vitamin c infusion glutathion

vitamin c infusion glutathion

vitamin c infusion for leukemia

Vitamin C Infusion Glutathion


We like to think of our  IV Therapy Lounge as part of our Detox Spa. Of course, it’s quiet, relaxing, and elegant like a spa. And like a good spa we like to pamper you and cater to your every need.  But it goes deeper than that.  You know the feeling you get when you ease into a natural hot spring?  How bathing in the warmth of the healing waters restores you?  The cells in your body feel the same way when you receive our Vitamin shots & IVs: they are bathed in a luxuriant lake of revitalizing nutrients- a veritable whirlpool of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.  Think of an IV an “inner vacation.”  No longer deficient, your happy, refreshed cells will be ready to go full speed ahead! Give us a call at 520-887-4287 to schedule an appointment and experience for yourself the tremendous health benefits of IV therapy. If you’re feeling “under the weather”, feel better faster with this IV that helps your body defeat micro-organisms. The immune boost IV full of vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants helps boost immune function while reducing oxidation and free radical activity. High in Vitamin C and zinc with a balanced blend of B’s and antioxidants. 

When life is extra busy: the holidays, the midterms, the big game! This IV for stress, anxiety, and depression helps to nourish and calm your nervous systemwith high dose magnesium, B-Vitamins and other nutrients to modulate your neurotransmitters.   The IV for the over indulgent celebrator. Defeat that nasty hangover with hydration & nutrients to get you up and running with less down time and more energy. Processing alcohol into aldehyde and then transforming the aldehyde depletes us of numerous nutrients. This IV replenishes our store of these vitamins. If using this for hangover detox, it is highly recommended (but not necessary) to also get a coffee infused colon hydrotherapy session previous to the IV. A purge of toxic bile from the gallbladder and colon is a rapid cleanse that leads to feeling better very quickly.  Antioxidants are the key to halting the process of aging. Full of vitamin C, B complex, selenium, chromium, and glutathione (the body’s Master Antioxidant), this IV helps reduce the processes that cause aging.   

Athletes and fitness enthusiasts can help to speed up recovery time with this IV that helps minimize fatigue and soreness after strenuous activity, exercise or competition.  With  nutrients for muscles and vitamins A, C and zinc for other soft tissue, the Mend IV is also excellent for tissue and wound healing after injuries, such as sprained ankle, torn rotator cuff or knee ligaments, spinal disc injury, etc.   In this climate it is easy for us to get dehydrated. Dehydration can lead to dry skin and hair and constipation as well as serious effects like low blood pressure, rapid heart rate, taxing the kidneys, and brain injury. After an illness is a common time to be dehydrated even if you don’t feel it. This isotonic IV will lower nutrients bathe the cells in hydrating fluid. Get the lead out, along with other toxic metals, with this IV for heavy metal detoxification.  Calcium EDTA has a strong affinity for metals. It will act almost like a magnet and pull the metals so you can excrete them. 

Chelation protocols generally require 6-12 IVs.  The price is $140 each but discounted if a package is purchased. Large Myers Cocktail $105    Regular with Glutathione $90      Regular without Glutathione $75 One of our most popular therapies. Due to the nutrients in the IV, it has shown to help with fatigue, immune function and an overall sense of feeling good and most people experience increased energy.  This potent solution contains a specially balanced combination of nutrients that is a safe, effective, and time-tested treatment used to help a range of ailments and increase energy.  Common conditions treated with Myers’ cocktail IV include acute viral and bacterial infections, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, bronchitis, sinusitis, fibromyalgia, asthma and other respiratory problems.  Add a BOOST with glutathione, the bodies master antioxidant, an immune system booster, and a detoxifier. •Vitamin B complex- Boosts energy, supports nervous system and improves hair, skin and nails.

•Vitamin C- Wards off viral and bacterial infection and encourages natural anti-cancer activity. •Magnesium- Essential for heart health, improves blood pressure and diabetes. •Vitamin B5 (Dexpanthenol)- Supports adrenals, calms allergies, and increases energy. •Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine hydrochloride)- Supports mood, hormone balance, eliminates excess fluid retention and PMS. •Vitamin B12 (Hydroxocobalamin)- Improves mood, fatigue, depression, and metabolism.Protects the body from illness, neutralizes free radicals and aids in detoxification. High-dose Vitamin C IV (50,000 mg) $165        Half-dose Vitamin C IV $110 Often used in cancer, valley fever (coccidio mycoses), chronic fatigue and other autoimmune disorder treatments.  Maximum vitamin C that can be taken orally without adverse digestive side effects is between 4-6 mg a day.  This super powerful immune enhancing Vitamin C IV therapy delivers 50,000 mg that infuses straight into the blood stream for over 2 hours!

Regular $20   High Potency $28 Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin with a key role in the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system and is key component in the formation of red blood cells.  B12 is found in animal products, dairy products and seafood. B12 is so essential, yet it can be very tricky to absorb. Oral supplements should only be in the methylcobalamin or hydroxycobalamin form, however, a cheap, but stabile form called cyanocobalamin is often used in supplements purchased in drugstores or in injectibles used in conventional medical setting. Cyanocobalamin contains a cyanide molecule (!) that is not found in nature. Here at NatureMedica we use methlcobalamin 90% of the time and hydroxycobalamin the rest of the time. Here are some things you may not have known about B12: •Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause nerve damage, fatigue, depression, neuropathy, poor memory, loss of balance mania and psychosis. •Drugs that can cause B12 deficiency: alcohol, oral contraceptives, antacids, proton pump inhibitors and H2 blockers, Metformin, Dilantin.

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