xFinance (XFI) Presale

xFinance (XFI) Presale

 Andre Cronje CEO xFinance

Xfinance (XFI) is full-stack decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol that revolutionizes the sector’s existing functionalities tied to liquidity pools, market-making and trading.

The xFinance team is happy to launch xFinance 2.0 which is hosted on the eth 2.0 shard chain, a lot of upgrades and features has been brought to xFinance 2.0, our node is currently running on higher speed, we are holding a Presales to distribute xFinance 2.0 with a massive bonus (up to 70% bonus) to our community.


0.1 ETH = 30.578 (+20% bonus) XFI + Your Airdrop Balance

0.3 ETH = 50.605 (+20% bonus) XFI + Your Airdrop Balance

1 ETH = 85.494 (+40% bonus) XFI + Your Airdrop Balance

5 ETH = 215.190 (+60% bonus) XFI + Your Airdrop Balance

10 ETH = 551.513 (+70% bonus) XFI + Your Airdrop Balance

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To Join the Presale, send Ethereum of your choice within 0.1 - 100 ETH and the right amount of XFI

with your airdrop balance will be sent back to your address instantly.

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xFinance will be listed on major exchanges (Uniswap, Okex, Huobi, Binance) after the presale.

Support : Metamask , Trustwallet , Imtoken and More.

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