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Tanning Beds For Sale Toronto Ontario


Ontario will join other provinces in banning the use of tanning beds by minors in an effort to prevent skin cancer, years after health organizations and survivors of the deadly disease started pushing for the law. The bill, which passed unanimously in the legislature Wednesday, will ban the sale of tanning services to youth under the age of 18 and require operators to request identification from anyone who appears to be under 25. Cancer survivors wiped away tears at the passage of the bill, saying they'd like to see the federal government step in and institute a national ban. Ontario Health Minister Deb Matthews says the new legislation on tanning beds is necessary to protect people in Ontario. Kate Neale, who was diagnosed with cancer at age 21, said she's willing to go to Ottawa to push for legislation, just as she did at Queen's Park. "I know it's going to save lives," she said of the Ontario ban. "I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy, especially somebody young.

So it's just knowing it will save lives means the world to me." The Harper Conservatives have promised regulations that would require all tanning beds to carry warnings about skin cancer and other potential dangers, but they haven't been finalized yet. Health Canada regulates the sale, lease and import of tanning beds, while the provinces regulate tanning beds for commercial use. "Of course a national solution would be preferable," said Ontario Health Minister Deb Matthews. "I think that's what the industry would prefer. But my job is to ensure the people of Ontario are protected." Neale, 23, said she started using tanning beds at age 16, tanning three or four times a week. She worked for three years at a tanning salon, where she was required to use the equipment three times a week. Neale said she loved her job and wanted to open her own salon. Two months after she left her job, she was diagnosed with melanoma. "I was really upset after working there, just knowing that I was very brainwashed and encouraging so many people to tan, like my family and my friends," she said.

Ontario's legislation prohibits ads and marketing of tanning services that target minors and sets steep fines of up to $25,000 for those who break the rules. Operators will be required to put up government-approved signs about the ban and the health risks of tanning. There will be an exception for medically proven light therapies, such as UVB therapy for vitiligo, which causes depigmentation of the skin. Matthews couldn't say when the rules will come into force. Quebec, British Columbia, Manitoba, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Newfoundland and Labrador have all passed legislation restricting the use of tanning beds by youths. The ban is mandatory in Quebec, British Columbia and the Maritimes, but Newfoundland's has not yet taken effect. Manitoba only requires parental consent. The Canadian Cancer Society said it's important to focus on youth because the risk of skin cancer increases by 75 per cent when tanning beds are used before age 35.

The World Health Organization has classified ultraviolet light-emitting tanning beds as carcinogenic to humans. "We've been fighting for this for years," said a visibly emotional Annette Cyr, who has battled cancer several times. "To finally get it passed, it meant — it's very personal for me." There are about 30,000 to 40,000 cases of skin cancer in Ontario each year and it's continuing to rise, said Cyr, who is also chairwoman of the Melanoma Network of Canada. Other countries, such as New Zealand, are bringing in bans on minors using tanning beds. Cancer organizations and survivors have been pushing for a ban for seven years. But it took five years — and three private member's bills from New Democrat health critic France Gelinas and former Liberal MPP Khalil Ramal — before the governing Liberals took up the cause. They announced the legislation just over a year ago amid a growing scandal over the costly cancellation of two gas plants, which the opposition parties say was an attempt to change the channel.

Gelinas said the Liberals should have acted years ago, but she'll still celebrate the passage of the bill as a "small victory." The Skin Cancer Prevention Act (Tanning Beds), 2013 The new Skin Cancer Prevention Act (Tanning Beds), 2013, which bans the use of tanning beds by youth under 18 years of age, will take effect on Thursday May 1, 2014. Prohibits the sale, advertising and marketing of tanning services to youth under 18; Requires that tanning bed operators request identification from anyone who appears under 25 years old; Requires tanning bed operators to post signs stating the ban on minors and the health risks of tanning bed use; Requires that all individuals using tanning beds are provided with protective eyewear; Requires that all tanning bed operators provide written notice of their location and business contact information to their local Medical Officer of Health; Sets fines for tanning bed owners/operators who fail to comply; Authorizes inspectors to inspect and enforce these requirements.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has classified tanning beds in its highest cancer risk category along with asbestos and tobacco. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has stated that tanning bed use increases the risk of the deadliest form of skin cancer, malignant melanoma. That risk is 75% higher if tanning bed use begins before the age of 35. This legislation will reduce the likelihood of youth being exposed to UV radiation at a young age. How it affects you? Tanning bed operators must be aware of their responsibilities under the new legislation that include: Not providing or selling tanning services to youth under the age of 18; Providing written notice of their business name, address and telephone number to the local Medical Officer of Health; Requesting appropriate identification from anyone who appears to be under 25 years old; Restricting advertising and marketing targeted at youth under 18 years old; Posting the required health warning and identification signs;

Requiring the use of protective eyewear and instruction on proper use. How the Act Affects Tanning Bed Operators [PDF] Effective May 1, 2014, all tanning bed operators will be required to display four different types of signs under the Skin Cancer Prevention Act (Tanning Beds): a Point of Sale Warning Sign, a Health Warning Sign, an Age Restriction and Identification Decal, and an Employee Reminder Decal. Signs must be visible to patrons. Point of Sale Warning Sign This is the principal health warning sign that warns potential users of the dangers associated with tanning bed use, advises of the requirement to use protective eyewear, and advises on the restriction of youth under 18 years old. It must be clearly displayed within one metre of each cash register where tanning services or ultraviolet light treatments for tanning are sold. The signs must be in the format shown here : POS Warning Sign (Customer Poster) This sign must be displayed in rooms where tanning beds are located to warn potential users of the dangers associated with tanning bed use and advises of the requirement to use protective eyewear.

Health Warning Sign (Point of Use – In room Poster) Age Restriction and Identification Decal Retailers must post Age Restriction and Identification decals on all entrance doors of the tanning facility where there is UV tanning equipment on the premises. The sticker indicates that anyone under 18 years old is not allowed to use tanning beds and that anyone under 25 years old will be expected to show identification. Door Decal_Sticker (Age Restriction) This sign is to be stuck to the counter top at the cash register / service desk. From the counter top, the sign is to face the employee, not the patron. This sign reminds employees that individuals under 18 are restricted from tanning bed use and that they must ask for identification from anyone who appears to be under 25 years of age. To view Portable Document Format PDF files, you will need to have Adobe Acrobat® Reader installed on your computer. You can download this free software from the Adobe website. Call ServiceOntario, Infoline at:

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