vitamin c to flush thc

vitamin c to flush thc

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Vitamin C To Flush Thc


Drug Detox Rehab and Program Discussions over increased toxicity in the body must necessarily include the role of recreational and illegal drugs. Cannabis sativa, commonly called marijuana, is one of the illicit drugs that contribute the most to external toxins. THC, the active component in marijuana, is fat soluble, meaning that it can be stored in the body for weeks or even months after smoking just a small amount. While Marijuana detox symptoms may not be as severe as those of harder drugs or alcohol, they are strong enough to make kicking your habit difficult and uncomfortable. A few tips can help you detox as fast as possible. The steps are as follows. Step 1- Get plenty of cardiovascular exercise which helps your body to burn the fat cells which store THC. As you perform exercises during a detox, you may even notice a marijuana-like body odor as you body leaches out the toxins. Step 2-Drink plenty of water to help your body sweat more and flush toxins. Additionally, drinking a hot cup of water with lemon juice upon waking every morning will help to cleanse the digestive tract, which in turn will help your body to burn fat and eliminate toxins faster.

Step 3-Take 2000 mg of vitamin C every day during your marijuana detox. Vitamin C not only helps to build the immune system, it is also the best vitamin for trapping and eliminating toxins stored in every cell of the body. If you experience stomach upset due to high levels of vitamin C, take smaller doses several times throughout the day.Step 4-Make dandelion tea three or four times daily, a natural herb which can be found at any health food store. Dandelion tea is packed full of vitamins and minerals and also aids the elimination of toxins from the body. Always steep tea while covered for at least 10 minutes. Sweeten with honey if desired and sip while hot.Step 5-Add garlic to every meal possible. If you have ever chewed a raw clove of garlic, you are already familiar with the slight burning sensation the oil causes. Garlic has the same effect system wide, detoxifying the body and aiding in the elimination of THC.Step 6-Top off your marijuana detox with a niacin supplement. Niacin and other B vitamins are common deficiencies among those who use drugs and alcohol regularly.

Niacin also has cleansing qualities, helping to speed the detox process. Because niacin can cause your face to flush, look for non-flushing supplements and take according to the manufacturer's directions. If you follow these six steps you can have a tolerable Marijuana Detox. More often than not, people experience extreme discomfort while trying to detox off of marijuana. With these few steps, Marijuana Detox is very possible.The National Organization for Reform of Marijuana Laws reports, "marijuana is the third most popular drug in America, behind alcohol and tobacco, and has been used by nearly 100 million Americans." Tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, is the active chemical in marijuana and it is a fat-soluble substance that accumulates in the fatty tissue of your liver, lungs and other organs, according to the American Council for Drug Education. A short-term body cleanse is a popular method for removing marijuana residue. There is no conclusive medical evidence to support detox cleanses for eliminating THC.

Consult your healthcare provider before beginning a body cleanse. Drink plenty of water, eight to 10 glasses per day, to flush and hydrate your body. Because of its antioxidant and diuretic properties, the Detox for Life website recommends an elixir of cranberry juice, wheat grass and spring water as a detox juice. There is no scientific evidence to support the cranberry detox elixir for cleansing the body of THC. Begin a daily aerobic exercise program such as running, bicycling or swimming. During physical activity, your metabolism increases; this burns fat cells for energy and lymphatic circulation cleanses your body tissues. Stay within your ability level for your exercise program so that you do not become physically exhausted. Visit a health club or spa for sessions in a hot sauna. Sweating helps to eliminate toxins through your skin's pores. To avoid dehydration and replace electrolytes, drink plenty of water and juices. There is no medical evidence for removing THC with a sauna cleanse.

Consult your healthcare provider before visiting a sauna. Consume a diet high in fiber and antioxidants by emphasizing fruits and vegetables, lean protein and whole grains while limiting red meat, dairy and junk food. Among high antioxidant foods listed by the Mayo Clinic website are spinach, blueberries, black beans, apples, broccoli and almonds. Eat five small meals throughout the day to increase your metabolic rate. Drink a cleansing herbal tea such as dandelion root. According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, "dandelion is used by some as a liver or kidney tonic, as a diuretic." The Center also reports that "There is no compelling scientific evidence for using dandelion as a treatment for any medical condition." Consult your healthcare provider before taking dandelion root tea. The National Institute on Drug Abuse includes cravings, irritability, anxiety and difficulty sleeping as marijuana withdrawal symptoms. Avoid dandelion if you have gall bladder inflammation or infection.

During the cleanse, take vitamin C to boost immunity and B complex to aid fat metabolism. Does THC Increase Your Metabolism? The Effects of Long-Term Pot Smoking Side Effects of Quitting Smoking Marijuana The Long Term and Short Term Effects of Marijuana Use Why Is Smoking Weed Illegal? Reasons to Stop Smoking Pot Medications That Will Test Positve for THC Differences Between Smoking Cigarettes & Marijuana Benefits From Medical Marijuana Effect of Smoking Marijuana on Exercise Natural Way to Detox Your Body From Drugs The Benefits and Risks of Dandelion Tea What Causes False Positives in Marijuana Drug Testing? What Are the Effects of Marijuana Use on College Students? Side Effects of Pot Smoke Health Benefits of Cannabis Tea About Testing for Marijuana in Blood What Are Prescription Drugs That Are a Substitute for Marijuana?THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), as you all know, is the psychoactive chemical found in marijuana (Cannabis sativa).

In other words, it’s what gets you high when you ingest weed or hashish. Yeah, yeah, “Tell me something I don’t know.” If you are here reading this, you’re probably concerned about an upcoming drug test. Well, there’s some good news and some bad news. The good news is that the THC detox method I’m gonna cover in the section below has been reported by many people to get rid of THC. The bad news is that not only does it take a fair bit of determination and dedication, but there is no method that is guaranteed to work other than not smoking pot. More than likely, you’re either starting a new job that’s going to require you to pass a urine test or you’re in the military and you don’t really feel like losing rank, pay, or worse. The amount of time that THC can be detected in urine is difficult to estimate. I’ve read estimates of 3–7 days all the way up to 120 days depending upon how much and how often you smoke up. Because most places stick with a standard urine drug test, that’s gonna be the focus of this article.

Unlike the people who are administering these drug tests to you, there’s no discrimination here. The results of this marijuana detox method should be the same for both men and women of all ethnic backgrounds. It may also depend on body size/weight. I’ve done a lot of research on the matter and have combined all of the most seemingly effective techniques into one easy to understand (even if you’re still stoned) method for teaching cannabis smokers how to pass a drug test. Quit smoking and get some exercise. I know this goes against The Universal Pot Smokers’ Code of Ethics, but this is important. Since THC is stored in fat cells, it makes sense that you would want to burn some of them off. Get as much exercise as your body can handle, at least a couple hours a day. Jog, run, speed walk, do calisthenics—anything you can think of. Remember to stay hydrated and wear layers during exercise. This will help you sweat and shed even more of the drug. THC will be released into your system as you burn the fat cells where it’s residing.

For this reason, stop exercising a couple of days before your test. Change your eating habits.If you’re not smoking, the munchies should subside and this should be easy. Cut out foods that are fatty and/or high in sugars. Eat as many veggies as you can. This way, your body will be forced to burn through the THC-laden fat cells that are already in position. Since sugar is easier for your body to process than fat, don’t give it any. Make it eat the fat. Also, instead of a few large meals, eat 5 or 6 small meals throughout the day. Eating raises your metabolism. Eating often maintains a higher metabolism and burns more fat. Drink lots of fluid. It is possible to drink too much water which can result in water intoxication. Water intoxication is the direct result of diluting your body. Water absorbs salts and electrolytes from cells. In excess, this can cause some really cool things like vomiting and death. For this reason I would recommend drinking sports drinks instead of water.

Sports drinks are fortified with salts and electrolytes, so there will be less cause for worry. Not only that but they taste better and help with cotton mouth. You should drink 8–12 8oz glasses throughout the day. Spread ’em out, stay near a bathroom, and stop if you start feeling ill. Death is not a good substitute for taking a marijuana test. Bring your urine back up to snuff. Because of all the fluids you will have been drinking, your urine is going to be quite dilute. If the urine is too dilute, the people administering the test may suspect a detox regimen and reject your urine sample. With this in mind, on the day before your THC test, it is advisable to take some vitamins. Multivitamins help, but it is suggested far more often to take some vitamin B2, vitamin B12, or B-Complex. You may also want to consider taking a creatine supplement. One sure sign of trying to beat a drug test is low levels of creatinine (byproduct of creatine) in the urine. On the day of the test, be prepared. 

There are several things you can do on the day of your drug screen. The first thing is to get that first initial morning pee out of the way. You never want to supply the testers with your first pee of the day. During the night, metabolites build up and will be more concentrated in the urine. So, before you go in, pee all you can pee. You will also want to put something in your stomach so your body will have something besides your fat cells to work off of. Some people suggest a nice meal, but most people suggest juice. Juice is high in sugars which are easily processed by your body. And it will make you pee. Finally, make sure you give them some mid-stream pee. Start peeing, squeeze it off, fill your specimen cup, and finish peeing. Apparently, the first bit and the last bit are more likely to be hot. The number of detox kits available on the market today for ensuring that you pass your THC test is staggering. Unfortunately, and I hate to say something so obvious, the one and only way to make darn sure that you pass your drug test is to not take them.

I’m not entirely convinced that employers/officials should have the right to demand sobriety of you. That is not unless it becomes evident that you have a problem. As far as I’m concerned, even though I don’t personally use, if you don’t allow cannabis use to adversely affect your performance at work, relationships with others, or put other people at any risk of any sort, it’s nobody’s business but yours. The fact of the matter is that there can be severe penalties for marijuana use, hence the slough of detox kits, urine cleansers, and home drug tests. Pretty much every single manufacturer of THC detox products claim that their product is the best. In fact, most of them offer a 100 or even 200% money back satisfaction guarantee for the success of their products. Strangely, they do not offer to post bail for you. I strongly advise you, before purchasing, to spend some time looking for and reading product reviews. Although it’s difficult to assess the validity of product reviews, it does seem that many people (definitely not all) have had some success with commercial detoxifying kits.

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