Prayers to the transcendental weapons

Prayers to the transcendental weapons


Prayers to the transcendental weapons of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

From Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, 

Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for Mankind, 

Chapter 8 entitled The Nārāyaṇa-kavaca Shield.

To Cakra:

ŚB 6.8.23

चक्रं युगान्तानलतिग्मनेमि

भ्रमत् समन्ताद् भगवत्प्रयुक्तम् ।

दन्दग्धि दन्दग्ध्यरिसैन्यमाशु

कक्षं यथा वातसखो हुताश: ॥ २३ ॥

cakraṁ yugāntānala-tigma-nemi

bhramat samantād bhagavat-prayuktam

dandagdhi dandagdhy ari-sainyam āśu

kakṣaṁ yathā vāta-sakho hutāśaḥ

Set into motion by the Supreme Personality of Godhead and wandering in all the four directions, the disc of the Supreme Lord has sharp edges as destructive as the fire of devastation at the end of the millennium. As a blazing fire burns dry grass to ashes with the assistance of the breeze, may that Sudarśana cakra burn our enemies to ashes.

To Gada:

ŚB 6.8.24


निष्पिण्ढि निष्पिण्ढ्यजितप्रियासि ।


भूतग्रहांश्चूर्णय चूर्णयारीन् ॥ २४ ॥

gade ’śani-sparśana-visphuliṅge

niṣpiṇḍhi niṣpiṇḍhy ajita-priyāsi


bhūta-grahāṁś cūrṇaya cūrṇayārīn

O club in the hand of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, you produce sparks of fire as powerful as thunderbolts, and you are extremely dear to the Lord. I am also His servant. Therefore kindly help me pound to pieces the evil living beings known as Kuṣmāṇḍas, Vaināyakas, Yakṣas, Rākṣasas, Bhūtas and Grahas. Please pulverize them.

To Śaṅkha:

ŚB 6.8.25

त्वं यातुधानप्रमथप्रेतमातृ-

पिशाचविप्रग्रहघोरद‍ृष्टीन् ।

दरेन्द्र विद्रावय कृष्णपूरितो

भीमस्वनोऽरेर्हृदयानि कम्पयन् ॥ २५ ॥

tvaṁ yātudhāna-pramatha-preta-mātṛ-


darendra vidrāvaya kṛṣṇa-pūrito

bhīma-svano ’rer hṛdayāni kampayan

O best of conchshells, O Pāñcajanya in the hands of the Lord, you are always filled with the breath of Lord Kṛṣṇa. Therefore you create a fearful sound vibration that causes trembling in the hearts of enemies like the Rākṣasas, pramatha ghosts, Pretas, Mātās, Piśācas and brāhmaṇa ghosts with fearful eyes.

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