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           ϮɍϊƀυƖє Ӽ

Why do I consider the author of the special operation crown 👑 virus 🦠 the Kremlin? For many reasons. And here's another reason, previously also stated. In the 70s of the last century in China did not know such names of coronavirus . There in the toilet 🚾 in Beijing still went to the street. Apart from not traditional medicine it is a backward country. I can't say anything about the countries of the west, but judging by the general reaction from which the West for more than 12 months can not come to the senses, you also did not know such a name. Or...? ...

And Moscow knew for a long time. And the FSB and GRU employ good military doctors 🥼 senders. And let's not argue about the poisoners. 

Let's go 🛫 

In the 70's in the USSR knew about coronavirus . This scan I sent earlier. But it's going to be even more interesting.

Arbidol is the name of the antiviral drug umiphenovir, introduced by its developer (VNIHF) in 1974, as derived from the words carbetoxy and bromindol. The international generic name Umifenovirum was given the drug by the World Health Organization in 2001. Currently, the rights to the trademark "Arbidol" belong to "Pharmstandard"

Soviet newspapers wrote about the mysterious virus 40 years ago

Komsomolskaya Pravda was versed in history, which at first seemed to us a fake

Photo: Bakharev A./TASS Photo Chronicle

In social networks now a solid coronavirus. News, jokes, tips and, of course, fakes and horror stories. Here, for example, is a picture - on it the editorial "Izvestia" of August 12, 1981. A news report from Spain is entitled "Victims of a mysterious disease." It refers to new victims of "atypical pneumonia" (read the text on the right).

It is known that the coronavirus COVID-2019 causes pneumonia. Is this infection almost 40 years old? Or the machinations of network pranksters again?

This photo is on the net. But the real newspaper of August 12, 1981 looks like the picture below.


The newspaper immediately seemed strange. At least because the ordinary note about foreign life is located on the first page, right under the hat. In those years, the decisions of the party congresses and other official information were placed on such an honorable place.

In search of the truth, we went to the Russian State Library - Leninka. More precisely, did not go, and wrote - because because of the quarantine halls are closed. But on the site rsl.ru

you can request scanned documents and books. On the main page there is a button "Order online" which we used.

- There's no this article! - immediately responded to the chat virtual consultant.

The consultant sent the first page of the newspaper (see photo). There really wasn't such a note.

But once again looking at the publication, I noticed that through the text shine letters of other materials on the back of the page. It is possible to fake such, of course, but it is difficult. Maybe the text is taken from another place?

I asked you to send a full issue. And I found that note on the penultimate page! It turns out that the scan on the Internet is only partially fake. Just for the sake of persuasiveness, a note from the international chronicle was placed under the cap of the edition.

On the front page - an editorial from the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. However, there is a note about the mysterious contagion in this issue, only on another page (see photo below).


But what is the terrible disease described in this news? Reprinted Spanish newspapers of the time can be found online. They also write about the epidemic. And the ailment went beyond the kingdom.

It turned out that people had toxic oil syndrome. That's what the World Health Organization called it. You can download a book on the history of the disease on the WHO website.

"Several hundred people died as a result of this outbreak, and the total number of victims exceeded 20,000 people," the organization said.

A note about the victims of a mysterious disease in this newspaper.

The outbreak began in May 1981 near Madrid. People were mowed down by the disease, which has symptoms similar to pneumonia. But it turned out that the fault is not the virus, and olive oil. To reduce costs, manufacturers diluted it with rapeseed. However, not food, but those that are used to lubricate the mechanisms. Many chemicals, including aniline and acetamide, have been added to this rapeseed oil. Thus, the symptoms - rash, fever, vomiting - were caused by poisoning. The oil was sold not only in Spain, but all over Europe.

In short, the disease had nothing to do with coronavirus.





Read on WWW.KP.RU: https://www.kp.ru/daily/27109.4/4184715/

Analytics involves mandatory modeling. Versions in the language of the investigator . 

Special operation 'crown 👑 virus 🦠' ' 

The main goals of the 🎯: political, economic, social, religious, other ...

The main goals : in the consequence of the discontent of the population to provoke mass chaotic speeches of people in different countries of the world, mainly Western democracies and the United States 🇺🇸. Change the models of democratic institutions, unbalance economies, reduce the population of these countries to critical levels. Redistribution of business, markets, development of new territories due to the expansion of capital and troops of the Russian Federation. 

Five stages of the special operation. 

STAGE 1. Laboratory

1.1. Create a slightly modified bait virus (from an old known coronavirus) with a low fatality rate and an incubation period of 14-30 days for its initial maximum spread. 

This bait virus must have a complex biological code to prevent it from being hacked in the first year of the virus. 

He must have syndromes similar to a common cold, to inflame the situation, to be able to spread rumors quickly and to write everything off on the virus. 

There should be an antidote of the said drug, in case of infection of interested persons. 

The bait virus should be spread by airborne droplets, then any cold can be written off for this virus. 

Someone coughed - it's coronavirus.

The temperature is definitely it!

Why did we call it the bait virus?

Because the coronavirus that is now supposedly raging on the planet, it is not a biological weapon, it is in fact a long-known sore, albeit slightly altered. 

It is used as a bait to create a need for some kind of antidote or vaccination in people. 

Coronavirus lures us to the future great and mighty vaccine.

1.2. Vaccine in the laboratory stage is also developed - in advance, before the release of the animal-coronavirus into the wild.

But only this is not a real vaccine.

The laboratory creates the main combat virus disguised as a coronavirus vaccine for injectable (via injection) point spread, with a maximum fatality rate (mortality) and a long incubation period.

The incubation or latent period is the period when the ailment in us is already there, but does not manifest itself yet.

The new virus will not be transmitted by airborne droplets to control its spread. 

It will be disguised as an injection vaccine against the bait virus.

So: we make a monster out of almost ordinary disease (from a fly - an elephant), convince everyone in its great danger - and gradually achieve the goal: all together line up for a slaughter vaccine and get it free of charge.

The fact that the vaccine supposedly eliminates coronavirus, we will be persuaded by false tests.

People will rejoice - after the vaccine in tests and tests no coronavirus was found.

We're not contagious, cheers!

But, alas, the population will get a new battle virus with a long hidden incubation period.

And after this long period there will be a transient disease.

It will, of course, be given for a whole new epidemic.

This was already the case in the early 20th century.

The usual flu began on the planet, but millions of vaccinations have also begun.

And not thousands of People died from a Spaniard, as is usually the case with the flu, but tens of millions of people.

STAGE 2. Coronavirus

The Beast is released.

In all media there is a maximum inflating of information with falsification of mortality facts. 

Throwing in the idea of the need for self-isolation for people. 

In prison, the prisoner's main dream - freedom.

And this is a vaccine. 

Everyone thinks only about the end of the epidemic and freedom. 

Everyone is thinking about a life-saving vaccine.

There is a steady, voluntary collective belief in the need for life-saving vaccines.


Message in all media - the vaccine is released, it is free and available to all.

They will show the video - as everyone loses the coronavirus. 

People volunteer to volunteer for voluntary vaccination.

First of all, all members of the army and security forces are vaccinated.

But vaccines for the security forces of the militant virus will not be contained, as the authors need the army and police.

Homicide vaccination will be distributed precisely - only where it is necessary to reduce the population.


An outbreak of a new "infectious viral disease" begins after the end of the incubation period of the war virus introduced with the vaccine.

The battle virus begins its difficult work.

Where he can not cope, just stupidly poison the population, for example, the old, kind luizite with the smell of geranium, which we often feel in the morning in Diveevo. 

(World War II warning poster: "Luizith smells like geranium") 

The beginning of a serious correction of the world's population. 

The real deaths of many, many thousands of people a day.

Corpses are not buried, but burned by thousands, for fear of contaminating sewage.

When the people die quite a lot, the "epidemic" will stop.


After mass slaughter, vaccination and chipping of the population, the remaining people recover and under strict control of the towers 5 G begin to restore the economy of their countries.

The Polish police went the furthest in the food of the cat-like tyranny.

A person belonging to the Polish law enforcement agency pulls out a gun because of the lack of a mask on the face of a citizen. 

The man filming it all says, "Ladies and gentlemen, where have we come from?! For the mask 🤿 !!! They're going to shoot us!" 

Welcome to Hell. 

The psychopandemia of coronavirus is, of course, the "psychosis of the century" if not at all (I don't see any similar example of madness and panic engulfing the globe). Unfortunately, not only psychosis - at least in Russia. And the most natural "21st century afure", comparable only to the infamous "grab" of the 90s of the last century. 

The fact is that the inevitable result of even the "under-screen name of Sobyanin" (not to mention the state of emergency) will be the bankruptcy of thousands of enterprises - from trifle to giants. Which then can be cleaned up for nothing (or even for nothing). And the development and installation of "self-isolation monitoring systems" on a Russian scale is another bonanza. Eldorado. Klondike. 

It is for the sake of this (to save for the sake of plundering the galactic scale and sawing the next budget trillions) all this madness and started. And not for the sake of saving the lives of Russian old people (pension reform convincingly proved that the government is interested in making them extinct as much as possible - to send the funds of the Pension Fund into the pockets of the gang that rules Russia). 

The life of a Russian for the Russian authorities has never been done by anything - it is not worth it now. So do not build illusions - Sobyanin and others do not care about you at all. They have very different priorities. 

However, there is a small problem that they do not seem to take into account. All these "non-quarantines" reduced the income of the security forces (cops, Rosgvardiya. FSB, SC, Prosecutor's Office, etc.) by a minimum of an order of magnitude. For the structures they milked ceased their activities.

Business disappears before our eyes ...

For the note, the recording ❗️

ϒ𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔍𝔬𝔨𝔢𝔯 🃏

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