vitamin c tablets without rose hips and bioflavonoids

vitamin c tablets without rose hips and bioflavonoids

vitamin c tablets uncoated

Vitamin C Tablets Without Rose Hips And Bioflavonoids


is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License. I have used this to positive results 3 times. Given the lack of access to bc and abortion in much of the US I would like to share this with all of you. Copy it, pass it around, send it to your friends. It is cheap and accessible to all. Obviously if there are any health problems or adverse side effects contact a doctor. My friends and I have used this with very little complications, but I just want to put that disclaimer out there as all bodies are different and yours may react differently then ours. Feel free to ask a natropath/herbalist/physician/gynaecologist.It can only be used up to 3 weeks after a missed period, but the sooner the better. I've done it within the first week of missing my period and it's always brought it back for me. The best time to start it is on the 1st or second day of the missed period.You will need:Fresh parsley (preferably organic...I don't want pesticides in my vagina, so I go organic)500 mg pills/capsules of Vitamin C (Try not to get pills with Bioflavonoids such as Rose Hips.

The treatment can last 3 days: DO NOT EXCEED 3 DAYS!! This will work or not within 2/3 days.1. Insert a fresh sprig of parsley as far as possible into the vagina. (parsley induces contractions, yum) Change every 12 hours. When soft, it may be difficult to remove, but this is not dangerous.2. At the same time, drink parsley infusions. 2 to 6 tablespoons 4 times a day.Making an infusion: use 2 1/2 cups of boiling water for every ounce of parsley (If you buy it at the store, minus 2/3 stems (for sprigs) this should be the amount of water used to make the tincture). Add parsley to boiling water, remove from heat and cover. Very important that you remove from heat IMMEDIATELY upon adding the parsley. Boiling the water with the parsley in there will make the infusion less effective. Let it steep for at least 20 minutes (the longer it steeps, the more potent it will be. I usually let it steep for 2 hours.3. During the 3 days (or until your period starts) take high doses of Vitamin C orally. Ideally, take 500 mg every hour up to 6000 mg.

You can continue using the Vitamin C for up to 6 days. Vitamin C can bring on menstruation even 3 weeks after a "late" period. you can begin taking Vitamin C immediately after unsafe sex, or if the condom broke, etc.If successful you should start to bleed in 2 to 3 days.Notes:-You may have cramps (I get 'em bad after doing this) and you can take whatever you usually take for cramps or make a ginger infusion and take that.-The chances of success are less if you regularly take high doses of Vitamin C-High amounts of Vitmain C can cause loose stools. No one I know has experienced this, but is has been known to happen.-Do not use if you have kidney problems.-Watch for signs of Toxicity Specific to Parsley: Nausea, hallucinations, vomiting, vertigo, hives, paralysis, liver swollen andpainful, urine scanty and darkly colored, and tremors.I've often noticed that on the second night I start emanating heat. Seriously I feel like a space heater. This is ok, it's just a side effect of the high doses of Vit.

C and to me signifies that it worked and I will get my period soon (generally that night/next morning)DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES USE PENNYROYAL. IT IS DEADLY AND DANGEROUS. I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH, DO NOT DO NOT, DO NOT USE IT!!!I DO NOT know anything about adding Dong Quai, so DO NOT ask me about it. Credit for information: Hot Pantz Blood Sisters Collective, Montreal, Quebec.Answers to FAQ1. Your age will not affect whether this will work or not. If you are old enough to menstruate and get pregnant then you are old enough or this to be effective.2. I do not know individual Vitamin C brands. I do not know how time release would work as there is no evidence as to if/how it has worked. I know that Vit. C with Rose Hips has worked, but it is preferential that if you can get Vit. C without Bioflavonoids that you do as this works better. Bioflavonoids should be labeled as such on the bottle.3. I can't tell you how much an ounce of parsley is. I've only ever seen parsley sold in bunches (which I weighed at more then an ounce) so I just take a few sprigs and dump the rest of the bunch into 2-2 1/2 cups of water.

Stores have scales so if you're worried there should be a scale in the produce section or at the very least in the deli.4. There is no difference between Italian (flat) or curly parsley.5. Always use fresh parsley.6. If this doesn't work and you decide to carry to term there will be no adverse effects caused by the vitamin C.. I have not had the time to publish, reject, or respond to the 200+ that are in my inbox right now nor do I forsee being able to keep up with them in the future. Furthermore I have not seen a post asking a question that hasn't been answered in the comments here yet and reiterate my statement that you should read the comments carefully b/c they will answer you comments. I wish you all the best of luck and feel free to start your own communities to talk about things like this.Vitamin C, also called ascorbic acid, is a powerful vitamin that has a wide range of effects on your body. Rose hips are the fruit of the rose plant and contain large amounts of natural ascorbic acid.

Commercial manufacturers of vitamin C extract ascorbic acid from the rose hips and solidify it into a tablet or capsule to be sold as vitamin C with rose hips. Vitamin C is water soluble, making side effects rare. However, large doses of vitamin C have been known to cause such side effects as indigestion, hemochromatosis, hormone suppression and oxygen processing problems during exercise. Large doses of vitamin C might cause indigestion, especially if you consume it on an empty stomach. Excess vitamin C intake might also cause diarrhea and increase the risk of other symptoms of indigestion, including nausea, vomiting, headaches, and fatigue. This might be due to the natural acidity of vitamin C. Ingesting calcium ascorbate with large doses of vitamin C might help neutralize the acidity of vitamin C in your stomach and reduce the risk for developing symptoms of indigestion. Vitamin C has been known to increase the absorption of iron into your bloodstream and is often recommended for individuals who take iron supplements to treat a deficiency.

However, ingesting too much vitamin C and iron together can increase the risk for developing iron poisoning, called hemochromatosis. An iron overload can lead to liver and pancreas damage, heart palpitations, arthritis and testicular damage. Very large doses of vitamin C might also cause hemolytic anemia, or a breakdown in red blood cells that is sometimes attributed to iron poisoning. High doses of vitamin C might affect the production of sex hormones such as progesterone, especially in women during pregnancy. Progesterone is an important hormone that supports gestation during pregnancy. Excess vitamin C in the bloodstream might inhibit the natural release of progesterone. Blocking the release of progesterone in the early stages of pregnancy increases the risk of birth defects and miscarriages. During exercise, your body's various tissues require more oxygen to function than when your body is at rest. The measurement of maximal oxygen consumption by your body during exercise is called your VO2Max.

High doses of vitamin C might lower the expected effect of training on your VO2Max, indicating that vitamin C, when overdosed, can have a negative effect on athletic performance. Although the exact mechanisms of this effect remain somewhat unclear, the acidity of vitamin C might interfere with your body's ability to deliver oxygen to your muscle tissues through your bloodstream. Are High Doses of Rose Hips Dangerous? Rose Hips Side Effects Allergy to Rose Hips What Are the Benefits of Rose Hip Oil on the Face? Benefits of Vitamin C With Rose Hips Is it Safe to Take Rose Hip Oil Internally? How Does Vitamin C Affect the Hormone Cortisol? Pain & Swelling From a Rose Bush Thorn Prick The Effects of Rose Hips During Pregnancy The Benefits of Vitamin C With Rose Hips for the Skin Tone Is Rosehip Herbal Tea Safe for Pregnancy? Symptoms of Vitamin C Toxicity The Best Natural Sources of Vitamin C Bioflavonoids & Rose Hips Calcium Ascorbate Side Effects

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