xFile - Google Drive Sharer

xFile - Google Drive Sharer

First you have to edit the xfile.pw for this you have to go to the url bar of any browser and give our website link.

xfile.pw visit now or https://xfile.pw

Login or Register

After that you need to login. For login you will get three options. Sometimes many browsers will show two options. Choose one of them.

Account Manage

You can always change your name and your personal website address, you must accept the account manage

New File Upload

Now you put the file public link of your google drive in the input box on home page of this website then submit after few seconds you will give a new link.

File Sharing and Manage

Now you can use the file or share it with someone and to manage these files you must use manage file option here if your file is a video file then automatically we will provide the streaming server of the video and you will get its link here if you want you get it Can rename and delete the file


Downloading from here is very easy first you visit the link shared with you and here you will get file information and next download button click there it will take 10 to 15 seconds from you and then it will give a new download button something to click there Within seconds Website will give you a new link link and this link will be destroyed within 24 hours so if you need any file backup then definitely use copy method don't sit on this clone file.

Terms of Use: Policy

Never misuse our system because we have bypassed system only for downloading any file beyond the limit, here you will never get strike dmca of your original file, so don't use it for dishonest purposes.

Contact Us

Email us to request the deletion of any data or files or the reinstatement of a closed file
E-mail : xfileverse@proton.me
Web Contact : click here

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