


In my proceeding examination of the Malaysian 1MBD scandal, new information has emerged that showcases an intricate internet of intrigue, subterfuge and also corruption entailing the intended 'Whistleblower' Xavier Andre Justo and also a Swiss prosecutor. Mr. Justo, a previous top-level staff member of PetroSaudi International SA, was imprisoned in Thailand for taking a database from his previous company that broke the scandal. A Swiss prosecutor who himself is presently under examination for political corruption with a 'Conflict of Passion' linked to the situation as well as a list of various other diverse actors more befitting of a Hollywood thriller than the real world scenarios.

In my last post I reported on the 1MBD rumor's impact in Canada. In 2012, Malaysia's state-owned energy firm Petronas got Canada's Progression Power for a reported $5.5 billion. At the time it was one of Malaysia's largest international financial investments. Offered the truth that the 1MBD rumor damaged following Petronas's aggressive entryway to Canada's oil as well as gas market, I started researching and reporting on the implications that corrupt international financiers from developing countries, such as Malaysia, might have in Canadian exclusive market sectors. I chose to focus initially on the main person attributed with 'breaking' the tale of the IMBD rumor - Xavier Andre Justo.

Getting to the bottom of this complex event has been testing. Put simply, the center management of the companies involved in the 1MBD scandal, are essentially, terrified to talk to journalists. In addition, the leading rate executives of these companies will likewise not go on the document. Last week, I lastly found a disgruntled former exec of PetroSaudi International in addition to two previous close friends of Mr. Justo's that were all kind enough to give me some sorely required background on the 'life as well as times' of Xavier Justo.

The previous Executive of PetroSaudi International talked to me on condition of privacy as well as likewise gave me with files, copies of text and various other material to support his insurance claims that Xavier Justo, much from being a 'good deed doer', is in truth he is a con-artist that takes pleasure in the good life and also has a narcotics abuse condition that consists of "heavy drinking and also a great deal of drug." I am presently verifying the product provided to us regarding Mr. Justo and will be publishing even more excerpts soon. He also bitterly lambasted PetroSaudi International for allowing Mr. Justo to rise in the business ranks despite his widely known partying lifestyle. These accusations were additionally verified by the 2 previous buddies of Mr. Justo, that were both jilted by him in individual lendings that were never repaid.

In February of this year, PetroSaudi International's Chief Executive Officer Tarek Essam Ahmad Obaid, company Director Patrick Andrew Marc Mahony, as well as Malaysian unethical 'entrepreneur' Low Taek Jho were all fingered in Malaysia by the MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission) over the 1MBD detraction. At the time, MACC happily announced this in a news release and that all three implicated had actually been put on Interpol's 'Red Watch List'. After an extensive week of investigating the claims and also counterclaims between Mr. Justo and also PetroSaudi International, my research study team and also I have wrapped up that Mr. Justo is an extreme go-getter with a prior criminal background that used his crucial setting at PetroSaudi International and also his close friendship with CEO Tarek Obaid, to his own advantage which the 'conventional media was deceived by his effort to make himself appear like an innocent 'whistleblower'.

In addition to this, after inspecting Interpol's on-line 'Red Alert 'data source it has actually been verified that neither Mr. Obaid nor Mr. Mahony have been put on Interpol's 'Red Watch List" which they are not 'wanted fugitives' as suggested by many media electrical outlets.

My examination of Mr. Justo and from our resources kept in mind above, validated that he has no official university education and that during the mid-2000's, he had ownership rate of interests in some unethical clubs in Geneva. In 2006 Mr. Justo was detained by Swiss Federal Police for opening as well as handling an account of a widely known Spanish contraband criminal gang. The account was iced up for criminal beginning of funds as well as money laundering by the Geneva Financial Criminal Activity Cops.

Mr. Justo was held for over 18 hrs as well as was just released after he, according to previous good friends, offered testimony versus the members of the criminal gang he was helping. Surprisingly, he was launched without charges.

PetroSaudi International's CEO Tarek Obaid, is a twin citizen of Switzerland as well as Saudi Arabia and also graduated from Georgetown College's respected Institution of Foreign Service. Prior to the 1MBD scandal Mr. Obaid had actually never been charged with a criminal offense in any type of country. According to the former PetroSaudi International Exec and previous close friends of Mr. Justo that I spoke with, Mr. Obaid met Mr. Justo on a basketball court when he was a 15-year-old that just arrived to Switzerland. They struck up a deep friendship as Justo himself is an offspring of immigrant parents. Justo served as a mentor to Mr. Obaid, his peer in organisation and also life in Switzerland during both of their young people. Years later, Mr. Obaid provided Mr. Justo reduced level tasks to aid him sustain himself and also his family members because of Mr. Justo's regrettable financial conditions. In these jobs Mr. Justo was utilized in numerous settings as a concierge, a vehicle valet as well as taking care of small petty cash acquisitions for Mr. Obaid's workplace and also relative.

The mainstream media pictures of Mr. Justo being an 'International Lender' is incorrect; while he did operate in a couple of banks as a low-level staff, he was never ever a 'banker' neither has he held any kind of elderly position in any Swiss or other EU financial institution. He also doesn't have the correct education and learning or training for that sort of task. From papers that we are still assessing, it is clear he stopped working to open a bank account in a number of nations to obtain the payment for the swiped information, which present his case to be an 'International banker' in a mocks light.

Xavier Andre Justo personal life was, as we were told, very unstable. Mr. Justo was married to Daphné Smits for some years. According to buddies of Mr. Justo, while he worked as a clerk at Banque Scandinave en Suisse (BSS) in Geneva, he had sexual encounters with his Manager's wife. A couple of months later on Mr. Justo purportedly had an additional event with the wife of his best friend and was caught in the act. Therefore, his wife Daphné divorced him and took all his cash. After that Justo began an enchanting relationship with Laura (his existing wife) who he met when she was a secretary at the firm where he was operating at the time.

In the meantime, Mr. Justo obtained greatly depressed as well as was afraid of retaliation by the contraband criminal gang. Mr. Justo, and http://edition.cnn.com/search/?text=Xavier Justo his after that sweetheart, Laura fled to Thailand and according to a former buddy, "stole all the money from his Mommy's bank account to spend for the trip"

After being in Thailand for numerous months, Mr. Justo contacted Mr. Obaid and informed him he was suffering from a lack of income as well as was "determined" to sustain his family members.

In mid-2010, Mr. Obaid made a decision to give Mr. Justo an additional opportunity as well as supplied him a new job with PetroSaudi International in London on the problem that Mr. Justo commit to quit his habitual cocaine practice as well as alcohol abuse. Mr. Justo easily concurred. With a significant salary package of 400,000 British Extra pounds each year that included a completely paid luxurious apartment or condo in Mayfair, Mr. Justo's life took a turn for the better and his occupation was back on track.

Mr. Obaid, that extremely relied on Mr. Justo his youth close friend, was focused on expanding his global procedures as well as needed someone in London he could depend authorize corporate documents on his behalf, conduct regular office financial as well as various other ordinary administrative features when Mr. Obaid was not in town.

More investigations of Mr. Justo's and Mr. Obaid's relationship expose the amazing count on that the previous taken into the last.

From the numerous files we are currently verifying, among them is a genuine duplicate of Mr. Justo's employment contract with PetroSaudi International (listed below).

One of the previous pals of Mr. Justo's that I spoke with specified that he couldn't think that Xavier had been given such a high level wage as well as count on that business (PetroSaudi International) ... I remember one-time we were hanging out at Zumas in Knights Bridge as well as he spent for our meal and all the bevi's on a company bank card ... the expense was horrendous ...".

The former PetroSaudi International Executive we spoke with validated that within the business Mr. Justo was known to frequent high-priced London haunts in Knightsbridge and also Covent Yard 2 of London's many exclusive locations. (Zuma is a pricey Japanese restaurant). The former Exec also added that he suggested Mr. Obaid numerous times regarding Mr. Justo's social behavior and also ballooning expense accounts yet that he (Mr. Obaid) "wouldn't hear of it ... Tarek trusted this guy considering that he was a kid yet never ever really knew him ... Mr.

Obaid Tarek Obaid was premature, and also had bad judgment when it involved childhood years close friends, it created a great deal of stress in the office ... it was so damn stupid ... I could not take it anymore.".

Mr. Justo obtained a 3-year prison sentence in Thailand in 2015 after being convicted of extortion, blackmailing and theft of PetroSaudi International's database. A crime he easily admitted to.

According to court statement and also proof supplied by numerous witnesses, Mr. Justo's job performance seriously shabby in late 2010 with numerous lacks and alcoholic binges that included inappropriate behavior in the office. After that at first of April 2011 he missed out on a flight from London to New York city where he resulted from fulfill a major customer along with the shareholders of PetroSaudi International.

Witnesses later verified that Mr. Justo was high on cocaine and extremely intoxicated the night prior to the trip. When he fell short to show up to the meeting in New York, he was summarily disregarded from his position.

It was later on verified through a forensic investigation that Mr. Justo took PetroSaudi International's data source and also made the last download of the 90Gb data 24h after he was fired over the phone. This is the date that the 1MBD scandal began.

Xavier Andre Justo's criminal actions as well as indulgent drug habit sparked the globe's biggest monetary detraction, lowered the Malaysian federal government, initiated criminal proceedings in Switzerland, Singapore, the EU as well as the United States as well as set you back the Malaysian people billions of dollars.

It is time the complete reality comes to light on this tale.

With this assumed in mind, I will be uploading even more short articles over the coming days as well as weeks regarding the 1MBD detraction as well as publishing 'never-seen-before' records that will provide my visitors a clear understanding on how a reduced degree employee, that had a regular drug and alcohol abuse issue, was able to spark one of the most significant financial detractions in modern background.

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