what is the best mattress for an aching back

what is the best mattress for an aching back

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What Is The Best Mattress For An Aching Back


Sleep matters -- so much so that six in 10 Americans crave sleep over sex. And the key to rest that's good enough to forgo sex just might be the mattress: Nine in 10 respondents in a sleep survey cited their mattress as an important factor in getting that coveted good night's rest. In 2010, Americans spent more than $5.8 billion on mattresses and box springs alone. But is this expense justified? How important are mattresses, really? Read on for the low-down on how mattresses affect health and sleep quality. 13 Legit Ways to Stop a Hangover The Most Common Yoga Injuries and How to Avoid Them 13 Social Good Mobile Apps for a Healthier You Mattress Matters -- The Need-To-Know The first "mattresses" (read: piles of leaves, grass or straw covered in animal skins) were invented by cave men and women. Thousands of years later, the Egyptian pharaohs discovered the luxury of raising the bedding off the ground (though common folk continued to sleep on piles of palm fronds).

Today, many Americans enjoy the luxury of mattress-induced sleep. Even those who aren't up on their mattress history know the value of a good night's sleep. The average person spends about one third of her or his life sleeping. For those who sleep less than that, sleep deprivation can have serious health consequences, including a sour mood (what college student doesn't know this to be truth), slower metabolism and impaired immune function There are lots of great tips for coping with sleep deprivation, but what if the cause is right under our backs? Low-quality, uncomfortable mattresses have been linked to sleep discomfort and pain, and chronic pain can prevent quality sleep. Fortunately, it's not all bad news. While mattresses can hinder sleep quality, they can also improve it. Improved “bedding systems” (a fancy way of saying “things you sleep on”) have been linked to decreased pain and discomfort, especially in women. Quality sleep on a good mattress may also help decrease stress.

The experts we spoke to said it basically comes down to personal preference. If we're comfortable, we have a better chance of sleeping well, and if we sleep well, we're more likely to stay healthy. Better Bedding -- Your Action Plan When it comes to purchasing the perfect mattress, it turns out there are a lot of mixed messages out there. Some research suggests that foam mattresses create backaches; others say foam helps pain. Some studies advocate for regular cotton mattresses while others say coils create backaches and that airbeds are the way to go. There's even controversy over the conventional thinking that a firm mattress is better for lower back pain. The reason for all this controversy is that sleep quality and comfort are so darn subjective. When buying a mattress, the most important consideration is probably personal comfort. In fact, some people argue that if something else besides a mattress proves more comfortable to sleep on, we should go for it. If you do find yourself in the market for a new mattress, there are still some useful tips to keep in mind.

Follow these guidelines for a better shot at getting that elusive good night's sleep. Have you reaped the benefits of a good night's sleep on a comfortable mattress? Do you sleep better without a mattress? Any mattress horror stories? Share 'em in the comments below! Thanks to Joyce Walsleben, David M. Rapoport and Nicole Lehman for their help with this article. For more on sleep, click here.Everyday Solutions are created by Everyday Health on behalf of our partners. More InformationEveryday SolutionsBack Pain Management GuideIf you have chronic back pain or want to avoid it, the right mattress — not too hard, not too soft — is essential. These tips can help you select the best one. ThinkstockWe spend about a third of our lives asleep, so the right mattress is important. And if you have chronic back pain, the best mattresses for back pain relief are those that give your spine just the right amount of support, in all the crucial areas.“Any time our bodies are in the same position for more than 20 minutes, we ‘mold’ to that position a little bit more, so it’s important to spend 7-9 hours per night in a position that’s appropriate for what’s going on with your back” says Suzanne Tamlyn, DC, chiropractor and owner of Hudson Valley Whole Life Center in Newburgh, New York.To understand how to maintain the proper mechanics of your spine

, you need some spinal anatomy basics. Your spine supports your head, keeps your body upright, allows you the flexibility to bend and twist, and protects your spinal cord. Your spine has three sections and three normal, gentle curves that need to be supported when you are standing as well as when you are sleeping.Your cervical spine includes seven vertebrae, supports your head, and has a C-shaped curve. Your thoracic spine includes 12 vertebrae, supports your upper body and has a reverse C-shaped curve. Your lower back, or lumbar spine, is your back's foundation, includes five vertebrae, and also has a C-shaped curve. If you don’t maintain these curves, you increase the stress on the bones and muscles of your back, and that can lead to chronic back pain.Best Mattress Type for Back Pain“The best advice I could give is the ‘Goldilocks Method’ — not too hard, and not too soft,” says Dr. Tamlyn.Try these tips to help find the right mattress for you:Support. Mattresses for back pain must support the heaviest parts of your body where the natural curves are located.

These areas are the head, the shoulders, and the hips. Don't forget that you also need a good pillow to support your head.Back pain and bed selection. It's not just about the mattress. You also need a good bed foundation. Putting a new mattress for back pain on an old, worn-out bed spring is not a good idea. Most mattresses work best with a matching foundation or box spring.There are many mattress options, including springs, foam, water, and air. Any of these can work as a mattress for back pain, but you really can't tell what feels best for you until you lie down and try it. Generally, however, memory foam mattresses are able to reduce pressure points better than other types of mattress, according to the American Sleep Association.And it’s not all about the mattress, either. “Finding the appropriate pillow is also key to keeping great spinal hygiene while sleeping,” says Tamlyn. You can also try keeping a pillow between your legs when lying on your side or under your knees when lying on your back to help alleviate back pain.

When Do You Need a New Mattress?When it comes to mattress shopping, “usually, you get what you pay for,” says Tamlyn. “If you have a quality mattress and no underlying spinal dysfunction, you can sleep on it for many years without issue. But it’s rare that no one has some kind of spinal dysfunction.”Here are a few rules of thumb for knowing when it’s time to replace your mattress:The lifespan of your mattress depends on the kind of use your mattress gets, but you should evaluate your mattress for quality and support at least every 7 years, according to the Better Sleep Council. If you start waking up with aches and pains, especially chronic back pain, it is probably time to go shopping.Your mattress support needs may change over time. As you get older, you may need more support, as the spine experiences degenerative changes over time.Since the changes in your mattress occur gradually over time, it is a good idea to try out a new mattress after a few years to compare and feel the difference.

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