transportation through smart technology

transportation through smart technology

Smart cities take the IoT a step further by creating an interconnected network that residents can access online, often via a mobile app. A network like this will provide data and communication channels that allow users to better manage their day-to-day activities, from corresponding directly with their government, to instantly finding a parking spot on a busy day.

The main goal of smart cities is to create a better quality of living for their citizens by streamlining urban services like energy and transportation through smart technology. However, prior to the promise of 5G networks, experts couldn’t foresee the capacity to support the amount of data a truly connected city would generate. Now that 5G is on the horizon, major urban areas will be racing to be the first to introduce their own smart city.

AI in the telecom industry encompasses a myriad of focus areas. Customer service and network optimization are at the top of that list. Throughout this year, some of the biggest implementations of AI will be in these spaces (this seems redundant). In fact, according to IDC 63 percent of telecom companies are investing in AI systems this year.

More info: Field Service Management

Predictive analytics is one of the most promising capabilities of AI technology, especially for the telecom community. AI-based analytics provide telecom companies with the ability to use data and machine learning software to predict future industry trends and potential infrastructure snags, and to continuously assess their service for bugs or potential pitfalls.

Additionally, AI-based chat-bots and virtual assistants will transform the way businesses handle customer service. They can automate conversations and successfully mimic human speech, while drawing data and insights to provide personalized and positive experiences. Tech leader Mark Hurd believes that 85 percent of interactions with customers will be automated by 2020.

Much like ecosystems function in nature, industrial ecosystems are a network of cross-industry organizations that work together to create a stronger, more advanced industry. The telecom industry will see a move toward creating those lucrative ecosystems.

More info: it administrator

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