Top strategies to support a healthy inflammatory process

Top strategies to support a healthy inflammatory process

Do you have joint pain, loss of mobility or weight gain? With autoimmune diseases, the immune system triggers an inflammatory response to its own tissues. The body responds as if normal tissues are infected and attacks these tissues, and autoimmune diseases, such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, inflammatory bowel disease and rheumatoid arthritis, develop as a result.

This information has the potential to radically improve your quality of life! Ramped up by lifestyle factors such as chronic stress, poor diet, toxin exposure, lack of exercise and not enough sleep, over time this inflammatory load builds up and can destroy the joints, hormones, brain, skin and heart and lead to chronic disease or pain.

The Chronic Inflammation Summit from June 6-12, 2022. It’s free and online!

Inflammation is your body’s natural immune response to infection, irritation or injury, but too much inflammation for too long can create a chronic systemic response and damage your body at the cellular level.

The Chronic Inflammation Summit will explore:

  • Root causes of inflammation
  • Connections between gut health and chronic inflammation
  • How to protect your brain and nervous system
  • Anti-inflammatory supplement and nutrition strategies
  • Strategies for deep sleep to restore hormone and blood sugar balance
  • Inflammatory triggers for cancer
  • Impacts of inflammation on the aging process
  • Natural strategies and technological advancements for cellular health
  • And more!
The Chronic Inflammation Summit (FREE and Online) effective strategies to address chronic inflammation and the conditions associated with it!

Join us to learn how to use food, herbs, supplements, essential oils, detox strategies and more to mitigate inflammation, decrease pain and support your body’s capacity for healing.

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