vitamin b compound strong b12

vitamin b compound strong b12

vitamin b compound strong and thiamine

Vitamin B Compound Strong B12


Vitamin B complex includes eight B vitamins and all essential water-soluble vitamins barring vitamin C. The B vitamins include thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), panthothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6), biotin (B7), folic acid or folates (B9), and cobalamins (B12). Each of them plays a vital role in the functioning of our body and provides several health benefits. However, excess consumption of Vitamin B complex is unsafe and could cause side effects as well. On the other hand, B complex deficiencies could also lead to several problems. It is thus best to consult a doctor before taking any B complex supplements so that he/she can recommend an appropriate dosage for you, depending on your need. The recommended daily dosage according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) for each component is as follows. Various factors like drinking alcohol, smoking, or constant health problems could require a larger dose, which it is best decided after consultation with your doctor.

Vitamin B complex injections are also available in the market, and people claim that it is more effective than the oral supplements. Generally, people who are trying to lose weight opt for B12 injections. The injection can be given either intravenously or intramuscularly. While injections cost much more than the supplements, your doctor may prescribe a shot of vitamin B complex to help boost your energy or vitality. Dosage varies from person to person, depending on various factors. Injections are better because the vitamins are absorbed into the body quicker than supplements, and they are usually given to people who require higher levels of energy to perform various activities. B complex injections can be used to treat B complex deficiencies like anemia, dermatitis, difficulty in assimilation, increased fatigue, psoriasis, neuritis, and stomatitis, to name a few. However, if used for long periods (or taken in improper/high dosages), there could also be side effects such as dehydration, depression, edema, joint pain, low calcium, ulcers, and reduced protein metabolism.

B complex deficiency can manifest as various diseases like anemia, beriberi, dermatitis, encephalitis and pellagra, and disease has its own set of symptoms. There are various benefits that one gets from taking Vitamin B complex. Some of the benefits are listed below. Increased energy as the B1 helps convert the carbohydrates from your food into glucose. Vitamins B2, B3, B5 and B7 are necessary for optimum energy levels. Lack of these vitamins will cause you to feel lethargic and exhausted. Make sure you consult your doctor before starting to take B complex vitamins as they will prescribe you the correct dosage according to your requirements. Overdose or prolonged usage could result in side effects, as listed below.Affordable, Comprehensive Period Relief For Your Worst PMS Symptoms…You can order a 30-day supply of Period Vitamin (one bottle). This includes free expedited shipping, so you’ll start experiencing PMS relief in as little as two to three business days. Home    Sitemap    Links & Downloads    Flu Remedies

Acu-Cell Analysis    Acu-Cell Nutrition    Acu-Cell Disorders    Mineral Ratios    Diets & MLM    Tin - Health Effects    Spiritual Health Vit C / E / B12 / B15 Interactions High / Low Carb-Fat-Protein Diets Simple, Refined & Complex Sugar Glycemic Index / Glycemic Load Chocolate & Cocoa Benefits? Vegetarianism - Pros and Cons Eat Right For Your Blood Type Diet Sterols, Sterolins & Beta-Sitosterol Coral Calcium & AdvaCal / AAACa Conditions & Diseases A - G Conditions & Diseases H - Z ALS / Lou Gehrig's Disease Bone Loss / Osteoporosis H. Pylori & low Stomach Acid Hypoglycemia / Low Blood Sugar Muscle Spasms & Cramps DRI / RDA B-Vitamins DRI / RDA Nickel & Cobalt DRI / RDA Calcium & Magnesium DRI / RDA Vitamin A / D / K DRI / RDA Vit C / E / B12 / B15 Natural Cold & Flu Remedies Spiritual Health & Healing Privacy Policy & Disclaimer Sources, synergists, antagonists, side effects & deficiency / overdose / toxicity symptoms are listed on  Page 2.

to excessive Vitamin B intake (see further below). Vit A - D - K Vit B - Complex Does a B-Vitamin Complex really help reduce Stress? or stimulating effect - either later or earlier in the day - which is covered for each B-Vitamin on Page 2. Do Vegetarians need to supplement Vitamin B12? Click here for information on  Vitamin B12  deficiency / overdose, Cobalt & Vit B15 interactions. Click here for information on  Vitamin B12  RDA / DRI, and additional side effects and symptoms. Migraine Headaches, or any other number of high iron / manganese-storage types of medical conditions. episodes in prone women, in which case single B-Vitamins need to B-Complex Vitamins  DRI / RDA  and individual functions  -  Page 2 General recommendations for nutritional supplementation This site uses cookies from advertisers (e.g. Google) to deliver its services, to personalize ads, and to analyze traffic.  Continued use of this site constitutes acceptance of cookies in accordance with the EU Cookie Policy.

Do B Vitamins Help Stop Hair Loss? 2 The B Vitamins 3 The Basics of Vitamin B and Your Hair 4 Other Facts about B Vitamins for Hair Loss A water soluble compound, vitamin B consists of different variants that can be found in foods that are rich in proteins. Vitamin B can be found sin foods such as soy nuts, carrots, eggs and meat. Thus, most people can easily get vitamin B as it is found in foods in a regular diet. However, keep in mind, since the B vitamins are water-soluble, any excess of the vitamin is easily flushed out of the body. Eating food with vitamin B content will reduce hair loss and increase hair growth. Vitamin B refers to a group of eight vitamins which, although related, are clearly different. At one time the B vitamins were thought to be one. When it was discovered they were distinct, quite a number of compounds were once thought to belong to the family. Such compounds include carnitine, once Vitamin B20; para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA), once Vitamin B10;

adenine, once Vitamin B4. The eight members of the B complex are B1 or thiamine, B2 or riboflavin, B3 or niacin, B5 or pantothenic acid, B6 or pyridoxine, B7 or biotin, B9 or folic acid, and B12 or Cobalamin. These B vitamins are all water-soluble, therefore, they are extensively distributed in the body and easily eliminated in the urine. Because of the later reason, most of them are safe even in large doses. However, there are cases of toxicities for Vitamin B6 and B3. The B vitamins are essential to many biochemical processes in the body including regulation of hormones, minerals and general metabolism. They are important to the nervous system and enhance the immune system; they help maintain healthy muscle tone, skin, nails and hair; they are needed for cell division and are known to reduce the risk of developing certain cancers (for example, pancreatic cancer). It is possible to develop a deficiency for each of the B vitamins. This happens when they are not adequately supplied in the diet or when their absorptions are hindered.

A deficiency of Vitamin B1 results in beriberi; without Vitamin B2 a number of symptoms including dry skin, inflammation of mucosal membranes and dermatitis results; Vitamin B3 deficiency presents as pellagra, dermatitis and mental confusion. Vitamin B5 deficiency is uncommon but when it occurs, it results in acne, itching, tingling skin and loss of sensation in the fingers and toes; Vitamin B6 deficiency results in anemia, hypertension and dermatitis; Vitamin B7 deficiency is rarely seen in adults but in children it can impair growth and cause nerve damage. Both Vitamin B9 and B12 deficiencies result in anemia and elevated homocysteine levels. They may also lead to neurological damages. Dietary sources of B vitamins include plants and animals. The only exception is Vitamin B12 which is only present in animal products. Meat including fish, meat products and animal liver are good sources of the B vitamins. They can also be found in large quantities in molasses, yeast, beans, whole grains, chili pepper, bananas and potatoes.

While there are supplements of B vitamins formulated singly, with other B vitamins as Vitamin B complex and with other vitamins as multivitamin preparations, unwarranted Vitamin B supplementation should be avoided. This is because after absorbing what it can use, the body simply eliminates any excess Vitamin B. Vitamin B supplements are especially recommended for the aged and those undergoing stressful activities. Vitamin B9 is a solid recommendation for pregnant women since a deficiency in the vitamin especially early in the embryo development can lead to birth defects. B vitamin supplements should be considered in the treatment of hair loss especially when the alopecia is due to vitamin deficiency. For balding people who smoke or drink considerably, this is most likely the cause of their hair loss. Still, other people experiencing thinning hair should consult their doctors to know if they are deficient in any of the B vitamins. Considering the number of biochemical processes dependent on the B vitamins, it is clear that Vitamin B supplements can promote hair growth and stop hair loss.

They especially nourish cells of the hair follicles. Some of the B vitamins known to help reverse hair loss include Vitamin B3, B5, B6 and B12. Similarly, deficiencies in Vitamin B1, B2, B3 and B5 cause hair loss which can be stopped with adequate supplementation. In treating hair loss, the B vitamins deliver great results when they are paired with Zinc. Together, zinc and the B vitamins may inhibit the production of dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is synthesized from testosterone and is regarded as the main cause of androgen-dependent alopecia. It causes the rapid decline of hair follicle cells both in number and activity. Therefore, immediate supplementation with B vitamins is needed to quickly reverse hair loss due to DHT. The fact of the matter is that, a healthy diet leads to better overall health and the better their eyes, skin, nails and hair will be. Some hair loss issues are the result of issues well beyond a healthy diet, but getting the vitamins and nutrients needed may still be able to help lessen the amount of hair lost and increase the overall appearance of the hair.

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