


Sicily is the only Italian area where pistachio ( actual pistacia) is produced as well as the Etna town, with over three thousand hectares in specialized growing, reveals the major farming location (more than 80% of the local surface) with a manufacturing with peculiar qualities. Bronte, pistachio Eden, with a fruit with a taste and also scent widely identified as unique and also particular. The " eco-friendly gold", as it is called the "Pistachio verde di Bronte D.O.P.", the Protected Designation of Origin was acquired in 2009. Pistachio stands for the primary financial resource of the substantial region of the Etna town.

Below is Il Pistacchio, a business concentrating on the selection as well as circulation of regular Sicilian items, consisting of the Pistachio Verde di Bronte D.O.P., the cornerstone of our items for the best gelato shops and bakery.

After a lengthy commitment focused on boosting regional excellence such as the Pistachio Verde di Bronte D.O.P., the Il Pistacchio company has actually opened up to the foreign market, exporting its resources to the USA, Japan as well as Canada.

Pistachio (from the Greek Pistàkion) is a plant native to the Mediterranean container (Persia, Turkey), grown for seeds, utilized for direct usage, in bread as well as for seasoning meat sausages. It was known as well as cultivated by the old Jews and already after that taken into consideration a valuable fruit.

For chronological interest we discover for the first time words "pistachio" in the Old Testament, later in Genesis (origin-birth of the globe) chapters 42/43 verse 11. Still today, in dialectal speech we maintain the terms "frastuca as well as frastucara" which they indicate the fruit and also the plant specifically.

Corrupt terms deriving from the Arabic "fristach" as well as "frastuch". Certainly this is transliteration considering that the noise of the "p" missing out on in Arabic is provided with the "f" or "b". In the Brontese dialect of our grandparents the term "frastucata" suggested a pistachio-based dessert and "frastuchino" the pistachio green shade.

The Arabs, therefore, snatching Sicily from the Byzantines, to raise and furnish themselves in the cultivation of pistachio which in the Island, especially on the inclines of Etna, located the all-natural habitat for a lavish and peculiar development.

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