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Sneaker Beurs Amsterdam 2013


Next Edition: Pitti Uomo 92 | 13-16 june 2017 Contemporary Global Lifestyle Exhibition times Registration times Pre-registration exhibitors: from 8 am to 10 pm THE EPHEMERAL MUSEUM OF FASHION Open Call: WHO IS ON NEXT? UOMO 2017Pitti Uomo 91: closing figuresPITTI UOMO 91: BUYERS' POINT OF VIEWPITTI UOMO 91: EXHIBITORS' POINT OF VIEWDe Telecommunicatiewet verplicht FD Mediagroep om bezoekers van haar websites te informeren over cookies en uw toestemming te vragen voor het gebruik van deze cookies. FD Mediagroep maakt gebruik van cookies om de website goed te laten functioneren en het gebruik van de website te analyseren en te kunnen verbeteren. Met uw toestemming verzamelen FD Mediagroep en derde partijen via cookies informatie over uw bezoek aan en uw persoonlijke interesses, onder meer om het nieuws voor u te personaliseren en advertenties aan te passen aan uw interesses. Meer over het cookie gebruik op leest u in het Cookiebeleid en privacybeleid FD Mediagroep.

I SEE A PATTERN HERE My grandmother would spend hours on embroidery patterns. Now I wear them myself. WELCOME TO BITCOIN EMBASSY IN CITY OF AMSTERDAM PART OF EMBASSY GLOBAL NETWORK Open from Tuesday until Saturday. Book a table if you want to organize an event in the Embassy. You are welcome every day from 12.00 - 22.00. Check all weekly activities below: We are Bitcoin Community Bitcoin Meetups At the Embassy you will find comprehensive and dependable knowledge relating to Bitcoin and the entire crypto-currency ecosystem. A place, for all walks of local and global community: inquirers, users, developers, start ups, investors, entrepreneurs, media etc. Our space can take up to 50 people. We have our Bitcoin Cafe where you can have tea or dutch coffee while you talk and share latest news from the decentralized digital currencies world. We have our Bitcoin Box Shop with all the gadgets and security products to protect your bitcoin. We have our Bitcoin Restaurant where you can eat great Argentinian steak while you are watching the sunset at our mining rig.

Of course you can pay with BTC too. Everyone is invited, information is free, we are driven by openness and clarity. We are not a ‘for profit’ organization, yet we serves as a facilitator/platform for bitcoin initiatives. We are official partner of the EMBASSY GLOBAL NETWORK. Bitcoin Embassy Amsterdam: Postjesweg 98 6-month Membership + LedgerWallet Coinoutlet 2-way ATM with 2% commission Ambassador order Ledger Wallet Nano for 29 Euro We will promote and host weekly meet-ups and crypto daily projects organized by members. You want to meet others? First check our calendar. If there are no meetings you can book your own table in the embassy, do not forget to add this event to the calendar above and specify time you are coming. There are many others who like to meet you. Book on our widget! Face to Face sell & buy Bitcoins event How to open your first Bitcoin E-wallet This week: e-Gulden Foundation. Web live show bringing the Bitcoin news to the masses

Embassy will act as incubator for promising start-ups Misses Bitcoin meets MrBitcoin. The Bitcoin Embassy aims to provide guidelines about compliance with European laws when dealing with crypto-currencies. Be one of Us We are the first bitcoin embassy that use multiSig wallet. Our funds are decentralized now. Spending can be only done when 3-of-5 sign a transaction. The Bitcoin Embassy Amsterdam is a location where the community and all the enthusiasts can meet and organize a variety of events and projects. You don't have to be a member to drop by and visit us to talk, ask questions and take part in all the activities. We have 8 tables for 50 people. You want to hang out at your own booked embassy table, become an Ambassador. If you are a coffee lover become a bitcoin embassy member and drink best coffee in the town, hungry the best Argentinian steaks are ready for you. Membership includes 1 LegerWalletNano to secure your bitcoin. You get massive 30% discount and save 15 euro.

You will support bitcoin community projects.6 Month membership: 35 euro By becoming an ambassador you are allowed to book one of the embassy tables via our calendar. Your photo will be place on our website and your private links.Monthly membership: 15 euro If you pleased with our work and would like to present your business, we have prepared embassy rooms. We also have a shop with a quality display ready to sell your product. After you made your payment for selected membership above send Us email and we will activate it for you. Beware, if you want to stay anonymous member or ambassador, send your payment from a wallet that you control your private key, this way we can verify your payment when you visit us and we will set-up a date for issuing your bitcoin passport. Become Ambassador and promote your Bitcoin projects on the Embassy website below Every Ambassador's photo will be placed here for a duration of the membership. Ambassadors can promote and write few words about themselves or about the projects they are working on.

They can connect to all social media plug ins. Visiting Amsterdam? Presenting your Bitcoin business? Become an Ambassador a month before, to be visible and book an event. I have dedicated last 2 years of my life & career to Bitcoin. Co-founder of the biggest polish exchange to bring Bitcoin to the mainstream. When I realize how a fiat money system works and how it is collapsing I was scared, then comes Satoshi Nakamoto and everything becomes history. "My goal is to find a balance between business and scientific approach." Organizer of Bitcoin conferences and oldest Bitcoin Meet-up in the Netherlands. Graphic Design Teacher at Tischner European University. If there is a night without a moon I paint one. "The power of bitcoin is a choice." Bitcoin enthousiast // Crypto Miner // Decentralization // VP Business Development Founder and CAO at BlockTrail - A platform for cryptocurrency analytics, intelligence - A platform for #bitcoin "Ik heb een infographic gemaakt over de verwachte groei van Bitcoin in het jaar 2016.

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