wedding game

wedding game , giggles and laughter follow and everyone becomes interested when this game takes the centre stage. The couple entering the home for the first time is directed to sit surrounding a large container full of milk and rose petals. There is a ring put in it and the newlyweds are asked to find it. Whoever finds it first is said to have an upper hand in the marriage. After the sentimental and emotional vidaai ceremony, this lively game comes as a fun-filled respite. Everyone loves a classic game of Jenga, but how about a giant version of this block-stacking game to spice things up? This is perfect for an outdoor wedding reception and only needs a flat area like a tabletop or some grassy ground. We millennial might believe in old-school romance, but not in old-school marriage games. Karaoke is very popular this wedding season, as it brings the hidden singing treasures of your family in the limelight. And we have to agree that Antalshari is a must wedding game to play at a wedding.

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