the lego movie prologue

the lego movie prologue

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The Lego Movie Prologue


The LEGO Movie Videogame - 2 years 11 months ago No Gold Bricks here. That's right, this is just a tutorial.  No Pants, no Golden Manuals, no nothing. After the cutscene, defeat three robots. Use your ground pound (jump and attack while in the air) as much as you can as it's absurdly powerful. Once the robots are gone, Lord Business will sweep the are with a laser.  You can hop over it or just stand at the far left or right of the area where it can't reach you.  The laser will eventually topple one of the towers giving you LEGO bricks to build with.  Build with the happy, hopping LEGO bricks, switch to Cleopatra for her impressive vertical leap and hope on the plunger. Lord Business will send five more robots after you.  Destroy them all and he will again sweep the area with a laser.  Avoid it and eventually he'll destroy the other tower.  Build another plunger-powered rocket out of its remains and have Cleopatra hop on the plunger. Pick your favorite character and stand in the green circle. 

Hold down the prompted button, highlight the three glowing green areas and release the button. And that's all there is to it! See All Top Contributors » Need assistance with editing this wiki? Check out these resources: Beginner's Guide to Wikis The LEGO Movie Videogame Wiki Guide Prologue - The Prophecy Level 1 - Bricksburg Construction Level 2 - Escape From Bricksburg Level 3 - Flatbush Gulch Level 4 - Flatbush Rooftops Level 5 - Escape From Flatbush Level 6 - Welcome to Cloud Cuckoo Land Level 7 - Attack On Cloud Cuckoo Land Level 8 - Escape From Cloud Cuckoo Land Level 9 - The Depths Level 10 - Infiltrate The Octan Tower Level 11 - Put The Thing On The Thing Level 12 - Broadcast News Level 13 - Back From Reality Level 14 - Bricksburg Under Attack Level 15 - The Final Showdown The Piece of Resistance Skip to Wiki Navigation Skip to Site Navigation The requested page title was invalid, empty, or an incorrectly linked inter-language or inter-wiki title.

It may contain one or more characters that can't be used in titles. Return to LEGO Wiki. Ad blocker interference detected! Wikia is a free-to-use site that makes money from advertising. We have a modified experience for viewers using ad blockers Wikia is not accessible if you’ve made further modifications. Remove the custom ad blocker rule(s) and the page will load as expected.Due to constant abuse from this IP range, all interactive traffic is blocked. If you are running a legitimate crawler/robot, ensure that it properly identifies itself via the user agent with a contact site or address.Action Girl: Wyldstyle and Princess Uni-kitty at the very end. Adaptation Explanation Extrication: Emmet talking to Lord Business in the finale and convincing him to do a Heel�Face Turn is kept in the Junior Novel and Video Game, but the context for whynote  isn't. Interestingly, the video game keeps the Plot Twist from the film, but still . Affectionate Parody: The movie frequently (though not completely) parodies summer blockbuster movies.

The fact that Everything's Built with LEGO helps, as even the most spectacular explosions and overloaded action sequences end up becoming sillier as a result. Especially the scene with the real-life kid, which Emmet views as an Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever. Allegory Adventure: The movie notably toys with this trope. The entire plot of the film is presented In-Universe as a metaphor for Finn's playtime in his dad's study, which explains why the ancient "relics" of human artifacts can appear alongside LEGO bricks. However, Emmet, complete with mental voiceover, is able to consciously move himself in this world, albeit with great difficulty. It's left to the viewer's interpretation whether or not the whole movie took place in Finn's head, or if the world of LEGO is its own universe that Finn and Dad can just manipulate. And the Adventure Continues: "We are fwom the pwanet Duplo, and we are hew to destwoy you!" Arc Words: "See everything" is used repeatedly to refer to the power of the Master Builders to see the potential in the pieces around them.

Lord Business's obsession with keeping everything "how it is supposed to be." . "Now it's your turn to be the hero." Finn says that to Emmet during his vision, and Emmet says it to Wyldstyle before his Heroic Sacrifice. The power of the Special is... you're special. Artistic License � Chemistry: The mineral spirits The Man Upstairs uses to un-Kragle the Lego universe at the end would almost certainly remove the paint used to give minifigs their faces and clothing details, in the same way Lord Business uses nail polish remover to remove Bad Cop's "Good" face. We can safely assume that, being a Lego connoisseur, he was probably careful with the stuff. Ascended Meme: In the "Behind the Bricks" featurette, Vitruvius talks about how great it is that he's voiced by Morgan Freeman, noting the famous joke that "that man could read the phone book and make it sound interesting." He then proceeds to do just that.Vitruvius: Five five five, three four nine two. Just listen to that rich molasses.We have selected English as your language preference.

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