zutara book 3 reunion

zutara book 3 reunion

zubair book stall

Zutara Book 3 Reunion


ok so I want Lotor to be space tahno triceratops-the-fighter:Just a reminder that racists, neo-nazis, anti-semites, and fascists are not welcome here on this blog, and that I stand with the Jewish community. I refuse to interact with people whose political beliefs call for mass extermination. The sun loved the moon so much he died every night to let her breathe Hi, as you've mentioned a lot of times The Crossroads of Destiny episode was where the writers were originally planning on Zutara to start happening but of course That's not how it played out, but even if that episode ended the way it did, I still see a lot of evidence in Zutara still happening, when Zuko joins the GAANG mid Book 3, him and Katara spend the most time with each other out of all the other characters, the fought, joked and slept next to each other 1 episode lol, what do you think? Oh, I totally agree. The decision to go with Kataang came up well after the general story for Book 3 was thought up, so a lot of Zuko and Katara’s moments together were no doubt conceived back when they were still planned to wind up together.

Like Aang getting so jealous of them during the play. And he even brings up his issue with opening his final chakra, then Katara rejects his kiss. And all of that…led to nothing. Which is why so many of the writers were so surprised when the final draft had the Kataang kiss. It’s very easy to see why. They still have many very important moments together, they spend a lot of time with each other and their personalities are very compatible. This is why it was so important for Bryke to come up with a contrived way for her to hate Zuko for most of Book 3. Otherwise, they’d have too much obvious chemistry and Kataang would seem even more forced than it already was. But you can still see times where they did have special moments, even in canon. Especially in episodes by Joshua Hamilton, and the Ehasz couple, who all shipped Zutara. There are little hints that show how he wanted to make them a couple. And the show constantly parallels their characters. Zuko is dealing with Ozai during The Awakening, written by Aaron Ehasz and directed by Giancarlo Volpe, both Zutara supporters.

And at the exact same time, Katara is dealing with her pain about Hakoda. This was completely intentional. The same is true during The Eclipse. Zuko is having a character-defining moment confronting Ozai and leaving for good. And Katara is having to separate from her father. Katara tells Zuko the story of how her mother was murdered. This is something deeply painful that she never shares with Aang. And by the end, she feels grateful to Zuko for going with her, unlike with Aang, who judged her. Zuko’s feelings about Iroh are so fundamental to his character, and it is only Katara who he feels safe confiding his worries in. He never once talks about anything like this to Mai, and Katara is far more supportive than she ever was. Zuko is so happy when Katara is reunited with her father and the episode goes out of its way to show that in the same episode he dumped Mai. Katara is there for Zuko’s reunion with Iroh. And it is Katara who helps Zuko take on his sister, something vital to his character arc.

mightythor:virago(n.) a strong, brave, or warlike woman; a woman who demonstrates exemplary and heroic qualities gtgrandom:Zutara Month 2016: Beauty & The BeastI can’t believe I forgot about Zutara month! I have some serious catching up to do. fullmetalfisting:kesus:Can you believe 14 year old azula delivered the best line of any villain ever “don’t flatter yourself. You were never even a player” iconicActually the best line of any villain ever was, “Maybe you should worry less about the tides, who’ve already made up their mind about killing you, and worry more about me, who’s still mulling it over.” Also spoken by Azula, age 14. carpaydiem:jackthevulture:I’m gonna outlive donald trump i dont care how long i have to wait i wanna live in a world where he doesnt exist and I dont have to hear or see him Spite, fuel meim not goin anywheregod this was so uplifting to read alexandergideon:All men should come with remotes.Zutara - Destiny Pg. 2 of 2 / / / ©2007-2017 SetoAngel01

Page 2 of 2 WARNING: This page of this comic does contain a quote from "Western Air Temple", but other then that, there aren't any spoilers. Okay, this was a comic I started a week ago, and after minor stallings with the script and how the plot I had would fit into two pages, it could have been worse. This page is a lot better then the first. The story is a little lessed rushed and the drawing and coloring is so much better. The only main difference with this page is that the lines theyw ere speaking changed A LOT! But I believe it was for the better because initally, their lines were questionable. On this page, yeah, I'll admit that they get a little off topic, but just to let you know that on starting on panel 6, they began to talk about life and how sometimes, life doesn't work out like you expect it to, but that is what the great thing about it is. Because with an open mind, it might turn out much better then expected. If you can't read: Zuko: Hey, you can't give up hope after one failure.

In the end, it'll turn out okay. Katara: Sigh* You shouldn't make a promise like that. You can't expect certain things will turn out like you expect. Zuko: Hey, come on... (Getting a little closer... ) Zuko: Listen, that's the great thing about life. You don't know exactly how things will turn out, but anything is possible. You just have to keep an open mind about it. Zuko: If you follow your heart, eventually, it'll reveal itself and the path you take if up to you, and no one can take that away. Zuko: It may take time, but it'll make itself clear one day. Heck, it may even take you by surprise. (Katara sure surprised him. Guess it was something he said or she just wanted to shut him up.) Katara: I think it just made itself very clear... Zuko: I think so too... "Destiny is a funny thing, you never know how how things are going to work out, but if you keep an open mind, and an open heart, I promise you will find your own destiny someday..." -Uncle Iroh

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