


According to Black Demographics Stats;

Black owned businesses created 1 million jobs, enough to use 4% of the working age Black Population. Proving there's a connection between strengthening Black Owned Businesses, and diminishing black unemployment.

According to Google;

"Currently, a dollar circulates in Asian communities for a month, in Jewish communities approximately 20 days and white communities 17 days. How long can a dollar circulate in the Black community? 6 hours!

In 2018 US Census Bureau estimated 47,841,851 African Americans in the USA which is 14.6% of the total American population of 327.2 Million. This includes those who identify as'Black Only' and as'Black in combination with another race'.

Love and support black owned companies

Black American Unemployment

Black Unemployment Rate April support black businesses 2020: 16.7%

Up from March (6.7%). U.S. unemployment rate: 14.7%black unemployment is still nearly double white employment nationwide.

Jobs that black workers and white workers get Don't pay the same:

Black workers earn less money and build less wealth than white employees

Roughly 20 percent of black and Hispanic individuals live in poverty compared to less than 9 percent of white people.

The Statistics show Black Owned Businesses are more likely to provide Jobs for black individuals. In addition black people have to be trained to patronize businesses which are owned by black individuals.

If we can change our buying habits, change how fast money exits the black community from 6 hours, to maybe a week,'' We can revive new black Wall Streets, around America.

The only solution to the issue of high black unemployment, and poverty is to allocate national funds for Black Owned Businesses, not Minority which includes everything including disability, white girls, gay and little men and women.

Finally reparations will help heal the wounds of black people, and bridge the wealth gap.

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