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Vitamin B12 Shots Richmond Va


Daily-wear patches release doses of vitamin B12 and guarana into the bloodstream to boost energy, which can stimulate weight-loss efforts DTaP (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis) MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis) Whether it's a flu shot or a vaccination for pneumonia, whooping cough or meningitis, we can help. We offer vaccines for children, adolescents, teens and adults so it's easy to bring your family in — and get them covered. We also offer injections, all on your schedule. Please see the vaccination or injection page for more information. Age restrictions vary by state for vaccinations. Come to us for: DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis) Hepatitis A (adult & child) Hepatitis B (adult & child) MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis) CALL TODAY TO BOOK YOUR DRIP! 480-725-0466 or 1-877-930-DRIP (3747) Weekdays – 10am – 5pm At The Drip Room we provide IV Vitamin Drips for health and wellness in a social environment.

We’ve taken a traditional medical treatment and given it a modern twist which we call Dripcraft. Come and check out our vitamin bar for the “cocktails” that are good for you. We’ve got drips, shots, boosters, wellness packages and more. Chat with friends in The Lounge or relax in one of our fabulous massage chairs. Visit with one of our Dripologists to find your perfect drip. No co-pays, no consult fees and no waiting for appointments! Experience the most effective way to go beyond the basic requirements and reach maximum vitality in about 30 minutes! When you learn about Dripology, you’ll wonder why you didn’t visit us sooner. If you want a jump start to your visit, here are some terms you’ll hear us use: Dripcraft – The exclusive practice of creating our proprietary blend of vitamin drips, booster and b12 shot combinations. Immediate effects of Dripcraft include energy, better sleep and glowing skin. Dripologist – A medical expert specifically and specially trained in IV Vitamin Drips who will guide you through your visit and help you choose the perfect drip.

A Dripologist may be a fancy name for our Doctors and Nurses but there is much more to it than that. As leaders in the IV Vitamin Drip World our Dripologist team possess unique and advanced knowledge of Dripcraft and can provide you with the ultimate drip and experience. Dripology – Through Dripcraft our Dripologists practice Dripology. The in-depth study of IV Vitamin Drips. Vitamin Drips have been helping people since the 1950’s and inspired by John Myers an MD who created The Myers Cocktail. Dripology takes a traditional medical treatment and adds a modern twist. Intravenous (IV) Vitamin Drips deliver vitamins, minerals and amino acids directly to the body for maximum absorption.  This allows the nutrients to flood your body and nourish itself at the cellular level.  By using this method we can safely deliver larger doses that would not otherwise be tolerated orally. IV vitamin drips can be used both proactively to maintain optimum wellness and also to treat acute and chronic conditions. 

Our Dripologist can assist in selecting the best drip for your needs. Some of the specific benefits people may experience from Dripology include increased energy, enhanced mood, improved sleep, decreased stress and anxiety, increased immunity, hydration, and muscle recovery. Feature article in Phoenix Magazine Top Docs Issue; read the entire article HERE. See more of The Drip Room on ABC 15 HERE. See what the New Times had to say about The Drip Room HERE. Feature article in So Scottsdale Magazine; Feature article in AZcentral / Arizona Republic; Feature article by KTAR; Feature article by NPR / KJZZ; The Jeep “In Studio” 4251 N. Brown Ave, Suite 3A Scottsdale, Arizona 85251480-725-0466 or 1-877-930-DRIP (3747) Thank You For Contacting Us, We Will Get Back To You As Soon As Possible.Vitamin B-12 is a lot like a key, opening up doorways that lead to an array of metabolic, cellular processes. Like a key, vitamin B-12 is unique among all other vitamins in both structure and function.

Plants, animals, and fungi do not create it, unlike most dietary nutrients. While bacteria in the gut can create B-12, it is unproven as to whether or not the production is adequate. Without this important nutrient, cellular function would cease and energy would plummet. Considering that B-12 contributes to the production of ATP, many people with low energy levels will often get vitamin B-12 injections. Vitamin B-12 deficiency is common among both vegans and meat eaters alike, and more people today are reaching for supplementation. This essential nutrient, mostly available from animal sources, protects nerve and brain cells from free radical damage. B-12 has also been shown to reduce pain associated with neuropathy. [1] The vitamin contributes to the creation of healthy DNA and RNA (the human body’s genetic material). It also works with other B vitamins to form red blood cells, support immune system health, improve mood, protect the cardiovascular system, and maintain overall energy levels.

The only natural sources of B-12 are animal foods. This includes organ meats (liver and kidney), eggs, beef, pork, seafood, and dairy products. These foods, however, often carry a heavy toxic burden, so supplementation with a vegan B-12 supplement is often advised for most people. While vegetarians can get vitamin B-12 through dairy, vegans need to supplement so as not to become deficient. Early symptoms of B-12 deficiency include fatigue, digestive problems, nausea, and loss of menstruation. Advanced symptoms include nerve pain, mental health disorders, infertility, impaired immune function, and anemia. Everyone should understand the importance of getting enough B-12 in the diet, something that is usually easier said than done. Some estimates show up to 40% of the US population suffer from some form of B-12 deficiency. That’s almost half of the population! Knowing the four different types of B-12 will allow you to choose the right one for you. This is the most active form in the human body.

It converts homocysteine into methionine, which helps protect the cardiovascular system. Methylcobalamin also offers overall protection to the nervous system. This B-12 form can also cross the blood-brain barrier–without assistance–to protect brain cells. It contributes essential methyl groups needed for detoxification and to start the body’s biochemical reactions. This synthetic version of vitamin B-12 is created in a lab, which makes it the cheapest supplement option. It offers the most stable form of B-12, although it does so through the presence of a cyanide molecule. While the amount of cyanide is not dangerous, it does require the body to expend energy to convert and remove it. Bacteria naturally creates this form of vitamin B-12, making it the main type found in most foods. It easily converts into methylcobalamin in the body. Hydroxocobalamin is commonly used via injection as a treatment for B-12 deficiency as well as a treatment for cyanide poisoning. The energy formation that occurs during the Citric Acid cycle requires this form of B-12.

Although naturally occurring, it is the least stable of the four types of B-12 outside the human body and does not translate well into a tablet-based supplement. It can be difficult to find this one in supplement form, although some supplements, like Vegansafe™, have been able to stabilize it. It’s conservatively estimated that at least 40% of Americans have trouble absorbing B-12. Whereas the human body is able to easily absorb most other vitamins, B-12 absorption is especially reliant on digestive health. Your stomach produces, or at least is supposed to produce, a protein to help with B-12 absorption; that protein is called intrinsic factor. Not having enough intrinsic factor is the most common reason for not absorbing enough B-12. There are a few reasons a person might not have enough intrinsic factor — surgery, gastritis, consuming food preservatives like MSG, exposure to mercury, intestinal ailments like leaky gut, gluten sensitivity, pernicious anemia, and weak stomach acid.

Sometimes your body just doesn’t produce enough. Regardless, without intrinsic factor, it’s hard for your body to absorb the B-12 it needs and B-12 deficiency becomes a real risk. Because of the inherent potential for B-12 absorption problems, there’s absolutely no reason to mess around with anything other than the most absorbable types of B-12. According to the National Institute of Health, a combination of methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin is the most absorbable and bioavailable supplemental B-12 and superior to formulations that only contain cobalamin or hydroxocobalamin. When it comes to supplementing with vitamin B-12, methylcobalamin offers the best option. Like hydroxocobalamin and adenosylcobalamin, it contains molecules the body can use, as opposed to cyanocobalamin which takes a methyl group and forces the liver to dispose of the cyanide molecule. This makes methylcobalamin ideal for anyone looking to take B-12 for a natural energy boost. The good news is that all forms of B-12 have no known adverse side effects.

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