Wow Classic Twink

Wow Classic Twink


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Author: Furious
Date: April 27, 2019
Expansion: WoW Classic

When it comes to WoW Classic, players love their PvP. One popular way to engage in lower level PvP is through something called twinking. This guide will explain just what twinking is, and how you can go about stomping other players in Warsong Gulch!
Twinking is a PvP tradition almost as old as WoW itself! The first battleground a player can participate in is Warsong Gulch, between levels 10-19. This does in fact mean that a level 10 player and level 19 player can be in the same match, which creates some unique and often unfair interactions.
PvP within World of Warcraft has always been difficult to balance, but at lower levels, many classes are incomplete and simply flawed without their full toolkit. Other classes are quite powerful and deadly – I’m looking at you rogues.
While twinking does entail reaching the higher end of a battleground bracket, it goes far beyond just reaching level 19. You’ll need very specific gear, enchants, special consumables, and even leveled-up professions to fully optimize your twink. As a matter of fact, you’ll undoubtedly spend more time gearing and customizing your twink than you will leveling it.
A twink can also be made at level 29, 39, 49, and even 59, but level 19 is the most popular as it has the most players and requires less time to set up.
Before deciding to make a twink, you’ll have to carefully plan your race and class combination. If you’re aiming for a level 19 twink, keep in mind that there are a few very powerful class options, many decent choices, and a few terrible options because of abilities available.
Your race is also important, because of the passive bonuses each gives, but also the strong active abilities that can turn a tide in a setting with already-limited ability options. Not every class and race combo can be played, so it is usually a better idea to pick a class first and a race after.
Twinks are lower level characters, often leveled to the highest level of a battleground tier, that have maximized gear and are only used to participate in PvP.
These are the 9 classes available to play in WoW Classic . Rogues, Warriors, and Priests are the 3 strongest options, while Shamans, Mages, and Paladins round out the bottom of the pack. You can certainly choose whatever class you like, but you might end up with a less enjoyable PvP experience.
These are the 8 races available to choose from in WoW Classic. There are 4 for the Alliance and 4 for the Horde. Each race has their own unique racial ability, which often provides a combat benefit. They also come with different passive bonuses, which are fairly minor, but can make the difference at low levels.
For the Alliance, Gnomes and Humans tend to be the two popular choices. Gnomes make for excellent rogues and get a free boost to their engineering, which is often a staple profession for twinks. Humans get a completely free PvP trinket, which is nice, but does become redundant once you purchase one.
For the Horde, Tauren are great for flag carrying, while Undead make a solid choice for overall survivability. Quite honestly, you can’t go wrong with any Horde race, which you can’t really say the same for the Alliance.
Once you’ve finally decided on your race/class combo and you’ve hit level 19, you’ll want to slow down and figure out what gear you want to go after. If you need drops from dungeon bosses, you’ll want to be sure you avoid gaining any experience that would cause you to level.
Gear is definitely necessary for making a strong twink, but you’ll also need to get enchants for your armor and weapons, consumables to give temporary bonuses, and skilled professions for the benefits they give. Other than gear and arguably enchants, nothing else is essential to playing your twink. Professions and consumables serve the purpose of giving you that extra edge, but don’t let that stop you from enjoying your twink before it is fully optimized.
The gear you’ll want to obtain depends entirely upon your class. Druids, rogues, hunters, and shamans want armor with agility. Warriors and paladins need strength gear. Priests, mages, and warlocks are focused on intellect armor.
Two pieces all classes will have a different time finding include a helm and trinkets. There are only two helmets available to players at level 19. One of those, the Green Tinted Goggles, are crafted through engineering (which is what makes it basically required), and the other is extremely hard to get, requiring the player to catch a rare fish in the Stranglethorn Vale Fishing Contest.
For trinkets, your first choice will always be a PvP trinket that removes crowd control effects. Your best option for your second trinket is the Gurubashi Arena Master trinket, but that is nearly impossible to obtain without coordination. A more reasonable alternative is the Minor Recombobulator, which renders polymorph useless while also healing you.
To find gear for each class, spec, and bracket you can use this Best in Slot Twink Tool .
When it comes to picking enchants, you have a few choices depending upon your class and stat needs. You’ll want enchants on your weapon(s), cloak, chest, bracers, gloves, pants, and your boots. These are the best enchants to use:
Believe it or not, professions also play a big role for twinks. To really make your character effective, a few professions are considered requirements. These include Engineering and First Aid. All other professions are far less impactful and any crafted items can be purchased.
The main reason why engineering is a requirement is because it offers the easiest of two choices for a helm. Green Tinted Goggles are often an iconic sign of a twink, as they’re very easy to obtain and provide a substantial health bonus. In addition to a helm, engineering will also provide bombs and the ability to use a Minor Recombobulator trinket to thwart polymorphs cast on you.
First Aid is also a requirement because of how impactful bandages can be at lower level. Bandages have the interest feature of being useable on a character too low level to create them. This means that level 19 twinks can use up to Heavy Runecloth Bandages, which are almost guaranteed to restore you to full health on just a minute cooldown.
In WoW Classic, other professions don’t offer too many major bonuses. Fishing is great if you want to collect your own Rumsey Rum Black Label and work towards the Lucky Fishing Hat. Cooking is nice to create your own food, but you can also buy it. The same logic applies to Alchemy . Herbalism , Mining , and Skinning are all gathering professions and don’t serve any combat benefits.
With that in mind, your second profession is really up to you! If you grab mining, you can basically gather all the materials needed to level your engineering. Otherwise, feel free to pick whatever seems most useful to you.
While there are some nifty world drops you can find that will help, they’re extremely rare and simply not worth the time it would take to maybe find one. There are, however, some easier consumables that you can find to enhance your twink. These include:
Every Man for Himself is not part of Classic
Hey Adso, thanks a ton for catching that. The general twink guide has been updated to show the correct racial traits for humans. Thanks again for helping to improve our content!
Are twinks still allowed in vanilla? In retail they can´t join bg…
Of course yes, a significant portion of the lower bracket battlegrounds are twink players.

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Level 19 twink | Vanilla WoW Wiki | Fandom
Wow Classic Twink

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