vitamin b shot pink urine

vitamin b shot pink urine

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Vitamin B Shot Pink Urine


Vitamin B12 is a water soluble vitamin that is excreted through urine when you consume too much. You may experience change in urine color while your body works to excrete excess B12, which may be normal and can reverse itself. In some cases, off-colored urine or odd odors may be related to an underlying medical condition, so you should check with your physician if you notice any changes. Vitamin B12 is one of the most complex and unique types of vitamins. First of all, it is the only one of the water-soluble vitamins that is stored in your body. Your liver keeps small amounts of this nutrient on hand for years. Second, it is the only vitamin that pairs with a mineral, cobalt, to function. In its paired form, B12 is called a cobalamin, of which methylcobalamin and 5-deoxyadenosyl cobalamin are the two types used by humans, the Linus Pauling Institute explains. You need vitamin B12 for a variety of biochemical reactions including DNA and RNA synthesis, new red blood cell production and normal neurological functioning.

Depending on your hydration status, normal urine color can range from a light yellow to an amber color. Consuming large quantities of foods rich in B12 can cause your urine to become a bright green color. Additionally, taking a B12 supplement, vitamin B complex or multivitamin containing vitamin B12 may cause your urine to turn dark yellow or orange. This stems from the yellow coloring in the over-the-counter supplement that your body excretes. You only need a small amount of B12 each day: 2.4 mcg. It is generally safe at large doses, since you excrete whatever you do not absorb; therefore no tolerable upper limits have been set for this vitamin. Part of the low toxicity risk of B12 stems from your body only being able to absorb tiny amounts at once. While it does have a low risk for toxicity, you should inform your physician if you decide to take a B12 supplement to ensure it doesn't have any adverse effects. While it may be normal for your urine to change colors after ingesting B12, some factors may warrant a visit to your doctor.

If your urine is cloudy or hard to see through, it could be a sign of some type of infection, such as a bladder or urinary tract infection. Urinating should not be painful, so if you notice pain along with off-colored urine, let your healthcare provider know. Keep track of how often you experience discolored urine to help you track if it is related to your B12 consumption. Vitamin D and Excessive Urination Vitamins and Urine Odor How to Use the Elliptical for Fat Loss Vitamin B Complex and Green Urine Can Vitamins Change the Color of Your Urine? Why Do Vitamin B Supplements Turn Urine Yellow? Frequent Urination After Working Out Does Diet Soda Cause Frequent Urination? Does Drinking Too Much Soda Cause Frequent Urination? Dietary Nutritional Supplements That Cause Cloudy Urine Beets & Urine Discoloration Causes of a Urine Odor During Pregnancy Frequent Urination and B12 Blood in Urine & B-12 Deficiency The Side Effects of Too Much Vitamin B12

Should I Worry if My Urine Smells of the Food I Just Ate? What Happens If You Take Too Many Vitamins? Can Carrots Change the Color of Your Urine? Does Niacin Speed Up Your Metabolism? Posted May 14, 2012 I was diagnosed with ADD about six years ago. I scored myself for risk of B12 deficiency using the criteria detailed in the book, 'Could it be B12?', and scored 17, when a high risk was a score above 6. As I have IBS and potential problems of absorption, I would like to know if it is possible to buy Methyl B12 either as a nasal spray or better still, shots for intramuscular injection? To begin with, it is important to note that vitamin B 12 injections can be prescribed for several reasons. Many times, it could simply be a result of non absorption of vitamins into your body's system. The malabsorption responsible for creating a deficiency may require for you to take intravenous vitamins. At this point is important to note and that vitamin B 12 can be prescribed by a doctor.

Nevertheless, irrespective of the reasons that have led you to take these injections, it is still abnormal to have dark colored urine. In some cases, it is considered normal to have dark yellow or even orange colored urine as a consequence of taking specific vitamins. You should also bear in mind that this abnormality of dark colored urine usually lasts for up to seven days or even more. In any event, it is very unlikely to have dark colored urine, which is so dark that it may lead you to confuse it for blood, and if such is the case, then it is important that you seek a doctor's advice rather than resort to home remedies. Although research has shown us that there are many overt and obviously apparent side-effects from taking vitamin B12 injections, the production of dark red to deep brown colored urine is definitely not one of them. It would be highly recommended, under the circumstances, to seek immediate medical assistance. Ideally, you should discuss your condition with the doctor who prescribed these injections to begin with.

Your doctor will be in a position to explain to you about the connection between the injections and the color of your urine. This particular injection or series of injections can be responsible for various other side-effects. The most significant side-effects are heart palpitations and mild diarrhea accompanied by a feeling of uneasiness and nausea. Although, these are the most frequently noticed side-effects brought on by these injections, they do not manifest themselves strongly enough to affect you with any degree of discomfort for a significant amount of time. There is a strong possibility that you may have developed a certain kind of skin rash, quite similar to hives, leading to excessive itchiness and inflammation. There have been rare cases where the side-effects have extended to the development of certain irregularities in breathing. Do not delay the situation any longer, and once again we reiterate that you visit and consult your doctor who prescribed the injections, as only he will be able to give you a clearer assessment of your condition.

answered by G M on Mar 4, 2010, 2:50:14 Vitamin B 12 shots are taken for many reasons. Sometimes, it is a matter of simple non absorption of the vitamin into your system, and a subsequent deficiency that may require you to take these shots. Other times, there could be some other overt problem or disease which is making it necessary for you take them. Whatever the cause that you have taken these shots, it is highly irregular for you to have such dark urine. Sometimes, it is normal to have deep yellow or even orange urine as a result of taking this particular vitamin, you should also know sometimes, this irregularity of urination can last for up to a week or even more. However, it is practically unheard of to have dark colored urine that is so dark that you might mistake it for blood after taking this shot. While there are several obvious and pretty clear cut side effects of taking a vitamin B 12 injection, dark red to brown urination is certainly not one of them. Your best bet in this case is to consult with the doctor who has prescribed that you take these shots in the first place.

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