which best beds and mattresses

which best beds and mattresses

which bed mattress is the best

Which Best Beds And Mattresses


Everyday Solutions are created by Everyday Health on behalf of our partners. More InformationEveryday SolutionsBack Pain Management GuideIf you have chronic back pain or want to avoid it, the right mattress — not too hard, not too soft — is essential. These tips can help you select the best one. ThinkstockWe spend about a third of our lives asleep, so the right mattress is important. And if you have chronic back pain, the best mattresses for back pain relief are those that give your spine just the right amount of support, in all the crucial areas.“Any time our bodies are in the same position for more than 20 minutes, we ‘mold’ to that position a little bit more, so it’s important to spend 7-9 hours per night in a position that’s appropriate for what’s going on with your back” says Suzanne Tamlyn, DC, chiropractor and owner of Hudson Valley Whole Life Center in Newburgh, New York.To understand how to maintain the proper mechanics of your spine, you need some spinal anatomy basics.

Your spine supports your head, keeps your body upright, allows you the flexibility to bend and twist, and protects your spinal cord. Your spine has three sections and three normal, gentle curves that need to be supported when you are standing as well as when you are sleeping.Your cervical spine includes seven vertebrae, supports your head, and has a C-shaped curve. Your thoracic spine includes 12 vertebrae, supports your upper body and has a reverse C-shaped curve. Your lower back, or lumbar spine, is your back's foundation, includes five vertebrae, and also has a C-shaped curve. If you don’t maintain these curves, you increase the stress on the bones and muscles of your back, and that can lead to chronic back pain.Best Mattress Type for Back Pain“The best advice I could give is the ‘Goldilocks Method’ — not too hard, and not too soft,” says Dr. Tamlyn.Try these tips to help find the right mattress for you:Support. Mattresses for back pain must support the heaviest parts of your body where the natural curves are located.

These areas are the head, the shoulders, and the hips. Don't forget that you also need a good pillow to support your head.Back pain and bed selection. It's not just about the mattress. You also need a good bed foundation. Putting a new mattress for back pain on an old, worn-out bed spring is not a good idea. Most mattresses work best with a matching foundation or box spring.There are many mattress options, including springs, foam, water, and air. Any of these can work as a mattress for back pain, but you really can't tell what feels best for you until you lie down and try it. Generally, however, memory foam mattresses are able to reduce pressure points better than other types of mattress, according to the American Sleep Association.And it’s not all about the mattress, either. “Finding the appropriate pillow is also key to keeping great spinal hygiene while sleeping,” says Tamlyn. You can also try keeping a pillow between your legs when lying on your side or under your knees when lying on your back to help alleviate back pain.

When Do You Need a New Mattress?When it comes to mattress shopping, “usually, you get what you pay for,” says Tamlyn. “If you have a quality mattress and no underlying spinal dysfunction, you can sleep on it for many years without issue. But it’s rare that no one has some kind of spinal dysfunction.”Here are a few rules of thumb for knowing when it’s time to replace your mattress:The lifespan of your mattress depends on the kind of use your mattress gets, but you should evaluate your mattress for quality and support at least every 7 years, according to the Better Sleep Council. If you start waking up with aches and pains, especially chronic back pain, it is probably time to go shopping.Your mattress support needs may change over time. As you get older, you may need more support, as the spine experiences degenerative changes over time.Since the changes in your mattress occur gradually over time, it is a good idea to try out a new mattress after a few years to compare and feel the difference.

Of course, if you are living with chronic back pain, talk to your doctor. It may be more than your mattress. “Getting a postural exam and a set of standing x-rays will give an expert insight into what is best for your spine, so be sure to get evaluated for a customized recommendation,” says Tamlyn.Last Updated: 12/21/2016 7 Bad Habits That Cause Back Pain What Does It Mean to ‘Throw Out Your Back’? Best Exercises for Lower Back Pain Is Your Bag Hurting Your Back?Hi, my name is Caroline and I would like to offer you a “dreamy” welcome to my website. Well, I say dreamy but if you’re in the same situation I was some months ago, the chances are you’re feeling anything but! Just to give you a bit of background information on why you see this creation before you today, I was in a pretty bad place some time ago and if this is the same with you, I am happy to let you know that a good mattress can really turn your world around. It could be that you’re the same as I was and you’re fed-up with those aches and pains that bug you every morning when you wake-up.

It could also be that you’re just looking for a new mattress and have already done a whole load of research on the internet, or have been to your local store and still can’t find a mattress that will suit your needs. Either way, I happen to be an avid lover of memory foam and I also believe that you don’t have to take out a second mortgage so you can pay for it. So, in the following pages you won’t just find reviews on what I think are some of the best brands of foam mattresses on the market right now, but also a good smattering of other pages that are there for information alone. In fact, I like to think of my website as a place where you can find all the information you need in one place. If you already know what type of mattress you would like, or you don’t have the time to navigate through my website until you find the right one, I have added a comparison table for you. In this table you will be met with straight to the point facts about model, type, size and a whole host of other easy to see facts on the foam mattresses I have here.

At the end, if you do have time for that cup of coffee I have also added a link so you can read the full review on the product you’re interested in.I have plenty of informational pages that will help you understand how to choose a memory foam mattress, what type might suit you best and much more. Below is a list of what I have included and you’re more than welcome to click on the link if you would like more information. If you’ve managed to wade through all of the information above without falling asleep, I now move onto my best picks for memory foam mattresses. Best Memory Foam Mattress Overall For my best overall I choose the Sleep Innovations SureTemp because it’s a high quality mattress for a very fair price. In the review you will find three different depths: the 12 inch, 10 inch and 8 inch model, but the reason I chose this model isn’t just because the sizes will suit a wide range of people, it also comes with a 20 year warranty – something that’s not very common in this price range.

Best High-End Quality Foam Mattress OK, so this isn’t the cheapest model I have in my selection of reviews, but the Ultimate Dreams 13” Gel Foam mattress has got pretty much everything. It includes a cooling layer, is available in no less than six sizes and really will help to keep those night-time aches and pains away. In fact, it has been compared to some of the large and expensive brand names out there but comes at a fraction of the price. Best Mattress for the Money I know many people who have spent well in excess of $1500 on a memory foam mattress, and even more than that in some cases. The models I have reviewed here will not cost you anywhere near that much, yet you still have the benefit of memory foam technology. Even 12 Inch of that if you want, but you can also choose for 6 or 8 Inch and save even more! Best Therapeutic Foam Mattress You may recall that I have mentioned my aches and pains which hardly ever bother me anymore, and I’m a firm believer that it’s because I switched to the DynastyMattress Therapeutic Deluxe.

This is why it earns a place as my best therapeutic mattress, although I will say this is for those of you who prefer a firm mattress. That aside, in my opinion this mattress has been my savior this past few months! Best 10-Inch Budget Memory Foam If you get time to go through my website, you will notice that I constantly mention the fact that people complain about becoming overheated when sleeping on a memory foam mattress (especially those in the lower price range). The LUCID by LinenSpa gets my vote for the best 10″ budget mattress because I think the manufacturer has done an excellent job at using technology that will keep you cool all night long. Best Kids Memory Foam Mattress I couldn’t forget the children could I? After all, we have to remember that growing bones and joints need to be protected and that’s why I have chosen the Sleep Master 6 inch as my best kids mattress. Apart from offering the best overnight support for a little body, this model also comes with an easy zip-off Jacquard cover (for those little accidents), and it won’t break the bank!

You thought I had forgotten didn’t you! Well, my website wouldn’t be complete without reviews on mattress toppers as well, and you can find the whole selection here. However, my favorite is the Density Visco 4lb which is 3 inches thick. If you can’t afford a completely new mattress right now, this is the answer! I also happen to think this topper is a great idea if you’re considering moving to memory foam for the first time and just want to give it a try. Unlike a traditional mattress, a memory foam mattress will need to be cared for slightly differently, and surprisingly maintenance in general can differ from brand to brand. However, there are some basic rules to follow, and you will find out what they are on this page. You can also take a look at this video page I’ve added which shows you how to steam clean a mattress. For those of you who are considering a memory foam mattress for the first time, and would like to know what the differences are between certain types, I have also added these pages for you:

And if you’re someone who likes to know how the finished product eventually arrives at your door, you can also take a look at this great video I found that details how latex and memory foam mattresses are made. It doesn’t stop there on the information front! You can also find out more about the different types of foam (and there are quite a few to consider) or the considerations for side-, back- and stomach sleepers. This last one is probably the most important to at least have a quick look through. The reason for this is the position you sleep in has a lot to do with the type of foam mattress you should consider looking into, and the last thing I want is for you to come away from my website with the wrong product! Gaining the perfect level of comfort does have an awful lot to do with the type of mattress you have, but here are other things to remember that will help you finally get that uninterrupted night’s sleep you’ve been “day-dreaming” about. For one thing, your pillow could be the source of some of the discomfort you experience, and I have added another video with tips on finding the right pillow.

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