what the best kind of tanning bed lotion

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What The Best Kind Of Tanning Bed Lotion


The 10 Best Indoor Tanning Lotions for 2017Reasons People TanMany people go to tanning salons today for different reasons. Some of them are going on vacation and want to get a base tan so that they will not burn as easily while in the sun. Others want to attain a tan so that they look more attractive in their swimsuits throughout the summer. Many customers tell me that their doctors have recommended that they tan because of depression or vitamin D deficiency. According to eHow, "UV light produces and releases beta-endorphin. Beta-endorphin is an opium-like chemical best known for providing the sense of well-being, or "runners high," that accompanies vigorous exercise." Many people prefer tanning at a salon as opposed to laying out in the sun, as it is more comfortable and doesn't take as long. They find that they can control the amount of time they spend in the tanning bed more easily and not have to experience the unexpected burn from being in the sun too long. The Best Tanning Lotions

My Favorite Tanning LotionsTanning lotions can make all the difference in the ending results of a tanning session. Good tanning lotions will help you to achieve the tan you want quickly and will leave your skin feeling great! Which skin type are you? skin type I skin type II skin type III skin type IV skin type V skin type VISee results 5.0 out of 5 stars By razzystar678 "I LOVE this tanning lotion! It hydrates my skin better than regular lotion..." Find out your skin type by taking this quick questionnaire. Know Your Skin Type | Enjoying Sunlight ResponsiblyUnderstand your skin type to maximize the benefits and minimize the risks of too much or too little UV exposure. Enjoy sunlight responsibly, indoors and out. Tanning Salon ExpectationsMost tanning salons today offer several levels of tanning, beds with timers, radios, cd players, and fans, and several varieties of tanning lotions. The first thing a good salon will do with a new tanner to their salon, is give them a skin type survey.

After their skin type is determined, a well-trained employee will suggest a lotion that will help them to tan faster and a lotion that will extend their tan. Using lotions is optional, however, they are highly recommended as they contain ingredients that keep your skin soft and healthy looking (moisture is replaced by the lotion on your skin as it is lost during the tanning session), and lotions can increase your tanning results by as much as 40 to 70%. Lastly, the customer will be required to purchase goggles to prevent serious eye damage, and will be shown how to use the tanning bed. This survey will ask basic questions that will help to determine the customers skin type, which will in turn help to design a plan for achieving the desired tan. Skin types range from 1 to 6, 1 being the lightest and 6 being the darkest and least likely to burn. Most people fall in the skin type 3 range, which means they would begin by tanning 6-8 minutes per session in a level 1 or 2 bed. (Higher level beds could be used after several sessions or initially by a person with a skin type 4 or 5.)

They could bump their time up 1 to 2 minutes each visit, as long as their skin is tan and not burned. For this skin type, a nice-looking tan can be achieved in as little as 3 visits. And it can be maintained by tanning only 2 times a week. There are numerous tanning lotions available, however, some of the more popular brands are Designer Skin, Australian Gold, and Swedish Beauty. Designer Skin brands are more expensive but they are in my opinion, the best. These lotions range in price from $25 to $120 per bottle. Even though this seems pricey, one bottle will last for several months or even longer, and you will tan less. One of my favorites is Black Ultimate 20X Bronzing Body Silk Mega Magical Silicone Emulsion Tanning Lotion, made by Designer Skin. It has an incredibly wonderful smell, a dark bronzer, and is extremely moisturizing. The manufacturer description is as follows: "This wondrous Silicone Emulsion leaves you feeling so lusciously smooth and soft that it practically melts into your skin.

Bronze color so deep, dark, and rich... others will pale in your wake. Experience the Royal Flush of tanning and skincare." A good salon allows their employees to try out the lotion so that they can give sound advice regarding which lotions are most effective. Never use lotions that are not designed specifically for indoor tanning use, as they may contain ingredients that can destroy the acrylics in the tanning beds. Some of the best tanning lotions are available through Amazon at bargain prices. A Guide to Indoor Tanning Beds, with VideosThere are several different types of indoor tanning beds. This guide helps explain them. Videos included.10 Indoor Tanning Tips For BeginnersTips for beginner and seasoned commercial tanning bed users. Learn how to indoor tan correctly and get the best deals at your tanning salon.Tips on Getting a Spray TanIf you need to be tan tommorrow, then the Mystic Spray Tan is the solution. In 60 seconds, you can have beautiful glowing tan skin. Read these tips for getting the best spray tan possible.

5.0 out of 5 stars By Robert L Robinsonon "great quality and value." General Tanning TipsTake a shower and exfoliate using an abrasive soap or scrubbing sponge. You want your skin to be clean and free of dead skin cells. This will enable your tan to last longer. According to The Boston Globe, about 30,000-40,000 skin cells fall off you per minute, and on average 8.8 pounds of dead skin cells fall off your body per year. Use a high quality tanning lotion. Lotions designed for tanning beds can increase your tan from 40 to 70 percent. They can be expensive but they are worth it. Your tanning results will be better, and your skin will be softer, smoother, and most of all tanner.Whatever you do, do not stay in the bed longer than you should. Initially, your first tanning session should only last from 6 to 8 minutes. You may need to stay at this time for several sessions before bumping it up. If ever your skin is burned, wait till the burn is completely gone before tanning again, and bump your time down.

Burning is bad for your skin and does not produce a good tan. Wear goggles while in the tanning bed. Protect your eyes and always wear goggles. Your eyes can be permanently damaged without them, take this seriously and wear them always. Wait at least 48 hours in between tanning sessions. Once you have reached your tanning goal, your tan can be maintained with 1 or 2 visits per week to the tanning salon. Use a tan extender after tanning. Tan Extenders are lotions that keep your tan lasting longer. They often have bronzers in them that give you a little extra color and they have ingredients that keep your skin looking smooth and tan. Tan in moderation and be responsible about tanning. "Since some exposure to sunlight is beneficial to your health, it is reasonable that if you wish to be exposed to sunlight, that you can do so with relative safety if you make sure that you do not receive a sunburn."- Dr. Michael F. Holick, Research dermatologist and photobiologist, Boston University School of Medicine.

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