what is the best mattress for someone with ra

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What Is The Best Mattress For Someone With Ra


6 Sleep Secrets for Rheumatoid Arthritis Is rheumatoid arthritis preventing you from getting a good night’s rest? Try one of these real-life tips to help you sleep better with RA. Health Monitor StaffHealth Monitor Advisory Board Sleep Apnea May Raise Risks for Angioplasty Patients Severe, Untreated Sleep Apnea Linked to Aggressive Melanoma Giving the 'Green Light' to Migraine Relief As Fitness Levels Rise, Diabetes Risk Drops Health Tip: Massage May Help You Sleep Better Health Tip: Apply Mosquito Repellent Correctly Half of Heart Attacks Might Be 'Silent'Everyday Solutions are created by Everyday Health on behalf of our partners. More InformationIs rheumatoid arthritis making it hard to get around the house? Here's a room-by-room guide to improve mobility and prevent falls. The pain and stiffness that often accompany rheumatoid arthritis (RA) can make everyday activities much more difficult to accomplish. “Some people with rheumatoid arthritis, particularly those who were diagnosed a long time ago, before the current effective treatments were available, have mechanical problems and joint injuries that create functional disability,” says Timothy Laing, MD, faculty rheumatologist at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor and a member of the American College of Rheumatology’s speakers bureau.

Whether you experience stiff hands that have trouble turning doorknobs or you have decreased mobility overall, there are simple modifications you can make around your home to make living with RA easier.“In general, the number one thing you should do if you have rheumatoid arthritis is set up your home to prevent falls, since symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis make falling much more likely,” Dr. Laing says. “This means installing good lighting so you can see down stairways, making sure your porch is clear of snow and ice during the winter, and having things to grab onto if you become unsteady.”Here are some room-by-room suggestions to help deal with the physical limitations of RA:In the Living RoomEliminate tripping hazards. “Remove loose throw rugs and shag carpets to prevent falls,” Laing says, as they can be easy to trip on.Get the right seating. “If couches and chairs are too low, a person with rheumatoid arthritis who has knee issues will have trouble getting up and out of them,” says Nathan Wei, MD, director of the Arthritis Treatment Center in Frederick, Md. Chairs with armrests can also help people with RA lift themselves up more easily.

Consider a chair riser or lift assist. “If you have problems getting in and out of chairs, look for an easy chair with an automatic seat raiser,” Laing says.If you have limited mobility, the less you have to get up and out of your chair to change the TV channel or radio station the better. “Get as many remote controls and wireless devices as you can to operate things in your living room,” Laing says.In the BedroomPut your bed at the right height. “If symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis put you at risk of falling out of bed, you want your bed to be low to the ground,” Dr. Wei says. If, on the other hand, you have trouble getting out of bed, a higher one may be preferable. Use trial and error to find the bed height that’s best for you.Use the Goldilocks principle for your mattress. “If you have rheumatoid arthritis, you don’t want your mattress to be too hard or too soft,” Wei says. Resting enough and getting good sleep are important for managing RA, so it helps to invest in the right mattress for you.

Pick the appropriate pillows. “People with rheumatoid arthritis shouldn’t use high pillows because they can cause neck pain,” Wei says. Instead he recommends neck support pillows, which are available in medical supply stores and online.Choose the right height for nightstands. “Make sure your bedside tables aren’t higher than the edge of your bed because you could suddenly put your arm out and hit them,” Wei says.Turn on a night light. To help prevent falls, make sure you can find your way around in the middle of the night without tripping.In the KitchenChoose the right faucet design. “If you have problems with hand mobility in particular, the handles of your kitchen faucet should be long enough so you can move them with your wrists or forearms, not just your hands,” Wei says.Keep everyday items most accessible. “In your cupboards, keep the things you use often at waist to eye level so you don’t have to reach,” Wei says. Using an apron with pockets can also be helpful to keep things you need handy as you cook.

If you have trouble with certain hand movements, such as chopping and opening jars, devices such as a food processor and electric or rubber can or jar openers can be helpful, says Diane Horowitz, MD, director of the Arthritis Center at the LIJ-North Shore University Hospital in Manhasset, N.Y.Look for cooking shortcuts. “Instead of cutting up vegetables, which can be hard on your joints, buy the frozen, pre-cut variety,” Wei says.In the BathroomRaise your toilet seat. “Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis can make it difficult to get up and down from the toilet, so the higher the seat the better,” Laing says.Put grab bars near the tub and toilet. “Safety bars are very important in the bathroom to prevent falls,” Dr. Horowitz says.Beware of the tub. If you have mobility issues, make sure you have a way to call for help if you fall, such as an alert necklace or a nearby cell phone, Laing suggests. Another option is to modify your bathroom by installing a walk-in tub.Sit as you shower.

If you prefer the shower to the tub but tire easily or have a hard time standing, Wei suggests buying a shower chair to put in the shower or the bathtub.Similar to the kitchen, Wei advises putting long faucet handles on all bathroom sinks to help turn faucets on and off more easily.In the GaragePower the doors. “Lifting a garage door can be difficult for someone with rheumatoid arthritis, so power-operated doors are a good idea,” Wei says.“If you store things in the garage, make sure they’re between hip and eye level so they’re easy to reach,” Wei suggests.Use alternatives to keys. “Grasping a small key and turning it can be hard for some people with rheumatoid arthritis,” Horowitz says. Try a numerical keypad in your garage and a push start instead of a key start for your car.Beyond trying to prevent falls, the modifications you'll want to make in your home will be specific to your own mobility issues because symptoms of RA are so individualized. “To help develop a specific plan to deal with rheumatoid arthritis in your home, talk to your rheumatologist or an occupational therapist,” Laing says.

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