what is crystal pairing?

what is crystal pairing?


Today's article is a subject I think is so interesting when it comes to working with crystal energy, one of the main reasons why people love working with crystals and stones is that they feel more balanced and really feel the energy of the crystal. 

We can then take this a step further by setting a powerful intention to the crystal to help attract that vibration into our life well. what if I told you you could take this a step further with crystal pairing get ready because we're going to be diving into this subject and learning the basics. and I'm also going to be sharing with you guys some of my personal favorite crystal pairing combos.

Why Does Crystal Pairing Matter?

What is crystal pairing? if you are brand new to working with crystals and crystal energy. I will say this is a little bit of an intermediate level, having basic knowledge beforehand is helpful, but it's definitely not essential to learning this subject crystal pairing is combining two crystals together from spiritual crystal shops near me to generate this amplified energy of the intention you set with crystals, but there are some guidelines you should follow when doing this since this practice I believe is really dealing with the healing aspects of crystals. 

How To Choose Tow Crystals?

You really want to make sure you're making the right combinations, so that your energy doesn't get out of whack and I'm talking about an energetic level, like our own energetic level. now I will say I am not a reiki master or a crystal healer, I am just simply obsessed with crystals, I love experimenting with crystals and learning about crystals, and sharing all that information with you guys. but I have been practicing crystal pairing for a few years now, and I'm really excited to talk about this topic with you guys. 


When we consciously choose to work with stones and crystals we are allowing that energy to flow into our lives and magnify any intention we set with the crystal a basic thing to understand when it comes to crystal pairing is that the first thing we need to think about. before we think about any combinations of crystals, like super 7 crystal, we really need to hone in on what the intention is that we are setting. so you really need to ask yourself what are you trying to bring in. are you trying to dispel negativity and clear the energy in your home? are you looking to enhance your intuition or maybe you want to work with a specific chakra? you really need to think about this before you do any kind of crystal pairing. so now let's dive into some crystal pairing. 

Some crystal pairing combos, this is kind of where we're going to be talking about that intermediate type crystal talk because we're going to be talking about the chakra system and crystal structures. so kind of like a rule of thumb when you're thinking of combos for crystal pairing. 

You really want to think of the chakra system and you're going to want to start at the heart chakra crystal bracelets. the north end of the chakra system shouldn't really be paired with crystals south of the heart chakra, because it can cause some serious imbalances when you're doing chakra healing and chakra balancing. also, the crystal's structure comes to play because depending on the type of vibration, that crystal is either emitting or radiating or absorbing, you have to be careful with how you pair that. 

For example, if you have a stone that's known for really calming energy, you don't really want to pair that with a stone that has super high energy, because that combination is just not going to feel right the best way. to pair crystals is by selecting the correct combo, that's really going to enhance amplification and send up that intention you are seeking. so really think is it part of that same chakra family or chakra grouping? 


Another thing that can help you is color. color can act as a guide in picking out crystals to combine after you've done a little bit of research on the stones that match really well with your intention. When you're ready to pair two crystals together, I think it's really great to hold both of the stones in your hand or crystals, and say the intention that you want both of them to do together, and then you're gonna place them right next to each other, and they're gonna stay like best friends right next to each other. for as long as you are working with that intention, those crystals are always going to be paired next to each other.

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