vitamin d supplement acid reflux

vitamin d supplement acid reflux

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Vitamin D Supplement Acid Reflux


Acid reflux is painful. Food and acid splash into the esophagus and cause belching, heartburn and, in some severe cases, chest pains. Some individuals have experienced pain so intense they thought they were having a heart attack. If a person experiences acid reflux on a regular basis, the acids will irritate the esophagus, which may advance to scarring, ulceration, swelling or hemorrhaging. What is the risk of acid reflux? Many experts agree, if acid reflux persists, it may lead to esophageal cancer. If you suffer from acid reflux, you need to take inventory of your life and determine what’s causing or exacerbating the problem. Start off with a review of dietary habits. Foods that contain living enzymes are crucial in eliminating and preventing acid reflux. There are other measures you can take, here is a video describing six of them. Increasing natural production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach is the first step to preventing acid reflux symptoms. Replace cheap table salt with high-quality sea salt.

I personally use and recommend Himalayan Crystal Salt because it contains chloride and dozens of trace minerals the body needs. I also recommend taking a plant derived Betaine HCL supplement before meals. This is extremely effective at preventing acid reflux symptoms. Processed foods and sugars are almost a guaranteed way to exacerbate acid reflux and create a bacterial imbalance in the stomach and intestinal tract. To combat this, eat fresh organic fruits and vegetables. An apple a day keeps big pharma away! Check out my brand new body cleansing diet! Taking a probiotic supplement like Latero-Flora™ will also help balance the bowel with good bacteria. Enzymes are found in abundance in raw food but the act of cooking food over 116° Fahrenheit destroys the health promoting enzymes. Only living and raw foods are high in nutrient values and the enzyme levels that are crucial to combat acid reflux. There are many good enzyme supplements available, and the best one that I recommend is VeganZyme™.

I recommend taking one tablespoon of raw organic apple cider vinegar mixed in about 4 ounces of purified water before each meal. This will help calm the stomach and supports digestion. This remedy also works for acute episodes of acid reflux and is my favorite, fast-acting home remedy for acid reflux. Bicarbonate is a wonder product though some doctors recommend it not be used if you have high blood pressure or if you are on a sodium restricted diet. It’s best to get advice first. Mix a spoonful in a glass of water, stir, and drink before it stops fizzing. Aloe vera is commonly used to calm upset stomach, diarrhea, and redness associated with bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis. Inner Aloe vera leaf gel supports digestion and is another great alternative for soothing acid reflux. I also suggest a full body cleanse. Start with a colon cleanse, then perform a liver cleanse, then a harmful organism cleanse, followed by a chemical and toxic metal cleanse. Eliminating the discomfort of acid reflux can be done without expensive over-the-counter medications.

There are many natural remedies readily available. Feel better naturally, your body will thank you!Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. Global Healing Center does not dispense medical advice, prescribe, or diagnose illness. The views and nutritional advice expressed by Global Healing Center are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your physician. Oxy-Powder® is the top quality colon cleanser. Promotes optimal colon health and regular bowel activity. This complete liver cleansing kit is a comprehensive approach to cleansing your liver. A recent research study linked peptic disease (heartburn, GERD, stomach ulcer) to gluten exposure in patients with gluten sensitivity. PD (peptic disease) is not uncommon in the presentation of CD (celiac disease). It is more likely to be found in the second decade of life.

CD should be included in the differential diagnosis of patients with non-HP(H pylori) PD and we suggest routine CD serology and small bowel biopsy in patients with unexplained PD. The authors of this study recommend that all patients with non infectious peptic disease be screened for celiac disease. I commonly see patients with a conglomeration of gastric symptoms that are directly caused by gluten exposure. Reflux, heartburn, ulcer disease, Barrett’s esophagus, and even hernia are some of the more common diseases I have seen go into remission with the implementation of a TRUE gluten free diet. It is common for physicians to rule out infection (primarily H. pylori) in these patients, but gluten intolerance is very rarely investigated. The results of this study suggest that patients with gastric disease be screened for celiac disease. The problem with this recommendation is that celiac blood tests and biopsies are extremely inaccurate and have a high degree of false negatives.

The other problem is that many people have non-celiac gluten sensitivity. Therefore, testing them for celiac disease is a complete waste of time and extremely misleading. That it why I recommend genetic testing. The results cannot be skewed by diet and are not accompanied with the flaws of celiac blood and biopsy testing. Remember that taking heavy doses of anti-acids and prescription reflux medications is not the answer. These drugs only serve to neutralize or reduce stomach acid. Reduction of stomach acid is a major problem as it increases the risk for: The chronic use of these medications works against your natural physiology.  It does not treat the actual cause of disease, but merely reduces the symptoms (sometimes), thus creating a false sense of “healthy security”.  See the diagram below for nutritional deficiencies and consequences of taking acid blocking medications:Why would anyone want to trade the problems above just to reduce symptoms of heartburn????? 

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