where to get good cheap mattresses

where to get good cheap mattresses

where to get cheap mattress sets

Where To Get Good Cheap Mattresses


Mattress shopping, as we've previously highlighted, can be quite a confusing experience. Take some off-the-clock advice from a mattress salesman on how to get the best value. There are dozens, if not hundreds, of variables when it comes to mattress shopping. Help cut through the thicket of choices and potential rip-offs by taking the advice offered by an insider at Get Rich Slowly. They have advice directly from a guy who has been part of his family's mattress business his whole life. He's full of industry-related wisdom, including useful negotiation tips like this one:Most of the larger chains just price them at the minimum right away.Don't take advice from a salesman talking about coil counts as he likely doesn't know what he's talking about. Always ask if the innerspring mattress you're looking at has edge support to keep the edges firm and keep it comfy for you getting in and out of bed.For more tips check out the full article at the link below. Have a mattress shopping tip of your own?

Scoff at this "coil count" business because you rock it out on a foam mattress? Let's hear about it in the comments. How to Buy a Mattress [GetRichSlowly]Houston's #1 Name Brand Mattress Liquidator Simmons BR Recharge    Pillow Top & Tight Top Simmons BR World Class  Pillow Top & Tight Top Simmons Recharge Hybrid Coil /Memory Foam Hybrid Stearns & Foster Estate Duel Coil - Independtly Wrapped Houston Discount Mattresses  Including Houston, Tx and Surrounding Cities... (click to see delivery area and fees) Five ways to always get a good deal on a bedAre we buying a mattress or fixing Matthew McConaughey's space ship in Interstellar? These layers of confusing jargon do little to comfort stressed-out consumers looking for a new mattress. To help cut through the clutter, we contacted a retired industry insider known as "The Old Bed Guy." The 85-year old former bed maker and seller now runs a popular mattress consumer information site where he gives out his (somewhat cranky) advice.

“Mattresses have no real value,” said 'Marshall Coyle,' a pseudonym he uses to avoid blowback from the tight-knit mattress community to which he used to belong. That statement is a rude awakening to anyone who's peeped at the price tags after taking a stroll through a mattress showroom lately. With prices running into the thousands, dreams of better "zzz's" are quickly zapped by sticker shock. Tanya Constantine/Blend Images / Today The Old Bed Guy is talking about the markup versus the actual value of the steel, foam, and wool that goes inside a bed. For example, he said, it might cost a factory $600 to make a mattress that they sell to a big department store for $1,300. That store might then slap a price of $2,999 on it, then give it a big discount during one of the never-ending sales, he said. "The money goes for something other than what you're sleeping on," said Coyle. While every business is entitled to try to make a profit, every maker also has its own special lingo.

That makes true comparison shopping difficult. Some of the differences are real. Some are just marketing vapor. Rather than try to explain it all and risk being as bewildering as the confusion we're supposed to be relieving, here are 5 tips from the perspective of The Old Bed Guy that always get you a better deal on a mattress, no matter what store or manufacturer you're dealing with. Look for stores that have their own factoriesA few smaller regional stores make their own mattresses in their own factories. That cuts out the middleman. "I don't know of a better way as far as value," said Coyle. Stores in this category include Charles P. Rogers, McRoskey, Original Mattress Factory, and Verlo. Their stores aren't everywhere, but the savings and quality difference is enough that this reporter nearly considered a 10-hour road trip just to get a bed. Buy based on weightIf you're a fan of strong, long-lasting steel coils, a heavier mattresses usually mean there's more quality materials inside.

"They have 12-15 inches to fill," said The Old Bed Guy. "You can stretch your coils and make them tall and thin." Typical mass-produced beds weigh about 90 lbs while higher grade beds can weigh around 120 lbs, he said. But you won't find this info online, you'll have to buttonhole the sales agent or bed maker to get the details. Buy at the end of the year"If anything is for real," said Coyle of the mattress business, "the periods when people don't buy mattresses see the best deals." Few buy before Christmas, saving room on the credit card for the holiday shopping spree. The last 2 weeks of December are a prime time as stores try to unload inventory before the new year. Good savings can also be had the first two weeks of January. Be careful with Internet-only storesSome online outfits say they pass on the savings of not having any retail outlets. But it's not that hard to set up a shop and outsource manufacturing and shipping to China. That can create an accountability gap that leaves consumers in a lurch if their bed starts giving them lumps.

"If they won't give you their street address, don't give them your credit card," said Coyle.Latex costs more and is worth more, period," said Coyle.Looking For A Mattress Topper? The Best Of 2017 ReviewedHere are the most frequent questions I have received on how to buy a memory foam topper. I hope they help you make a good decision. at the bottom of this page, you can ask your own questions. also share your own comments or experiences with memory foam. You can also see the questions other people have asked. All it is is a block of memory foam, anywhere from two to four inches thick, the size of your current mattress. It sits on top of the mattress you already have. For example, if you have a queen size bed, you need a queen size topper.To determine what thickness you should buy, here are some guidelines: Two questions people frequently ask are: If you have a bad back, you have to be careful when buying a bed topper to make sure it has good support. For support, the term you need to be aware of when shopping is memory foam density.

High quality toppers will have a density of four pounds (4lbs) or five pounds (5lbs to 5.34lbs). If you have a bad back, your best bet is to get a bed topper that has a density of at least four. A density of five or more would be even better. As for the second question, is memory foam bad for your back? I wrote a detailed article about this called What is the Best Mattress for Back Pain? You can read my article by clicking the Best Mattress for Back Pain box you see on the right up above. If you have any kind of back, neck, or shoulder pain, you're going to want to read that article. You may read comments on websites that have memory foam mattress topper reviews about how a topper can turn any mattress into a luxuryThis is simply nonsense. That's like saying you can put a fake fur jacket on a pig and turn it into a purebred dog. See, in order for the topper to work, you have to have a good mattress already that the topper can sit on top of. If your mattress is getting into that seven to ten-year-old range, a topper may not help you get a better night's sleep.

You may need to be thinking about replacing the entire mattress. Just take a good honest look at the mattress you have. If it's seven years old and still decent, you might be able to keep that mattress going for a few more years if you put a topper on it. However, if your mattress is already worn out, and sagging in the middle, the foam topper will sag too. It's a waste of money because the topper will conform to the underlying foundation. It's probably safe to say you're looking into a topper because you want memory foam... and you also want to save money. Perhaps you just can't pony up the substantial money (often up into the thousands) needed to buy a memory foam mattress.Just keep in mind that along with what I said above about back pain, a topper is best for the following: If you buy a cheap memory foam mattress topper, you'll be lucky to get a couple years out of it. Poor quality memory foam will quickly lose its support. In fact, you might find the foam is not expanding and remains indented.

On the other hand, top quality mattress toppers may last up to about ten years if you take good care of them, although ten years is a stretch. It all depends on how often the topper is used. If you get five years out of your topper and use it all the time, consider it a good investment. Also keep this in mind: a foam topper with a density of at least four pounds will usually last longer. However, they are slightly more expensive. In my part two article, Where to Buy the Best Memory Foam Topper, we'll look at one very important health question about memory foam—toxic chemicals. And I'll give you three short memory foam mattress topper reviews. However, if you just want to jump in and go shopping right now for a memory foam topper, see below. Nature’s Sleep sells four different topper thicknesses so you’re sure to find something that suits you. These are all certified pure by CertiPUR-US.Their 3-inch 4lb density topper is especially nice. toppers ship for free.

I recommend reading the topper comments from buyers on their website. Click here to check out Nature's Sleep memory foam toppers.The Nature’s Sleep toppers I just told you about are plush, top-of-the-line toppers. They cost a little more too because they are first-rate. example, on the Nature’s Sleep website their best seller is the 3 inch, 4 pound But what if you have a limited budget, yet still want a really good topper and can’t afford their excellent best seller? Well check this out. and type in memory foam topper into the search box, Nature’s Sleep does not come up (at the time of me writingNot unless you go to the much deeper pages. However, Nature’s Sleep has put two toppers on Amazon that are not listed on the Nature’s Sleep website. These two toppers are typical superb Nature’s Sleep quality, yet priced to sell big time. I’m not sure why Nature’s Sleep is doing this. know if this is a limited promotion to get people over to their website.

know however that you can get a great price on these toppers if you grab one of You can get a 2.5 inch topper with a density of 3.5 pounds. Or you can opt for the 2.5 inch memory foam topper with 4.5 pounds of density. Both of these are a fabulous bargain. For those with a smaller budget, finally, a top-notch memory foam topper you can afford. Here are the links to Nature's Sleep at Amazon: 2.5 inch 4.5 pound density 2.5 inch 3.5 pound density A good topper will run you several hundred dollars, depending on whatHowever, for just a little more money, you can get a complete luxury mattress that has memory foam in it. you can get an ultra deluxe queen, online, for only $899! great company that won an award from the Better Business Bureau forA premium mattress of this quality would cost you at least $2,000 in a mattress store.Before you spring for a topper, do yourself a favor and read my article, Maverick Mattress CEO Answers the Question, What is the Best Mattress for You?

You can read this article by clicking on the What is the Best Mattress box you see on the right up above.   also learn what mattress stores don't want you to know. And, why a top sleep doctor replaced his $2,800 Tempur-pedic with this luxury discount Ask A Question or Share What You KnowAbout Memory Foam and Toppers Add your questions, comments, or experiences with memory foam or a memory foam topper. Tell the world what you know. Enter Your Title (Example: My Memory Foam Topper Experience) Click here to see the rest of the form and complete your submission.What Other Visitors Have Said Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page... Latex Mattress Topper for Scoliosis Back Pain I have a son with bad scoliosis. He is living in the dorm at college. I bought him a mattress topper but he says it makes him feel like he is sleeping … Water Proof Mattress Pad on Memory Foam Topper? Do I need a water proof mattress pad on my new quality memory foam topper?

I’m just wondering if a mattress pad and foam topper will be okay together or … Putting mattresses with memory foam on a box spring Would it be a good idea to put my memory foam mattress on a box spring? I haven't found an answer for this question anywhere I have looked. Best memory foam mattress for breathing problems? Here's my question: Is memory foam safe if you have emphysema (i.e., breathing in the fumes)? It depends on the quality of the memory foam. Memory foam topper on top of memory foam mattress? Is it comfortable to put a 3 inch memory foam topper on top of a 8 inch memory foam mattress?There are two reasons … Will a memory foam topper cut down on tossing and turning?  I found your site in a Google search on memory foam topper. I'm recently married and my wife has trouble sleeping because I toss and turn. Can a Memory Foam Mattress Topper Freeze? I love my memory foam mattress topper. I also bought one for my camper. The sleep my boyfriend and I get is great.

Do have a question. Can the memory … Don't Buy a Memory Foam Mattress? Watch out people if you buy a memory foam mattress. I have two that have sagged either side, leaving a hump in the middle. Our newish bed, super king, … Memory Foam Topper on Top of a Futon We've put a memory foam topper on top of our futon. It's not working out ideally. Is it because we need a better foam topper, or is it because you can't … 7 Memory Foam Topper Tips Question: I am thinking seriously about purchasing a memory foam mattress topper and I don't really know what I'm doing. I am overweight so I need something … Memory Foam Mattress is toooo Hot!  We currently have a memory form mattress that is a medium firm 11 inch. I am considering purchasing a cool gel memory topper, a 3 inch 4lb … Memory Foam Pad for Motorcycle Camper Traveling Would a memory foam topper be good as a primary mattress in a motorcycle camper? I have limited space and weight restrictions.

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