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U Haul Queen Size Mattress


For many cash-strapped New Yorkers, hiring a U-Haul truck to move just a few items is simply too expensive. Owning a car in the city and dealing with parking fees is out of the question.So it's hardly surprising that in recent times there has been an influx of mattresses, couches, chairs and tables carted onto the Subway - much to the chagrin of fellow passengers.In a series of photos on Gothamist, these seat-hogging riders are shamed for their poor Subway etiquette and general disregard for others' personal space. Taking up room: In recent times there has been an influx of mattresses, couches, chairs and tables carted onto the New York Subway - much to the chagrin of fellow passengers Two friends told the website how they brought a couch onto a train out of sheer desperation.'I had been sleeping on an air mattress in my Bed Stuy apartment for two months. . . and my friend and I went to a prop shop in Gowanus in the hopes that I could find something to sleep on,' Ty explains.After discovering a red and green sofa which was on sale for $30, they bought it - before realizing they would have to cart it back to their apartment on the other side of Brooklyn.

'We wheel it down 4th Avenue to the G train,' she says. 'We had to get it through the emergency door, and then carry it up two flights of stairs. Which was brutal.'Luckily for Ty, though, her fellow passengers were feeling friendly, perhaps because it was a Saturday afternoon and the train was not too crowded.'A lot of really great random people helped us get it up,' she explains. 'And then we just had to wheel it six blocks. I was really happy that so many people were helping us!' Carefree: Not only did the man set up his chair right in the middle of the car, but he proceeded to perch on it and read throughout the busy Subway ride, even as the car got more and more crowded For most other furniture-toters, however, the reaction of other passengers is not so positive.Reddit user The Futurist47 was frustrated after witnessing a Subway passenger bringing his chair onto a busy L train.Not only did the man set up his chair right in the middle of the car, but he proceeded to perch on it and read throughout the Subway ride, even as the car got more and more crowded.'I can never decide whether or not to be annoyed when people do this,' wrote the Reddit user.

Another Subway passenger submitted a photo of two fellow riders carrying a queen-sized mattress underground, again onto the L train. Seat-hogger: This woman took up two spaces when she designated one for her antique table, and perched in the seat next to it The pair apparently rode from 1st Avenue to Bedford on a 'semi-packed' train around 9pm. mattress-toting annoyed other passengers not only because it took up space, but also because it had the potential to spread every New Yorker's worst nightmare: bed bugs.'Once on the Bedford platform a few people even started screaming about it,' wrote the photo sharer. 'It's still unbelievable what people will do.'Another example of poor Subway etiquette involved a woman carting her antique table onto a busy train. Nuisance: Two mattress-toting riders annoyed other passengers not only because it took up space, but also because it had the potential to spread every New Yorker's worst nightmare: bed bugs Not only did the table block one Subway seat, but the woman sat in the adjacent seat, meaning she took up two spaces altogether.

As Gothamist points out, 'if you must transport such a large object via our communal mass transit system, then you need to accept the fact that you also must sacrifice your seat.'Jeffrey Rodriguez, who submitted the photo of the offending table-mover, told Gothamist: 'I saw this strap-hanger today on a crowded G train. Many passengers were standing. . .I was amazed no one said anything!'Storage Fox Self Storage offers a wide variety of boxes and packing supplies that are available for purchase. Storage Fox Self Storage has several push carts available that may be used free of charge. If you find yourself needing a cart to assist you with transporting your belongings please let the store manager know and they will be happy to assist you. Our units are rented on a month-to-month basis which allows customers flexibility to rent for whatever time period is needed. Customers with long term needs are asked to contact one of our managers. We accept several major credit cards, including MasterCard®, Visa®, Discover®, or American Express®.

Our units are rented on a month-to-month basis. Your rental with us can be long or short – depending on your needs. For your convenience we offer many payment options including the option to pre-pay for up to twelve months of rent. When you are ready to vacate we require ten days verbal OR written notice before vacating. If you advise the rental office of your intention to vacate before paying your final month. We require ten days verbal OR written notice before vacating. We ask that you stop into our office and fill out a vacate card. On your scheduled move-out day make sure the unit is completely empty, your lock has been removed and the store manager has inspected the unit, and you complete a final vacate notice. Rent is due 1st of month. If your lock is on your unit on the first of the month then you will owe rent for full month. Once the unit is sold the proceeds are applied to your outstanding balance. If the proceeds are higher than the amount due, a check for the difference will be sent to the original person leasing the storage unit.

If the proceeds are lower than the outstanding balance the account will be sent to collections. The auction process begins on the 1st day of delinquent unit. Everyone knows renting a U-Haul van or hiring a moving company is a scam—the resourceful New Yorker isn't afraid to bite the bullet use the subway to transport a giant smoker grill, wheelchair sculpture, patio furniture, and Christmas tree. The latest installment in our ongoing tribute to Moving All Your Crap Via Subway comes to us from the good ol' reliable Bedford Avenue L stop, where two industrious individuals were spotted lugging a Queen size mattress last night. The tipster who sent us these photos says he "saw these two on the L moving this queen sized bed last night. It was a short ride from 1st Ave to Bedford on a semi packed train at 9 p.m. A lot of straphangers were talking about how angry they would be if they would catch bed bugs. Once on the Bedford platform a few people even started screaming about it.

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