tub shower combo glass door

tub shower combo glass door

tub shower combo for small spaces

Tub Shower Combo Glass Door


555 BathroomGray Tile BathroomsBathroom StyleMaster BathroomOver Bath Shower Small BathroomsBath Tub And Shower IdeasSmall Bath Tub IdeasTub In Shower AreaBathroom Tub Tile IdeasForwardBathroom fixtures have come a long way over the past few decades. Specifically, bathtubs have gone from being a purely functional fixture to having the capCustom, Heavy Glass Frameless Luxury Standard Sized, Framed & Semi-Frameless Designs Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer et vehicula ante. Suspendisse semper vitae orci ut porttitor. Etiam lorem odio, rutrum at feugiat a, varius non enim. Ut sed sagittis dui. Aliquam quis quam id augue accumsan aliquet. Maecenas volutpat nulla lacus, sed vehicula orci accumsan vitae. Mauris quis auctor neque. Pellentesque adipiscing sit amet risus nec vulputate. Nullam elementum, nulla eu mollis condimentum, odio sapien interdum arcu, scelerisque ullamcorper mi nisl ac purus. Cras laoreet suscipit sollicitudin. Vestibulum adipiscing adipiscing mi. Cras vel leo erat.

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Should you have a tub in your bathroom or should it be a shower? Why choose when you can have both? Don’t even concern yourself with the lack of space. There are lots of ways in which you can make this combination work in small and large bathrooms alike plus, the tub shower combo is actually very practical from a spatial standpoint.There are several possibilities to choose from. One of them is to have the shower in the tub, a perfect option for small bathrooms. Another possibility is to have them separate but still sharing the same space. You can have a glass wall separating this zone from the rest of the room. Then there’s also a third option: to opt for a smaller tub and to place the shower in the corner, in the continuation of the tub.It’s important to plan everything in advance. For example, you need to figure out where to put the shower door so it doesn’t interfere with the vanity or toilet. Of course, you don’t necessarily need a door. You can opt for a simple glass wall to separate the zones or for curtains.

Waterproofing is vital when you have a two-in one shower and tub combo. You need to be careful when choosing the drain, tiles and all the other materials. Built-in tubs are much easier to install and waterproof than freestanding tubs. Also, you have to make sure your walls are waterproofed too so it would be a good idea to let he tiles go all the way up to the ceiling.Once all the practical and functional details are all taken care of, you need to start focusing on the little things like the accessories you want to include in your tub-shower combo space and the fixtures you prefer. Decide on your handheld nozzle’s placement, the hose’s placement and, if you want a steam shower, plan ahead.So why put your tub in the shower or vice-versa? The answer is simple: because it looks good and also because it’s a very practical option, allowing a perfect balance of function and style to be achieved.Image sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15.Q. I want my shower to look as high-end as possible, but I’m on a budget: Which is better, shower curtain or glass door?

A. The choice between a shower curtain and a glass enclosure depends largely on the layout of your bathroom and the style of your home. For a stand-alone, walk-in shower, the answer is simple, said Jessica Helgerson, an interior designer in Portland, Ore. “Glass doors are almost always preferable,” she said, noting that companies like Century Bathworks and American Shower Door make some appealing options.For a combination tub and shower, the answer isn’t as clear cut. In that situation, she said, you could go either way. Glass panels provide a clean, modern appearance, but shower curtains also have advantages.A shower curtain made from a textural material like linen in a solid color, she said, offers a simple, appealing look. And if it gets dirty, it’s easy to take down and wash. In a tight space, a shower curtain also “provides better accessibility,” she said, because it can be pulled all the way to one side. “With small kids, it’s easier to lean into the tub.” For a custom look, Ms. Helgerson recommended installing a shower curtain rod in a finish that matches the bathroom fixtures, whether they are brass, chrome, nickel or oil-rubbed bronze.

Charles Homet, an associate real estate broker at Halstead Property in Manhattan, agreed that one type of shower enclosure doesn’t necessarily look more high-end than the other. Either can be luxurious, he said, depending on the products you choose.“A shower curtain doesn’t have to have that standard blah look,” he said, like vinyl or polyester panels suspended from cheap tension rods. “I’ve seen a shower where the curtain was mounted floor-to-ceiling on a track, and it was really elegant,” he added. For a more traditional look, he suggested a shower curtain with tiebacks.Glass panels can look beautiful and modern, he said, but they’re not ideal for every bathroom: “With glass enclosures, you have to be very careful with the clearance next to the vanity, because you may end up with issues related to cleaning,” particularly if it’s difficult to reach into the gap between the glass panel and the vanity. “You have to make sure you have access, because you do get mildew and things building up along the bottom.”

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