woohoo I fucking hate timezones

woohoo I fucking hate timezones

season 2


Time is 100% correct. I've set the time in UTC, which is how it should be done according to checklist:

In detail

I've taken this article as an example: https://www.wxyz.com/news/national/suspected-shooter-in-california-synagogue-attack-to-be-held-without-bail.

It was posted 10 minutes before my screenshot. (You can see it by "Updated" date, it says 9 minutes ago, but it was actually first posted 9 minutes ago)

As you can see it was posted 4:15 PM ( = 16:15 ) Apr 30. Now here's current UTC and Detroit time:

UTC is above 20:25, Detroit (UTC-4) is below 16:25

As you can see it's 16:25 in Detroit now. And the article was posted on 16:15. Makes sense, right?

So we can easily tell that the time displayed on the page is in the UTC-4 (Detroit) timezone. But the thing is: IV always displays shows time in UTC+0 timezone, so we should convert that UTC-4 timezone to UTC+0.

And that's exactly what I did!

If we do simple math: 16:15 + 4 hours = 20:15 you can see it's exactly what you see in the IV.

Now about page you've linked. Same thing here!

Article was posted 6:16, if we add 4 hours we get UTC+0 time: 10:16. Nothing wrong with it.

And about the issue you've linked...

It was declined.. because it's invalid! https://instantview.telegram.org/contest/lifeboxset.com/template26/issue1/

Moreover, the guy (RedDevil) actually lost a domain because of admin's error! Please decline this issue and make him winner. https://instantview.telegram.org/contest/lifeboxset.com/template24/issue2/

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