wood stove for sale brisbane

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Wood Stove For Sale Brisbane


If you choose to use a wood-fired heater you should buy the correct type and operate and maintain it according to the instructions. If incorrectly operated, they can contribute to reduced air quality. The burning of wood (including bushfires) creates fine particles and gas compounds, which can be breathed deep into the lungs and be harmful to health, particularly for the very young or old, or those with pre-existing medical conditions, such as asthma, chronic lung disease, or heart problems. If organic material isn’t completely burned, it can generate toxic substances, some of which cause cancer. Wood heaters should meet the Australian Standard (AS/NZS 4013:1999). An experienced professional tradesperson must install your heater and it should have a compliance plate or documentation from the manufacturer indicating that the heater meets this standard. Choose a heater that is the right size for your house and one designed to produce the lowest level of emissions.

It will be more efficient and cost-effective. Once installed, maintain the heater according to instructions, and only burn the correct fuel; that is dry, seasoned, untreated wood. Damp, unseasoned wood does not burn well, and creates less heat and more smoke. Buy pre-conditioned wood, or store it correctly in a dry ventilated area. Heaters should not be used to burn household rubbish, coke, coal or any form of treated wood (such as painted wood or wood treated with copper chrome arsenate) as these can release toxic chemicals during combustion. If you use your wood heater correctly, you will reduce smoke and particle pollution. Watching smoke from the flue or chimney gives a good indication of how well your heater is functioning and whether any maintenance is needed. A modern heater that complies with the Australian Standard should not produce any visible smoke when a good fire is established. Watching the smoke is also a good indicator of whether it could be a nuisance to your neighbours.

This is particularly important in cold, still conditions (inversions) that reduce smoke dispersal. If you are leaving the heater burning overnight, make sure that enough air is available to keep smoke levels low and to allow the fuel to burn down slowly. An insufficient air supply can result in more smoke. Smoke from inefficient wood heaters is the source of many complaints from those impacted, such as neighbours. If you are affected, the first course is to have a friendly talk to the owners of the wood heater, as they may not be aware of the problem—or how to solve it. Read the wood heater guide (PDF, 1.02MB) for more information on the operation of an efficient wood heating system or contact your local council.Gas fireplaces and gas log fire heaters can add to the ambiance of any room while supplying welcoming warmth to your entire home. Freestanding or easily retro-fit into existing fireplace and heater openings, gas fireplaces and gas log fire heaters are an easy way to add character, warmth and value to your home.

Available in both LPG and natural gas models. ♦  Inbuilt or freestanding gas fireplaces & gas log fires ♦  Modern or traditional gas fireplace designs ♦  Choice of gas fireplace colours and finishes ♦  Indoor and outdoor gas log fire models ♦  Models that install easily into most existing fireplaces ♦  Gas fireplaces that replace old inbuilt space heaters ♦  Gas log fire heaters of up to 35Mj ♦  Gas log heaters up to a 5.5 Star Rating ♦  Quality gas fireplace & gas log fire manufacturers including Rinnai, Cannon, Real Flame and more Please see the in-depth Gas Fireplace Reviews by Type Now you can compare prices for all the major brands of gas fireplaces and gas log fires including Rinnai, Cannon, Regency and Real Flame. Click to Compare Gas Fireplace & Gas Log Fire Prices Spectacular looks and a warm cozy home should be reasons enough to own a gas fireplace. But for the unconvinced out there, here are a dozen more great reasons that you should get a gas fireplace.

How many things in life are both practical and beautiful at the same time? You can choose between realistic looking ceramic logs, stones, rocks, quartz or coals, depending on the manufacturer and model. This flame media may be real or simulated. Gas fireplaces also come in various finishes and many have attractive glass fronts. There really is a look available for everyone. Gas fireplaces are available with high heat output ratings and you can have it instantly. As a result, they can heat your home quickly and efficiently. You’ll really appreciate this when you get up on a cold morning or when you return home late at night. Unlike a wood fireplace, a gas fireplace starts instantly and can be turned off just as fast. No more wasting time starting a fire and no worries if you decide to go to sleep or need to leave your home unattended. A gas fireplace adds to the resale value of your home. The numbers quoted are generally 75% or more of the initial investment.

Is there anything more seductive than sitting in front of a beautiful fireplace on a cold evening? Maybe I’m just a hopeless romantic, but there’s nothing better in my book! An additional mood enhancer for me is the fact that I don’t have to clean up the soot and ash. No brushes, shovels or ash buckets involved. Gas fireplaces burn clean, with no cleanup required. If you own a wood fireplace, you also need to have someplace dry to store the wood. It should be kept away from your home, as firewood is a notorious breeding ground for termites and spiders. Firewood takes work… backbreaking work. If you do it yourself, you need to cut, split, stack, dry, and carry it to the fireplace. Even if you buy your firewood already split and seasoned, you still need to stack it and constantly carry it into the fire. No fun, especially when it’s raining or cold! Gas fireplaces offer the user complete and instant control. The temperature is thermostatically regulated and many models even have remote controls.

Not too hot or too cold, just right. Some even have programmable timers so that the unit comes on automatically. Try doing that with a wood fire! Gas fireplaces can be installed into walls, existing masonry fireplaces, or be freestanding in a room. There are specific models for each kind of installation. They are so versatile that they can be installed almost anywhere in your home. In contrast to smoky wood fireplaces, modern gas fireplace have zero indoor emissions. They have direct vents for the incoming combustion air and a flue or power flue to take the combustion gas outside the home. What’s Christmas without stockings hung over a fireplace? You can add a mantel to any inbuilt gas fireplace so there’s lots of room for stockings and tinsel. It truly is the crowning touch. Features and options depend on the manufacturer and model. Available features include thermostats, programmable timers, remote controls, multi-speed fans, electronic ignition, double glazing, child locks, mesh safety guards and powered flues.

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