vitamin b shots portland oregon

vitamin b shots portland oregon

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Vitamin B Shots Portland Oregon


While B12 is an element of the larger vitamin B complex it is regularly focused on as an essential vitamin. It has been proven that it is tied to good health and energy. Because of this there are an increasing number of people that are supplementing their diets with B12 injections. Before any of us run off and get shots, so what benefits do B12 injections offer? Vitamin B12 is naturally found in things that many of us already include in our diets. It is found in the eggs, meat, and dairy that we eat each day. Vegetarians and vegans clearly don’t include these foods and are a greater risk of having a B12 deficiency. B12 is a plays a fundamental role in providing energy for the brain to operate smoothly, and is part of the production of red blood cells. This makes Vitamin B12 part of ensuring that the nervous system and circulatory system work the way they should. Deficiencies of B12 can manifest themselves as various symptoms. These symptoms can include a feeling of light-headedness, fatigue, poor recall and memory problems, and even diarrhea or constipation.

While there exists a lot of different benefits to having B12 injections there are some key uses that people seek these energy boosting shots for. We have listed 5 of the most common uses for B12 injections. While everyone should have proper diet and nutrition there are sections of the population that have a greater need to monitor their B12 levels. These categories of the population include: As we age it is natural for our bodies to lose the ability to pull nutrients out of the foods we eat. Digestion isn’t as efficient and we face suffering from poor nutrition, even with properly balanced diets. Some patients even develop atrophic gastritis which can amplify the inability to absorb the nutrients from their foods. B12 is in the dairy, meat, and eggs that a lot of people eat. When people choose to eliminate these foods from their diet they eliminate the natural sources of vitamin B12. Vegans and vegetarians need to replace the nutrients by other means, B12 injections are an efficient and effective way to replace the nutrients lost from abstaining from meat, eggs, and dairy.

People with certain long term disease like muscular degeneration, diabetes, Lou Gehrig’s disease, and osteoporosis tend to do better with a healthy level of B12 in their diet, or including injections to help keep these levels where they should be. Crohn’s disease and disease like it prevent the body from absorbing the nutrients they need from the foods they eat. Even with a well balanced diet they will not be able to absorb enough nutrients for their bodies to work as they should. People who have celiac disease or regularly take acid reducing drugs might consider having B12 injections to compensate for their diminished ability to absorb B12 from their foods naturally. There are a few different ways people can increase their B12 levels. They can eat more dairy, eggs, and meat. But that isn’t effective if they can’t absorb the nutrients or object to eating these foods. There are  use patches that transfer B12 through the skin, yet these patches are limited by how much B12 can be naturally absorbed by the skin and transferred into the blood stream.

There are B12 pills that can add B12 to the body, but they also rely on the body’s ability to extract nutrients. B12 Injections offer the highest concentration and most accurate delivery of B12. if you could benefit from B12 injections and live in or near Portland, Pearl MedSpa can help. We offer a wide range of health promoting services. Scheduling your B12 injection appointment is as simple as picking up the phone or stopping by. If you’d like to call to make your appointment we can be reached at 503.946.3888.Our Vitamin B Injections are a combination of a high quality B-12 and B-complex solution given intramuscularly. B vitamins support many energy pathways in the body that give us a sense of well being and assist with anxiety, depression and fatigue. Lipotropics is a fancy word for three amino acids that are essential for the health of your liver. We highly recommend our HCG Diet patients have a weekly injection of our "slim shot" injection to help them with energy, fat burning, metabolism, liver function and immunity during phase II and phase III of the HCG Diet.

Lipotropics effectively reduce appetite and increase your body’s natural fat-burning processes.  This injection consists of a mixture of amino acids and vitamins and is given in office once per week on phase II & phase III of the HCG program. Many of our patients say that this injection improves energy & overall health. Methionine is an amino acid that acts as a lipotropic (fat loving) agent to speed up the removal of fat within the liver & to prevent excess fat buildup in problem areas. It helps to detoxify the body of heavy metals and is considered to be an strong anti-oxidant. Many report a boost in energy from Methionine. When higher levels of toxic compounds are present, more methionine is needed. Without lipotropics such as choline and inositol, fats and bile can become trapped in the liver, causing severe problems such as cirrhosis and blocking fat metabolism. Inositol exerts lipotropic effects as well. An “unofficial” member of the B vitamins, Inositol has even been shown to relieve depression and panic attacks.  

Inositol has also shown to help with break down and  re-distribution of body fat. It is reported to offer a calming effect, improve quality of sleep and treat depression. This important nutrient may also play a role in reducing LDL (bad) cholesterol. Choline is essential for fat metabolism. Choline is known to assist our bodies to efficiently burn fat while supporting and promoting weight loss. Choline supports the health of the liver, improving its ability to process and excrete chemical byproducts within the body. Pyridoxine (B6) injections are critical for protein metabolism, energy production and normal nervous system function. Vitamin B-6 is involved in nearly 60 enzyme systems in the body. B6 is necessary for normal growth, red blood cell synthesis and vitamin B-12 absorption. Vitamin B12 Vitamin B12 is a vital nutrient that is critical for maintaining normal functioning nerve cells; helps to produce DNA, and RNA; and boosts fat metabolism in the body.  Vitamin B12 is also referred to as the “energy vitamin.” 

Many patients report an energy boost after a Vitamin B12 injection.  B-12 is very difficult to absorb through the gastro-intestinal system. , and will help to increase metabolism. Vitamin B12 is used in the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates & proteins. Most people taking stomach acid inhibiting medications will be deficient in B-12. Chromium is an essential mineral (not made by the body). It is vital in regulating carbohydrate metabolism and blood sugar regulation. Chromium has been shown to lower blood cholesterol while mildly raising HDL (the good cholesterol). Niacinamide (B3) is used to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and raise HDL (good) cholesterol. It helps with energy production and is needed for the proper function of the adrenal glands. Riboflavin (B2) is vital for healthy eyes, production of antibodies and proper tissue repair. It helps to metabolize medications and environmental toxins, is needed for energy metabolism and helps with the regeneration of glutathione, the strongest antioxidant produced by the body.

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