What technologies should every #OSINT professional know?

What technologies should every #OSINT professional know?

Cyber Detective • @cyb_detective

what technologies should every #OSINT professional know? python? basic linux terminal skills? maltego?

lots of things...

but i think it's definitely worth actively using advanced search operators at all stages of work.

7 types of advanced search operators. thread🧵 [#1]

let's start with productivity issues.

type 1

search operators for mailbox
(#Gmail, #Outlook, #Yahoo, #Yandex)

for quick filtering emails by date, recipient name, attachment type and size, filename and other parameters.

(all links to the docs are at the end of the thread) [#2]

type 2

search operators for cloud storages

help quickly navigate through files and sort them by owner name, type, creation date, words in title etc. [#3]

type 3

operators for search files in #Windows and #MacOS

for #Linux it would be nice to know how to use the "find" utility with different parameters [#4]

type 4

advanced operators for search engines
(#Google, #Yandex, #DuckDuckGo, #Bing, #Yandex and many others)

this is the first thing to learn after you've dealt with your mail and personal files. [#5]

type 5

search operators for social media
(#Twitter, #YouTube, #Reddit)

filtering youtube videos by creation date, analyzing tweets of users included in a certain list, searching strictly by one subreddit - there are hundreds of examples of using them. [#6]

type 6

search operators for finding people

(#Github, #Linkedin)

for filtering resumes and profiles of professionals (by location, place of work, skills) [#7]

type 7

advanced operators for iot search engines

(#shodan, #censys, #fofa)

for filtering devices by country, manufacturer, ports used, and dozens of other features. [#8]

This thread🧵 is end. Links to the documentation for the operators of all the services mentioned are collected in a separate repository:


But I never said anything about search operators for Web Archive, Google Maps, Canvas...

To be continued! [#9]

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