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Where To Buy Bed Bug Mattress Covers In Nyc


Larry King's car got attacked by protesters in DC Larry King's car got attacked by protesters in DCSeveral news agencies including the New York Daily News recently reported that at least three ‘N’ Line subway trains were taken out of service earlier this month and sent for fumigation due to bed bugs. Allergy Technologies LLC, manufacturer of ActiveGuard® Mattress Liners, recommends preventative steps for straphangers and New York City visitors to protect their personal vehicles as well as their homes from bed bug infestations. “Bed bugs are excellent hitchhikers and can easily crawl into the luggage, clothing or other personal belongings of those riding infested subway trains. These tiny parasites can then easily drop off into a home or personal vehicle, ultimately resulting in a full blown infestation,” said Joseph Latino, Chief Operating Officer at Allergy Technologies. “Anyone who rode on an infested train or was exposed to bed bugs in any setting should strongly consider proactive measures to protect themselves.”

Taking a few simple steps now to prevent a full blown bed bug infestation in either your personal vehicle or home can save you thousands of dollars as well as an exorbitant amount of time and aggravation in the long run. Allergy Technologies recommends that anyone who feels they may have been exposed to bed bugs cover their mattress and/or box spring with an active mattress liner. Active mattress liners kill bed bugs within 72 hours of contact with this fabric device treated with an active ingredient. This simple step can literally save travelers thousands of dollars should they unknowingly bring bed bugs home with them. If you travel often, ride New York City Subways or are concerned about picking up bed bugs, consider these other ways in which you can protect yourself: According to a National Pest Management Association survey of 4,500 Pest Management Professionals conducted in 2010, 18% of them reported bed bug infestations in trains, buses, and taxis, up 9% from the year before. 

While passenger vehicles are not exposed to the volume of people (and luggage) that other modes of mass transportation are, people do use their personal vehicles to access these modes of public transportation, as well as numerous public places including motels/hotels.  All of these places represent potential sources of bed bugs that can hitchhike on your belongings and find their way into your personal vehicle. Killing bed bugs that are newly introduced into your home is your number one defense in preventing a full blown infestation. Cover your bed and/or box spring with an active mattress liner today to protect your home and family from bed bugs. Around Town: Artsy Fartsy Edition Around Town: Game Night Edition Around Town: Halloween Edition Around Town: Italian Edition Around Town: L.A. Edition Around Town: NY Marathon Edition Around Town: Super Rock and Roll Edition Around Town: Texas Edition Around Town: Thanksgiving Edition Around Town: Window Shopping Edition

This used to list Speed Levitch's phone number, but it doesn't work anymore. Now all I have for you is an old quote from his answering machine, which is pure poetry. "I am lack of coordination being utilized. I am dysfunction gazing into the eyes of function. I am quieted, odd, menaced awkwardness dying at the altar of suave. They call me Levitch. Leave me a message." These Are People Who died Back In The City What I'm Listening To Christopher Walken And I Were Separated At Birth My New Favorite Song Of The Week: "The Snow" By The Eastern Sea "La Cumbia Del Rio" Brings Cumbia And Dixieland Together My last night in my apartment. Brunch with Chris in a hail storm Blogging from my iPhone One Of The Craziest Videos I've Ever Seen: "Gorbachov" From ANJ Band of Horses: Everything All the Time Dignan: The Guest (*****) August 23, 2009 - August 29, 2009 July 5, 2009 - July 11, 2009 May 31, 2009 - June 6, 2009 May 17, 2009 - May 23, 2009

May 10, 2009 - May 16, 2009 May 3, 2009 - May 9, 2009 January 25, 2009 - January 31, 2009 July 27, 2008 - August 2, 2008 July 20, 2008 - July 26, 2008 July 13, 2008 - July 19, 2008 Subscribe to this blog's feedA complete list of professional do-it-yourself pest control products that are registered for sale to New York State.Welcome to Rudy’s Exterminating Company Inc. Rudy’s Exterminating Company Inc. is a full service pest control provider serving the needs of our clients in Queens, NY and the surrounding NYC areas. If you have been trying to manage your pest control needs on your own and have been unsuccessful, it’s time to call in the experts. Our experienced exterminators can meet all of your pest removal needs with safe and effective solutions. We are experienced in treating bed bugs and offering efficient termite control for your home or business. In addition to providing exceptional bed bug and termite removal, we also offer a variety of products to assist you as we work to rid your home of unwanted pests.

Our products include certified mattress covers, and certified bed spring covers available in a wide range of sizes. As the bed bugs are being eliminated, the covers will work to protect you and your family for a peaceful and unbothered night’s rest. Keep deer away from your yard [Video]... Deer can be pests in your yard or garden....Removing a tick from your pet [Video]... Here's how to remove a tick from your pet....Stay on the lookout for mice [Video]... Be on the lookout for mice and other rodents trying to make their way inside your hom...AllPest Express - DIY Pest Control This High Quality Bed Bug Proof Encasement is the most important item you should purchase in the fight against Bed Bugs. Bed bugs are small parasites which can often go unseen by the human eye. Normally it takes large infestations of many bed bugs before a person notices there is a problem and can take action for bed bug prevention. Bed bugs are hitchhikers, so they can be transferred from infested areas to non-infested areas rather easily.

So even if you don't have an infestation now, acquiring bed bugs is not unlikely. Bed bugs are highly resistant to pesticides or any chemicals found in the U.S., making their elimination difficult. Bed bugs are also prolific breeders, as females can lay eggs five times a day for her entire life. Bed bugs can also live up to a year without a meal. With such an overwhelming resistance to control and removal, it is crucial to understand how to detect bed bugs and the best forms of bed bugs protection. Early bed bug protection is critical to the prevention and management of these parasites. There are many ways to detect the presence of bed bugs within your home. Many times, the first sign of bed bugs are small bites on the body, which look similar to raised red bumps like those that appear from mosquito bites. There may be many bites in one area, such as in a grouping or in a line. The bites will be itchy and are easily misdiagnosed as mosquito bites, chicken pox or a rash. If you notice bites similar to these, further inspection for bed bugs is needed.

First, begin looking around your mattress, bedding and box spring. With large infestations of bed bugs, there are often little brown or near-black dots on the mattress seams, on bedding or on the box spring. There may even be red splotches from a bed bug that has just fed on blood that was shortly thereafter crushed. With the presence of many bed bugs, they become more visible to the human eye. So spotting an actual bed bug is likely, and it will looks like a small, brown, flat, wingless parasite - similar to a tick or small cockroach. If bed bugs are detected, there are some measures you can take to protect yourself and your mattress. One of the only ways to get rid of bed bugs that are already present is to have a professional pest control specialist steam, clean and vacuum the mattress and floor in the affected room. Structural fumigations may be necessary for severe cases of bed bug infestation, which requires the fogging or bombing of a room with chemicals. However, one of the most effective and proven methods as an aide in bed bugs protection is economical and simple: bedding encasements.

Bedding mattress and box spring cover encasements are essential to bed bugs protection and management. Mattress and box spring covers are especially useful in the prevention of bed bugs before an infestation even occurs. When you encase your mattress and box spring, you cut off the food source to the bed bugs in the mattress and box spring, which will eventually lead to their death. This does not eliminate the infestation, as bed bugs will breed anywhere in the house. However, it does make it much easier to spot bed bugs on the mattress when the look for a blood meal, which in turn makes eradication more painless. Also, mattress and box spring encasements help prevent the spread of bed bugs to other areas of the home. Mattress and box spring encasements are easy, cost-efficient and extremely effective methods of controlling, preventing and eliminating bed bugs. However, the encasements must be scientifically proven to work. If not, they will be ineffective. Protect-A-Bed®'s bedbug proof mattress and box spring cover encasements are scientifically proven to be an effective tool in the management of a bed bug infestation and are certified by an Entomology Laboratory to be bed bug entry, escape and bite proof.

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