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           ϮɍϊƀυƖє Ӽ

Say the grandfathers of the USSR fought against fascism? And what do you know about fascism? 

Ukraine 🇺🇦 "Banderovets" captured an innocent Soviet officer, a war hero and take a photo in memory before brutally his ... Kill...? 


But this is a special group of stanislavsky department of the IGB of the USSR, headed by its curator. They were a group of UPA or a group of OUN Security Service. Under the guise of "Bander" robbed, tortured, raped, killed. Including children. These atrocities of Moscow propaganda are still attributed to the "Banderians".

And if anyone does not believe - find the text of the report note of the military prosecutor of the Interior Ministry of the Ukrainian district G. Kosharsky in the name of the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (b) N. Khrushchev "On the facts of gross violation of socialist legality in the activities of the so-called special groups of the IGB" No. 4/001345 of February 15, 1949. There's a few pages of description of such atrocities, from which blood is drowned in the veins. With specific victims.

Oh yes, forget that you 😛 do not know the language, and even lazy and will not look for 🔦. Then listen: 

In 1945, there were 156 such special teams in Western Ukraine with a total of 1,783 fighters.

In 1949, after a meeting of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (B), the facts set out in the Kosharsky report note reduced their number to 150 participants in 25 groups.

In 1950 there were 19 special groups (130 militants).

In 1953 - 29 agent-fighting groups, who pretended to be "Banderov."

These are dry facts. There are many of them in the archives declassified in Ukraine.

The Kremlin's methods do not change: they make the image of the enemy unimaginable in size of evil - this is the norm for the Russian government and Putin's propaganda. At all costs, trampling on the historical truth. Lies are perfectly smeared on their wheat bread for livestock. It is from it for more than four years make cheap varieties of bread. Pigs 🐷. 

And you must have broken your head like this Putin and Trump crown 👑 virus staged in New York. Journalists helped yours. By the way, storming the Capitol is the Kremlin's plan. 

Document 5.February 15, 1949 On the facts of gross violation of Soviet legality in the activities of the so-called. special groups of the MGB

 Document 5.

 February 15, 1949. On the facts of gross violation of Soviet legality in the activities of the so-called. special groups of the MGB

 15 February 1949

 No. 4/001345

 Top secret.

 copy number 1

 Secretary of the Central Committee of the KP (b) comrade N. S. Khrushchev

 Memorandum on the facts of gross violation of Soviet legality in the activities of the so-called. special groups of the MGB.

 The Ministry of State Security of the Ukrainian SSR and its Departments in the Western regions of Ukraine, in order to identify the enemy, Ukrainian-nationalist underground, widely use the so-called. special groups acting under the guise of UPA bandits.

 This very sharp method of operational work, if it was applied intelligently, truly conspiratorially and KGB trained people, would undoubtedly contribute to the speedy uprooting of the remnants of the gangster underground.

 However, as the facts show, the grossly provocative and stupid work of a number of special groups and the arbitrariness and violence committed by their members against the local population, not only does not facilitate the fight against banditry, but, on the contrary, complicates it, undermines the authority of Soviet legality and undoubtedly harm the cause of socialist construction. in the Western regions of Ukraine.

 For instance:

 1. In March 1948, a special group headed by an agent of the MGB "Krylaty" twice visited the house of a resident of the village. Gritski, Dubovitsky district, Rivne region - PALAMARCHUK Gordey Sergeevich, 62 years old, and posing as UPA bandits, brutally tortured G.S. Palamarchuk and his daughters: A.G. PALAMARCHUK. and ZG PALAMARCHUK, accusing them of allegedly “handing over Ukrainian people to the MGB”.

 “KRYLATYY” and members of his group tortured AG PALAMARCHUK. and ZG PALAMARCHUK, hung them up, poured water into their noses and, severely beating them, forced them to testify that they were not connected with the MGB, but, on the contrary, were connected with members of the Ukrainian nationalist underground.

 The participants in the special operation warned the members of the PALAMARCHUK family that if they dared to tell the Soviet authorities about the bandits visiting their house, then they would be punished.

 On the basis of the "materials" obtained in such a provocative way, on July 18, 1948, the Dubrovitsky RO of the MGB, Z. G. Palamarchuk and A. G. Palamarchuk, were arrested, and, as the arrested persons stated, the officers of the MGB regional department, during interrogations, were also beaten, forced for a long time to stand on their feet and demanded that they testify about the connection with the bandits.

 As a result of the intervention of the Military Prosecutor's Office, the provocative nature of the accusation PALAMARCHUK Z.G. and PALAMARUK A.G. was established and by the decision of the UMGB of September 24, 1948, the case on the charges of these persons was terminated.

 2. On the night of July 22, 1948, a special group of the MGB from the village. Podvysotskoye, Kozinsky district, Rivne region, a local resident Fyodor Leontyevich Kotlovsky was taken into the forest, who was tortured by the members of the special group, accusing him of the fact that workers from among the communist activists often stay in his house and that, allegedly, he gave to the authorities Soviet power of bandits.

 These provocative actions pursued the goal, through torture and the threat of deprivation of life, to force KOTLOVSKY to testify that he was an enemy of the Soviet regime.

 As a result of torture, KOTLOVSKY was undergoing treatment in the hospital from July 27 to August 27, 1948.

 According to the conclusion of the hospital, F.L. Kotlovsky severe bodily injuries were inflicted, with symptoms of concussion and necrosis of the soft tissues of the body.

 3. On the night of July 22, 1948, by the same special group, a resident of the village was taken into the forest. Ridkiv, S. V. Mikhalchuk - invalid of the Patriotic War.

 In the forest, MIKHALCHUK was interrogated, during which he was tied up, hung up and severely beaten, thus obtaining testimony about his connection with the bandits.

 After keeping MIKHALCHUK for 2 days in the forest, the members of the special group released him, and as a result of the beatings, he was inpatient treatment in the hospital for 7 days.

 4. On the night of July 23, 1948, the same special group from the village. Podvysotskoye, citizen REPNITSKAYA Nina Yakovlevna, born in 1931, was taken into the forest. In the forest, REPNITSKAYA was tortured.

 Interrogating Repnitskaya, the members of the special group beat her severely, hung her upside down, injected a stick into her penis, and then raped her one by one.

 In a helpless state, Repnitskaya was abandoned in the forest, where her husband found her and took her to the hospital, where Repnitskaya was being treated for a long time.

 The examples above show that the actions of the so-called. the special groups of the MGB are of a pronounced gangster, anti-Soviet character and, of course, cannot be justified by any operational considerations.

 Lacking sufficient materials, the so-called. special groups of the MGB operate blindly, as a result of which the victims of their arbitrariness are often persons who are not involved in the Ukrainian gangster nationalist underground.

 Along with this, it should be noted that this method of work of the MGB organs is well known to the OUN underground, which warned and warns its members about it. In particular, this is evidenced by the fact that the murdered bandit “Gonta” found a full report on the provocative actions of the MGB special group against Mr Kotlovsky.

 Such "operational combinations" are not also a secret for those persons against whom the members of special groups perpetrated violence, for example:

 In August 1948, the Military Prosecutor's Office dismissed the case of Stepan Petrovich STOTSKY and Yekaterina Grigorievna DMITRUK arrested by the Lviv Regional Department of the MGB.

 These persons were illegally arrested in September 1947, and since there was no material about their anti-Soviet activities, they were passed through the MGB special battle, where, as a result of the use of illegal interrogation methods, they were forced to incriminate themselves.

 How cruel were the tortures to which the above citizens were subjected is evidenced by the fact that from September 22, 1947 to January 1948, STOTSKY was undergoing treatment at the Lopatinskaya hospital and in the hospital of the UMGB internal prison for deep and extensive ulcers resulting from physical impact on the soft tissues of the body.

 During the investigation, it turned out that STOTSKY learned that he was not beaten by bandits, but by persons related to the MGB.

 Due to the lack of materials for trial, STOTSKY and DMITRUK, almost a year after their arrest, were released from custody.

 In April 1948, the Lviv Regional Department of the MGB was released from custody ZATSERKOVNAYA Maria, born in 1927, arrested by the Zabolotsky District Department of the MGB of the Lviv Region.

 In the course of the investigation of the case, it was established that ZATSERKOVNAYA was passed through a special battle, where, being beaten and threatened with hanging, she was forced to incriminate herself that she was a member of the “OUN” and was a village woman.

 On October 10, 1948, the Zdolbunovsky regional department of the MGB of the Rivne region arrested a resident of the farm in Zagreb, Zdolbunovsky district - Dembitsky Pyotr Ustinovich for aiding the bandits.

 Dembitsky was accused of collecting grain for them on the instructions of the OUN bandits.

 The investigation established that in September 1948 armed bandits came to his house and demanded that he collect 30 centners of bread for them from among the inhabitants of the farm. Fearing reprisals for non-compliance with these requirements, Dembitsky turned to some residents of the farm with a request to collect grain, but the citizens refused him.

 A few days later, several people again appeared to Dembitsky and, after giving him one hour, were ordered to collect grain from the villagers and deliver it to the indicated place.

 Fearing the unknown, Dembitsky harnessed his horse, loaded three sacks of grain that belonged to him onto the cart, and took this grain to the indicated place. However, unknown persons, as it turned out, were members of the special group of the MGB, took Dembitsky to the regional department of the MGB, where an act of arresting Dembitsky red-handed was drawn up.

 After Dembitsky's arrest, his wife came to the Military Prosecutor's Office, who among the visitors talked about the fact that MGB officers were acting under the guise of bandits, who intimidated and provoked her husband.

 Unfortunately, similar facts from the activities of special groups of the MGB are far from isolated and, as the investigative practice shows, if in some cases special groups, through violence and intimidation, still manage to obtain "confessions" from individuals about their connection with the gangster underground, then a good faith and an investigation conducted in accordance with the requirements of the law inevitably reveals the provocative nature of these “confessions,” and the release from prison of those arrested based on the materials of special groups entails discrediting Soviet legality, MGB agencies and the possibility of using each such case for enemy, anti-Soviet purposes by Ukrainian nationalists.

 Acting in the role of UPA bandits, the participants in the MGB special operations are engaged in anti-Soviet propaganda and agitation.

 However, the serious danger of such activities is not only this.

 Acting in the role of Ukrainian nationalists, the participants in the special battles go further along the line of the artificial, provocative creation of an anti-Soviet nationalist underground.

 As shown by the investigation carried out by the Security Department of the Ministry of State Security of the Kovel railway. in the case of F.AND.NOGACHEVSKY and others, a special group of the Rivne Regional Directorate of the MGB consisting of Stepovoy, Verkhovy and others, acting in a provocative way, carried out anti-Soviet agitation among the citizens of the Kozinsky district of the Rivne region, processed citizens in a nationalist spirit, created an anti-Soviet nationalist group of 9 the person through whom she collected money and food, allegedly for the needs of the UPA.

 Not to mention the fact that such "activity", which some are trying to justify by considerations of an operational nature, is directly directed against the activities of the party and government held in the western regions of Ukraine - who can guarantee that those "processed" in such a provocative way persons who will not leave the control of the MGB bodies and will not commit a terrorist act, sabotage or other atrocity.

 After all, there are facts when, as a result of carelessness and dulling vigilance on the part of individual MGB employees, even the MGB agents got out of the control of the state security bodies and were engaged in anti-Soviet activities.

 For example: On the night of September 13, 1948 in the village. Headquarters, Rivne district of Rivne region, members of an anti-Soviet nationalist organization disarmed a self-defense fighter KOVALYSHIN and committed a terrorist act over a resident of the village. Headquarters Kuchinets Lydia Fadeevna, who was a secret officer of the MGB.

 As established by the preliminary and judicial investigation, the organizers of this nationalist group and the initiators of the murder of Mrs. Kuchinets L.F. were officers of the Rivne RO MGB - N.V. Parfenyuk and S.I. Gritsay, who, as a result of criminal dealings and dulling of vigilance by The chief of the RO MGB Major Yegorov was not prosecuted.

 Having received information about the involvement of PARFENYUK and GRITSAI in a nationalist organization, the disarmament of a fighter of a self-protection group and the murder of citizen L.F. Kuchinets, Beginning. RO MGB Major Yegorov summoned Parfenyuk and Gritsai to RO MGB and, having established in a conversation with them that they were the organizers and participants of the above crimes, nevertheless did not arrest them, but released them for “operational reasons”. Taking advantage of this, Parfenyuk and Gritsai, warning about possible arrests of other members of the terrorist group, fled.

 Participants in special operations of the MGB commit robberies of local citizens. According to the report of the Kozinsky district prosecutor of the Rivne region, in July 1948 in the territory of the district they robbed the citizens of SHVEYDA Iosif, Grabovskiy Ivan and others. Similar facts took place in other regions and districts.

 These robberies, like other violations of Soviet legality, are also justified by operational considerations, and not only by ordinary MGB workers, but also by the Minister himself, comrade. SAVCHENKO, who in a conversation with me said: “You can't send soldiers into the forest with canned food. They will be deciphered immediately. "

 Thus, the robberies of the local population by special battles are viewed as an inevitable evil and the political consequences of such excesses are clearly underestimated.

 Violence and robbery, even the very fact of the appearance in the settlement of special combat actions acting under the guise of a gang, like any gangster manifestation, has a terrifying effect on the inhabitants and undoubtedly interferes with the work of socialist construction in the Western regions of the Ukrainian SSR, creates a false opinion among some part of the population that the gangster underground is still strong, that it should be feared, etc.

 OUN bandits terrorize citizens who want to join collective farms, but if not an OUN gang appears in the village, but a special operation acting under the guise of a gang, this does not change the situation. In this respect, the following case is typical:

 On September 28, 1948, in the Kamenets-Podolsk city department of the MGB, collective farmers from. Zavalye was informed by phone that an armed gang of 12 people appeared in the village, approached the cooperative and the collective farm barn, checked the locks, and then proceeded in the direction of the village. Slobodka - Richtetskaya.

 In fact, it was not the OUN gang, but a special operation of the Ternopil Regional Department of the MGB. It is characteristic that this special battle was mistaken for a gang not only by collective farmers, but also by employees of the Kamenets-Podolsk city department of the Ministry of State Security, from where a group of officers and officers of the Kamenets-Podolsk military school of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was sent to eliminate the “gang” in a truck.

 This "operation" ended with the fact that as a result of a car accident, officers were killed - Art. Lieutenant Kharchenko I.P. and Lieutenant Kirpachev V.M., and 16 officers and a driver, soldier Kondratsky, were injured.

 Examples from the activities of special groups, which entailed criminal results, could be continued, but the materials at the disposal of the Military Prosecutor's Office, of course, do not exhaust all cases of violation of Soviet legality committed by special groups. The facts that I am reporting to you were revealed in the course of the investigation of specific investigative cases, but not every case of violation of Soviet legality is reflected in investigative cases and is being investigated. It seems to me that most of the facts are not being investigated.

 Moreover, if the Military Prosecutor's Office puts before the MGB of the Ukrainian SSR questions about the punishment of criminals who grossly violate Soviet laws, then the MGB of the Ukrainian SSR does not find a proper and quick response: they are looking not so much for evidence of the criminal activities of persons who have grossly violated the law, as various reasons for in order to "refute" the facts reported by the Military Prosecutor's Office and obscure the investigation.

For example, the Military Prosecutor's Office reported the facts of gross violation of the law by the special forces of the UMGB of the Roven region in early October 1948, however, the criminals were arrested only in February this year, and before their arrest, the Head of the IGB Office for the Roven Region, Shevchenko, tried to "refute" the facts uncovered by the Military Prosecutor's Office and convince the Secretary of the Roven Obkom KP (b) BEMA that these facts were allegedly investigated and not confirmed.

The IGB bodies, under the leadership of the party, are doing a great job of uprooting the remnants of the Ukrainian-nationalist, gangster underground, in the fight against which all means are good and need cunning and dodgy.

But despite the complexity of the situation and the insidiousness of the enemy, violations of party and Soviet laws are unacceptable, violations of the ruling of the SNC of the USSR and the Central Committee of the Communist Party (b) of November 17, 1938 and the rulings of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (b)U of January 28, 1948, to which you, Nikita Sergeevich, repeatedly pointed out.

Therefore, as a communist for whom party decisions are an unshakable law of life, I consider it my duty to report the above facts to you.



What has changed in 90 years? No problem.

Pictured in the middle are two commandos from the Muslim Revolutionary Guard Corps, and around their Russian brothers. 

The corps is not just part of the Iranian army, but the real Islamists, the Shiite Islamists, the truth.

ϒ𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔍𝔬𝔨𝔢𝔯 🃏

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