 the defendant George Soros closely associated with the Russian capital and the Kremlin . Soros shares bill Gates' fascist- globalist ideas. It would seem that nuclear conspiracy is quite, but behind the absurd wrapper lies a cunning plan. 

Family of Google co-founder Larry Page. At the symposium, Gates explained that if in the next decade

the world will be hit by a major pandemic, which is likely to increase steadily,

humanity will not be ready for it ☑️ 

You're our fucking seer. 

He has worked with hundreds of diseases, including Ebola and all-the-time criminal shods. 

How did the intelligence agencies and the U.S. government allow such a scale of evil? Back in 2019, he said that 

33 million people could die from this kind of coronavirus 

250 days. The calculations are purely mathematical, but correct, Gates said. 

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation donated to the Pirbrait Institute 

in 2013, a grant of $189,232. ... Deadly virus named

 the crown 👑 the 🦠 Wuhan virus, which is based on the name of the Chinese city, 

from which it originates, appeared just a few years after 

how wuhan opened a controversial laboratory to work with the most 

dangers of pathogens in the world (Worldwide ) Pandemic Clade-X "simulates: 

 new killer virus could kill 900 million people)

And yes, Soros invested in a biotechnology lab in Wuhan at 666. WuXi PharmaTech Inc., 666 Gaoxin Road, East Lake, Wuhan High-Tech Development Area 430075, China 1. 

As well as volume material before, which by virtue of size can not be technically reproduced in one material. Thousands of indirect

and direct

I unequivocally state that the Kremlin and Putin personally are behind this large-scale special operation. He is still in an unknown place, reproduced two identical cabinets near Moscow and in Sochi (officially he has a protracted quarantine for 12 months) because, among other things, this bastard will not wear a rag on his face. And that would be suspicious from the start. 

On October 18, 2019, a meeting of THE 201 PEOPLE was held in New York, and the defendants were held:

Johns Hopkins Center for Health Care.

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

World Economic Forum.

Translation of the 11 minute video into Russian with brief content under the cat.


Key players:

UN 🇺🇳 



Johnson Johnson

Gates Foundation


Johns Hopkins University

(has two branches : China 🇨🇳, Italy 🇮🇹)

Banking Group AN

American Sanepid (CDC)

(Suggesting Americans wear three 😷 masks and wear women's stockings on top). Apparently for the ultimate humanization and destruction of the personality and psyche of the subjects of U.S. Citizens 🇺🇸 

Chinese Sanepid (CDC)

Johns Hopkins Center for Health and Security. 

Putin's propagandists all 2020 with a breath referred to falsification on the data of the sick from this institution. This is very strange only for those who are not familiar with Putin's propaganda. America is the enemy and they are on to enjoy never American data . And suddenly, such a lingering love with a common brain-burning 🧠 hatred among Democrats and the period of the U.S. presidential campaign 🇺🇸 

World Bank 🏦 

What was THE 201 in New York and what to call it? 

This is a collection of pigs with the appearance of people (rhyme runs in the wake of a criminal case) 

Months ago, maybe years.

The new corona virus has spread quietly among the livestock.

Gradually, the farmers began to get sick.

INSED: South America.

Infected people showed symptoms of respiratory diseases

- from moderate, flu-like to severe pneumonia.

Severe patients needed resuscitation, many died.

CAPS- Coronavirus Associated Pulmonary Syndrome- Corona virus associated with pulmonary syndrome.

The virus was transmitted through the air.

Experts agreed that the virus should be quickly brought under control,

otherwise it could lead to a violent pandemic on a global scale if it spread across the globe and strike people everywhere.

An urgent meeting on the CAPS pandemic was convened to discuss recommendations for action in these conditions.

Anita Cicero, Johns Hopkins University, Center for Health:

The Commission is made up of highly qualified professionals from business, health and civil society.

Dr. Kathleen Rivers:

We expect a doubling of cases within a week and a sixteen-fold at the end of the month if we can't stop the spread.

Half a million cases are expected to grow and diseases will grow exponentially.

Half a million cases are expected to grow and diseases will grow exponentially.

Within three months, 10 million people could get sick.

Tom Inglesby, Johns Hopkins University:

It will be a severe pandemic and it can only be stopped by working together

global business and government.

Yabani Bello, Negro Immunologist

We've known about CAPS for decades.

We've known about CAPS for decades.

But they were not successful in making a licensed vaccine.

Of course, new technologies can help, but it will be difficult.

I am not optimistic about the manufacture of a valid vaccine during this pandemic.

2:02 Antiviral drugs and necessary medicines should be distributed globally.

Tom Inglesby, Johns Hopkins University:

How should governments, businesses, international organizations allocate and distribute medicines to the people who need them most?

Adrian Thomas, businessman, Johnson and Johnson:

Adrian Thomas, businessman, Johnson and Johnson:

says very promiscuous

.... for global funds to have a centralized mechanism financially, financially to be able on behalf of countries... and secondly, it is important for the business sector and manufacturers to know what is needed and where it is needed and who makes decisions.

Sofia Borges, UN:

I think the countries most affected, both middle- and low-income countries with unequal access to technology and finance, countries in which the UN has worked, blah blah blah....

Christopher Elias, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

The truth is that we don't have the logistics capabilities even with the help of the UN 🇺🇳 

bring it all to one place and act. I think cooperation is important here.

between organizations and the private sector, which produces the essentials every day.

You need to understand where the necessary is made and where it should be delivered for the people who need it most.

Eduardo Martinez, UPS Foundation

Emphasizing the fact that cooperation between suppliers or businesses,

who produce the essentials can make effective the whole process...

Avril Haynes, former U.S. National Security Adviser

The question is whether this international mechanism can really promote (promote) commitments to do everything as quickly as possible to give people the feeling that if they invest more, they can better protect their own populations.

Jane Hulton AN' Bank :

To be understood for sure, most of these productions have already committed and will execute contracts. There has never been a case where product manufacturers do not have a consumer for their products. So the first thing that needs to be done.... countries (governments can't re-register it)... Governments should impose a state of emergency and cooperate with existing producers of goods.

Stefan Redd, US CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) Center for Epidemic and Disease Protection.

I think it is unwarranted and I agree that countries are unlikely to make much of a contribution on the required stockpile globally, without leaving more portions of what is needed for their populations...

4:46 CNN Special Post

Cheng Huang, CNN announcer

Health organizations make recommendations for travellers:

Some countries have poor levels of security due to the existence of strong pockets of infection. As a result, the tourism sector suffers losses - minus 45% of bookings, many flights are canceled.

States where the tourism sector is very large are losing.

Travel bans and restrictions on trade have a huge (negative) impact.

Tom Inglesby, Johns Hopkins University:

National leaders, businesses and international organizations are teetering on the brink of a risk of worsening disease that is spreading because people are constantly moving around the world despite trade bans, (they move) because otherwise it threatens huge economic losses.

Tim Evans, Ex-World Bank Group

If you think that the UN can do all this, then I am afraid that we are suffering from delusional frustration about the power of the UN.

It is very important to force these productions and trade organizations, which are decentralized but have a collective responsibility and are accountable, they should be supported by public leaders.

Martin Knufel, Lufthansa

It is important to identify the necessary travel and less important, we need to clearly define this. Otherwise, if our ticket reservations fall by 25% over time, the airlines will go bankrupt.

Christopher Elias, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

There are a lot of problems in this highly dependent world.

We have to measure the limit of flexibility so that everything keeps working.

I think only the private sector is capable of doing that.

The UN can coordinate, but only manufacturers know how, where and how much,

(solutions) are important in times of crisis.

George Gao, China, Center for Epidemic and Disease Protection

At a time when we need money- where is this money?

The state can provide a certain amount, the private sector is a certain number, but now you need real coordination! Centralization!

Lateia Abbott, Marriott International (hotel business)

Hotels suffer crushing losses due to travel bans... Hotel business makes 5% of GDP (gross national product)

Stefan Redd, US CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) Center for Epidemic and Disease Protection.

Governments must do things that are outside their historical traditions... we, to put it figuratively, should be on the warpath...

Brad Connett, "Henry Shine"

We should not underestimate the power of entrepreneurship. We need to strengthen subsidies from governments for production, everything can happen quickly, so we need a wartime plan... Martial law that stimulates change very quickly.

8:14 CNN Special Post

Countries react very differently, especially when it comes to understanding how to regulate

The level of misinformation and false information from the Internet.

In some cases, Internet outages are made in order to stop panic.

Misinformation undermines efforts to control panic during a pandemic.

Tom Inglesby, Johns Hopkins University:

How much control over information should be, and who should control, and how can effectively defeat false information. And what if false information comes from companies or governments?

Hastie Taghi, NBC Universal

I think it is very important that there should be a compressed and effective connection with all medical organizations where patients are treated and monitored, so that there is no mass panic.

Matthew Herrington, Eidelman

This is the moment when all social media platforms have to go out and engage in accurate coverage, become partners in scientific and medically correct lighting, shove the genie misinformation back in the bottle - it's possible to do so.

Lavan Thiru, Singapore's responsible financier.

The thing we haven't said yet, and I think the time to talk about it has come,

100 government measures against fake news.

Jane Hulton, AN' Bank

Personally, I do not think that the forceful plugging of information resources is practical or desirable.

We have several strategies that should work.

The first is Floods (information) - rely on resources worthy of trust and supply them with essential equipment and facts to broadcast them.

And we also need to think about the technological aspects of this.

( (The ambiguity may mean the technology of suppression of information, without declaring punitive state measures)


The results of Pandemic 201 were a disaster.

65 million people died in the first 18 months (one and a half years)

The epidemic was not large at first and seemed easily suppressed,

but then it began to spread in poor areas and giant cities.

From that moment on, the pandemic became a WINNER.

For 6 months the disease existed in almost every country.

The global economy has fallen.

Gross national product fell by 11%.

Stock exchanges in the world recorded a fall from 20% to 40%.

Businesses did not take loans, banks did not give loans.

Businesses did not take loans, banks did not give loans.

Everyone hoped to at least survive the storm.

Economists have predicted decades of negative effects from the pandemic.

The loss of trust in governments and the media could continue even longer.

We want to ask, "Should this be so horrible?"

What can be done to reduce catastrophic losses?

What can be done to reduce catastrophic losses? 

We believe we can.

Are we, as a global community, prepared to work hard to prepare for a new pandemic? 


A question to my reader ! 

Are these people ready for the hard work of THE NEW WORLD? 

What is the role of the White House administration in such commercial projects? 

Please treat responsibly and with understanding. Spelling errors and not the accuracy of automatic translation from Russian to American English are possible.

Long videos of the same event

1) EXERCISE IN PANDEMIC : Medicine (56 minutes)


2) EXERCISE IN PANDEMIC: Trade and travel. (34 minutes)


3) WORLD IN PANDEMIC: Finance (37 minutes)


4) EXERCISE IN THE WORLD:Communications and epilogue (36 minutes)


5) EXPERT IN THE WORLD:Analysis OF THE 201 Hot Trails and Conclusion (41 minutes)


What was the 201- Professor Simon, tormented by YouTube.


And now friends, among whom there may be gentlemen officers 👮 ♂️ move from literature and poems to the prose of life and statistics. By the way, this prose of life was prepared about 15 hours 🕒 ago, perhaps it will claim a great round-the-world trip 🧳 🛳 in a good and warm company of different stars 💫

ϒ𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔍𝔬𝔨𝔢𝔯 🃏

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