vitamin b shot with lipo

vitamin b shot with lipo

vitamin b komplex wirkung

Vitamin B Shot With Lipo


Nutrex LIPO 6 Rx Fat Burner Samples Lot of 50 caps, could be in unit or 5 count Image Nutrex LIPO 6 Rx Fat Burner Samples Lot of 50 caps, could be in unit or 5 countOur Vitamin B Injections are a combination of a high quality B-12 and B-complex solution given intramuscularly. B vitamins support many energy pathways in the body that give us a sense of well being and assist with anxiety, depression and fatigue. Lipotropics is a fancy word for three amino acids that are essential for the health of your liver. We highly recommend our HCG Diet patients have a weekly injection of our "slim shot" injection to help them with energy, fat burning, metabolism, liver function and immunity during phase II and phase III of the HCG Diet. Lipotropics effectively reduce appetite and increase your body’s natural fat-burning processes.  This injection consists of a mixture of amino acids and vitamins and is given in office once per week on phase II & phase III of the HCG program. Many of our patients say that this injection improves energy & overall health.

Methionine is an amino acid that acts as a lipotropic (fat loving) agent to speed up the removal of fat within the liver & to prevent excess fat buildup in problem areas. It helps to detoxify the body of heavy metals and is considered to be an strong anti-oxidant. Many report a boost in energy from Methionine. When higher levels of toxic compounds are present, more methionine is needed. Without lipotropics such as choline and inositol, fats and bile can become trapped in the liver, causing severe problems such as cirrhosis and blocking fat metabolism. Inositol exerts lipotropic effects as well. An “unofficial” member of the B vitamins, Inositol has even been shown to relieve depression and panic attacks.  Inositol has also shown to help with break down and  re-distribution of body fat. It is reported to offer a calming effect, improve quality of sleep and treat depression. This important nutrient may also play a role in reducing LDL (bad) cholesterol. Choline is essential for fat metabolism.

Choline is known to assist our bodies to efficiently burn fat while supporting and promoting weight loss. Choline supports the health of the liver, improving its ability to process and excrete chemical byproducts within the body. Pyridoxine (B6) injections are critical for protein metabolism, energy production and normal nervous system function. Vitamin B-6 is involved in nearly 60 enzyme systems in the body. B6 is necessary for normal growth, red blood cell synthesis and vitamin B-12 absorption. Vitamin B12 Vitamin B12 is a vital nutrient that is critical for maintaining normal functioning nerve cells; helps to produce DNA, and RNA; and boosts fat metabolism in the body.  Vitamin B12 is also referred to as the “energy vitamin.”  Many patients report an energy boost after a Vitamin B12 injection.  B-12 is very difficult to absorb through the gastro-intestinal system. , and will help to increase metabolism. Vitamin B12 is used in the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates & proteins.

Most people taking stomach acid inhibiting medications will be deficient in B-12. Chromium is an essential mineral (not made by the body). It is vital in regulating carbohydrate metabolism and blood sugar regulation. Chromium has been shown to lower blood cholesterol while mildly raising HDL (the good cholesterol). Niacinamide (B3) is used to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and raise HDL (good) cholesterol. It helps with energy production and is needed for the proper function of the adrenal glands. Riboflavin (B2) is vital for healthy eyes, production of antibodies and proper tissue repair. It helps to metabolize medications and environmental toxins, is needed for energy metabolism and helps with the regeneration of glutathione, the strongest antioxidant produced by the body. Thiamine (B1) is involved with many of the body’s cellular reactions, including the burning of carbohydrates for energy. It helps the body adapt to stress and avoid adrenal burn out.  It also helps with metabolism of thyroid hormones and is required for proper nerve function.

Pantothenic Acid (B5) also known as Dexpanthenol is involved in the body’s metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. It helps convert food into energy and is needed to make fatty acids. This B vitamin stimulates the adrenal gland and is used in red blood cell production. Carnitine - The primary function of carnitine in the body is to regulate fat oxidation (burning). L-Carnitine is responsible for transporting fat to the fat furnace in our cells called mitochondria. Unless fat makes it to the mitochondria, it cannot be oxidized; regardless of how much you exercise or diet. B-12/B complex  Injection -- $30 Lipotropic “Slim Shot” Injection -- $40Some nutrients cannot be orally ingested due to mal-absorption or simply because high levels of nutrients cannot be obtained when digested orally. When injected, many nutrients can have potent drug like effects which can be beneficial to performance or for the treatment of certain conditions. In addition to lipotropic agents, we offer a variety of injectable amino-acids, vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants which can be administered safely in the comfort of your home.

Each nutrient kit is supplied with everything needed to administer your injection. Type of injection for nutrients: Injectable nutrients can be injected both subcutaneously (SC) or intramuscular (IM). We have found that some nutrients can cause irritation at the injection site if injected subcutaneously, which is a shallow injection. The nutrients which can cause irritation are typically combination formulas, or formulas which contain more than one ingredient. Due to the higher concentration of ingredients a deeper injection is recommended to prevent any irritation from occurring. For these specific injectable nutrient formulas Defy Medical recommends using a 5/8” 25g or 26g needle with a 3ml syringe. This allows the injection to go deep enough to prevent irritation and allow for more than 1ml to be injected at one time. The best place to inject using the 5/8” needle is: Shoulder, upper/outer glute (butt-cheek), thigh, and back of the arm. Single nutrients like methylcobalamin, AMP-5, and individual amino acids can be injected using a small insulin needle subcutaneously in the abdomen (or any of the above locations).

We have found some of the nutrient combinations to be also tolerable when injected sc. These common nutrient combinations include; Tri-Amino, MIC Combo, and B-Complex. These three do not typically cause irritation when injected subcutaneously. Defy Medical works with compounding pharmacies who are dedicated to providing attention to detail when compounding injectable nutrients. In addition to concentration, the Ph level of the injectable nutrient can cause pain during or immediately following the injection. Although there is nothing to worry about when this pain occurs, it can still deter patients from continuing the medication. Each pharmacy that we work with who provides our injectable nutrients take the extra step of testing the Ph to make sure it is at a level which will cause no pain at the injection. Most of the injectable nutrients provided by a Defy medical approved pharmacy should not cause irritation or pain. Subcutaneous injections are okay when injecting 1 milliliter (ML) or less of a fluid.

If you are injecting more than 1 milliliter than you will need a deeper injection. We recommend using a 5/8” 25g or 26g needle with a 3ml syringe for injections containing more than 1ml. You may also use a longer 1” needle. More on Lipo C Injection Therapy Using a 5/8" 25g or 26g needle, inject 1ml-3ml of your lipotropic, or Lipo-C, twice per week. As an alternative, Lipo-C can be injected daily. Using a 1/2" "insulin" syringe, inject 1ml of Lipo-C subcutaneously every morning. * Please note, due to the high concentration of ingredients in Lipo-C there may be irritation at the injection site if injected to shallow. We recommend using at least a 1/2" needle if administering 1ml or less. A 5/8" needle is recommended when injecting more than 1ml. Tri-Amino must be administered by injection using a small gauge needle. There are a few different ways to administer Tri-Amino, depending on the goal. Be sure to rotate injection sites. CALM is best taken in the evening, before bedtime.

CALM can also be administered during the day to treat muscle tension or anxiety. If daily injections are not possible, CALM can be taken 2-3 times per week (1ml-2ml). Some patients can tolerate daily subcutaneous injections using a small gauged ½” needle with 1ml syringe. The high concentration of ingredients in CALM can cause irritation during the injection so we recommend using a 5/8” 26g or 25g needle. The longer needle eliminates any discomfort that might be experienced. We also add a small amount of lidocaine to the formula which completely blocks any discomfort from the injection. When injecting more than 1ml of CALM, use a 25g 5/8” with 3ml syringe and inject into the gluteus, shoulder, or thigh (see injection instructions). FOR PAIN & ANXIETY: INJECT 1ML SUBCUTANEOUSLY AS NEEDED OR EVERY 4-6 HOURS (SHORT TERM). FOR CHRONIC ANXIETY: INJECT 1ML SC ONCE PER DAY, OR AS NEEDED . ALTERNATIVLEY, CALM CAN BE INJECTED ONCE PER WEEK AT A DOSAGE OF 1ML TO 2.5ML THEN AS NEEDED BETWEEN (1ML)

FOR SLEEP: USING A 5/8” 26G OR 25G NEEDLE INJECT 1ML TO 2.5ML AT BEDTIME. FOR INSOMNIA TRY COMBINING CALM WITH 400MG 5-HTP AND 6MG TIMED-RELEASE MELATONIN. DEFY MEDICAL CAN PROVIDE BOTH ITEMS AT A DISCOUNTED PRICE. How to take Injectable Methylcobalamin B12 Methylcobalamin is a water based vitamin and is very easy to inject using a small "insulin" needle. Methylcobalamin is stored in the body for long periods of time and serum B12 levels in most healty people can remain elevated for up to one month after a single injection. Methylcobalamin is a water soluble vitamin and high dosages can be taken without risk, therefore many people take more frequent injections to help with energy. Here is one recommended protocol for taking methylcobalamin injections: Using a small "insulin" syringe, measuring 5/16" to 1/2", inject subcutaneously 1ml of methylcobalamin once per week. It can be taken additional days in between weekly injections if you feel there is a benefit or if you require more frequent injections to treat chronic illness.

Some people take methylcobalamin daily to treat certain symptoms. Serum B12 Level Maintenance Optimal serum B12 levels can be maintained with methylcobalamin injections administered once per month. It is recommended to inject methylcobalamin deeper when administering less frequent injections. We recommend using a 5/8" to 1" needle when injecting methylcobalamin once per month. Here is a good protocol if your goal is to treat B12 deficiency and bring serum B12 levels to a good range: Using a small "insulin" syringe, measuring 5/16" to 1/2", inject subcutaneously 1ml of methylcobalamin once per week for 4 weeks. Thereafter inject 1ml of methylcobalamin once per month, or every 30 days. Using a ½” 30g “insulin” syringe, inject 0.5ml- 1ml of B-Complex one to two times per week. Injectable Vitamin D3 is suspended in oil and is typically a thicker substance to inject. It is very similar to oil based hormone injectables like testosterone cypionate. How to Inject Vitamin D3:

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