the best way to sleep in a chair

the best way to sleep in a chair

the best travel high chair

The Best Way To Sleep In A Chair


Edit ArticleHow to Sleep on a Chair Three Parts:Preparing Your Sleep SitePreparing Yourself to SleepFalling Asleep on a ChairCommunity Q&A When you are trying to sleep and a bed is not available, you can gain necessary rest while sleeping on a chair. To have a restful night, try to create an atmosphere conducive to sleeping. You can optimize sleeping on a chair with proper room preparation, supplies, and relaxation tools and techniques. Find an appropriate chair.Use an ottoman, stool, chair, or coffee table to keep your feet off the floor. Put a pillow under your feet for extra support. Keeping your legs elevated helps prevent leg cramps and poor circulation. If you are unable to elevate your legs, wear compression socks to prevent blood clots.Gather blankets to keep you warm during the night, a time when your body temperature naturally drops.[2] Larger blankets that cover your entire body will help keep you warm. Find pillows that can support your neck, back, and legs.

U-shaped travel neck pillows are a comfortable option for supporting your neck. Make the room dark and quiet. Close the curtains and turn out the lights. Turn off televisions, computers, tablets, or phones. By creating a "nighttime" atmosphere, your body will feel like it needs to sleep. Closed drapes help you sleep later in the day by preventing the sun from shining through the windows and waking you up early. The light from electronic screens sends signals to your brain that it should be awake. It is best to reduce use of these products before bedtime. Shutting down your phone completely or turning off its visual and sonic notifications decreases potential light and sound interruptions. Be sure to have a back-up alarm clock if you turn off your phone completely. Use ear plugs to negate street noise and/or an eye mask to enhance the room's darkness. Change into loose-fitting clothing. Drink a cup of herbal tea or warm milk. A warm drink before bed will help you relax.

Warm drinks also help prevent going to bed dehydrated. Having a glass or bottle of water near your chair will help with hydration through the night. Dairy products contain ample amounts of amino acid tryptophan, which induces pro-sleep brain chemicals serotonin and melatonin. Camomile, passion flower tea, and valerian teas have sedative effects. Complete your nighttime hygiene routine. Brush your teeth and floss. Wash your face or if possible, take a shower or hot bath. Preparing for bed with your usual ritual will help you unwind and prepare to sleep. When you soak in warm water, your temperature rises. The cool down period following a bath or shower relaxes you. Cover yourself with a large blanket. Support your head with your pillow. Try the 4-7-8 breathing technique. Controlled breathing allows you to focus on the moment and clear your head. The extra oxygen acts as a "natural tranquilizer for the nervous system." This breathing exercise can lull you to sleep.

Exhale completely through your mouth while making a "whoosh'" sound. Close your mouth and inhale through your nose to the count of four. Hold your breath to the count of seven. Exhale completely through your mouth with the "whoosh" sound for eight seconds Inhale again and repeat the cycle three times. Show more unanswered questions Avoid caffeine, nicotine, excess alcohol, and any stimulants that might interfere with sleep. If an easy chair, recliner, or otherwise comfortable chair is unavailable, consider sitting on the floor and using the seat of a normal chair as your headrest. A pillow or a rolled up jacket can cushion your head. If you know you will need to sleep in a chair for a period of time, plan in advance to have the necessary supplies.One should take care of their neck position, hands position, legs position and spine angle for a better sleep in chair…They should be relaxed and free from further movement during sleep for a better comfort…

Also feet and hands need some support… If they kept hanging, blood circulation may reduce in a mean time…Some comfortable postures are here…Some of the gadgets invented for a comfortable sleep in chair are as follows…Neck pillowDesktop nap pillow…(not related to the question… boyfriend arm pillowjumbo face/head masksky rest travel pillow…sleep easy neck supportnapwrap for hands supportupright sleeper…napscarfComfort is by far one of the biggest factors in work-related productivity and having a nice desk chair can make all the difference. I would recommend the Herman Miller Aeron Chair.As a well know icon in the professional scene, the Herman Miller Aeron has certainly been put through the paces by the thousands of people who own one and it’s safe to say that it has passed with flying colours, which is why it is at number one on our list. Price wise, it sits between the Sayl and Embody and we think that it is the perfect mix of both.It features a meshed back, however, it is much more supportive than that of the Aeron, and it allows your back to breath more than the Embody.

The arm rests are also slightly more padded, which can make a massive difference over a prolonged period of time and this paired with the wider back and seat, makes it the indisputable winner. Until you sit in this chair, you will never know the true definition of comfort, which is what makes this such a special chair.Perhaps this might help you, I found this chair on this article, it is number 1 on their list: Top 5 Best Desk ChairsIf the chairs have no hand-stands, you can just join 3–4 of them and make a bed. I used to do this all the time. Might throw your back out a bit, but it beats sleeping on the floor.Expert ReviewedHow to Sleep While Sitting Up Three Parts:Preparing to Sleep Sitting UpGetting Your Sleep Site ReadyStaying Asleep while Sitting UpCommunity Q&A Have you ever been tired in a place without a bed or where it would be inappropriate to lay your head down? Sleeping while sitting upright can take some getting used to, but it is an option. If you make things as comfortable as you can, you can make the best of the situation and get some sleep even while sitting up.

If you have time to prepare before trying to sleep upright, gather bedding such as a blanket, pillows, towel, or a mat. This bedding will make you more comfortable, and reduce any soreness from sleeping upright. Wearing loose, comfortable clothes and light shoes will also make it easier to sleep while sitting up. A special travel pillow can provide support for your head and neck. These come in a variety of forms: some go around your neck, some over your shoulder, some attach to the side of a seat, and some can be used in multiple positions.[3] Look for these types of pillows in luggage stores, airport shops, etc. Gather supplies that will help you sleep. Some people find it easier to sleep while wearing earplugs or headphones to block outside noise and/or distractions.[4] Likewise, many people find an eye mask useful for blocking out light. If you have other things that are part of your routine for going to sleep, such as a book to read or mug of tea, try to have them with you.

Making your sleep routine as normal as possible will help you fall asleep sitting up. Find a place to sleep. If you are sitting in a chair, such as on an airplane or train, you can make the best of it and sleep there. If you are free to move and find a place to sleep, however, look for a vertical surface such as a wall, fence, or post to lean against. If you have a board or some other flat surface, you can also lean that against something and rest against it. A surface that is sloped slightly backwards is best. The cushioning of a chair, recliner, or couch can be more comfortable than a hard surface such as a wall when you are trying to sleep sitting up. If you only have a hard surface, however, you can make it more comfortable by using pillows and blankets for padding. If you are traveling with a friend, or have one nearby, it can make things easier.[6] You can lean against each other (or take turns) and try to sleep.Leaning yourself back at an angle of about forty degrees is recommended when trying to sleep upright.

[7] If you are in a seat on an airplane, train, bus, etc. it may lean back slightly. If you are elsewhere, a reclining armchair is a good choice if you can find one.[8] Otherwise, just lean against a surface at a slight angle. Make your sleep site more comfortable. If you are not sleeping in a chair or other surface that is cushioned, you will want to make things more comfortable using the bedding you gathered. Even if your site is already cushioned, you may find a blanket and pillow makes things more comfortable for you. Put a blanket, pillow, or mat on the ground or floor underneath you. Put a blanket, pillow, cushion, or other padding behind you. This will provide support for your back. Roll up a blanket or towel and place it or a small pillow behind you at your lower back. This will provide extra support for your lumbar region and minimize soreness. Place a thin pillow behind your neck. This will allow your head to fall slightly backwards, which can make it easier to fall asleep.

Specialty neck pillows are made for this purpose, but you can use whatever you have available.Once you’ve prepared your sleep site and cushioned support, lean back and use your blanket to cover you. This can provide warmth and comfort, making it easier for you to fall asleep.[11] If you don't have a blanket, try using a coat, sweater, or anything similar that's available. Try to approximate your sleep routine. Read a book, listen to music, or whatever else helps you relax and go to sleep. Even though you are sitting up, this routine can help you fall asleep as you normally would. Many people find that warm drinks or tea can help them become comfortable and sleepy (just stay away from caffeinated beverages). Chamomile tea is a good choice because it has a calming effect and is naturally caffeine-free. Meditation and/or breathing exercises are also recognized as calming techniques.[13] A simple breathing exercise is to inhale for a count of 3 or 4, then exhale for a count of six or eight.

[14] A few repetitions of this can be very helpful when trying to calm down and go to sleep sitting up. Avoid television, computers, tablets, smartphones and similar devices when you are trying to go sleep sitting up, as the blue light from electronic screens disrupts the body’s inclination to sleep. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t fall asleep immediately. Just try to relax and get the best rest you can. Shift as needed to stay comfortable. Altering your position periodically as you sleep sitting up helps to reduce soreness and encourages better sleep.[16] If you wake up while trying to sleep, stretch your legs a bit and shift position slightly (for example, turn your head or shift your body slightly to one side). Give your head extra support if necessary. Keeping your head in a comfortable position is important for staying asleep. If your head slips to one side, move your support (pillow, blanket, etc.) to the side to give your head more support. If you head keeps drooping, you can also wrap a scarf around it and the back of your support (chair, post, etc.), if possible.

[17] This helps to hold your head in place while you get more sleep. Get better rest as soon as you can. Sleeping sitting up can be fine for a short nap, or when you don’t have any other choice. However, it can be hard to get the “active,” REM sleep your body needs while sitting up.[18] As soon as you are able, get deeper sleep in a more comfortable place, such as a bed, couch, or hammock. If you find that you are only able to fall asleep upright, it could be a sign of a health issue such as sleep apnea, COPD, or a heart problem. Contact your doctor if you are only able to sleep upright. In some cases, doctors advise against sleeping upright. Talk to your doctor, if possible, before you make the decision to sleep upright, especially if want to make a habit of doing it. Set an alarm, so you don’t oversleep. This may help to lessen the risk of missing your stop on a bus or train if this is where you are sleeping. Be sure to choose a safe environment to fall asleep, especially if you are alone.

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